
Free Wavetable Synthesizer?

I need to implement a wavetable synthesizer in an ARM Cortex-M3 core. I'm looking for any code or tools to help me get started. I'm aware of this AVR implementation. I actually converted it to a PIC a while back. Now I am looking for something similar, but a little better sounding. ANSI C code would be great. Any code snippets (C or C+...

Java L&F customization: How do I use synth to customize BorderFactory borders?

Specifically, I currently have a JPanel with a TitledBorder. I want to customize the look of the border. In my app's current state, the title is drawn, but not the line border itself. If I bind an imagePainter to the panelBorder method for Panel objects, I can put a custom image around panels -- however it only shows up on those panels ...

Sound Synthesis Framework in C/C++/Objective-C?

I've searched the net but didn't found anything interesting. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I'm looking for sound synthesis API written on C, C++ or even Objective-C, which can synthesize different types of waves, effects are optional. ...

Synth LaF JLabel DISABLED color

Hi all, Using the Synth LaF, I am unable to set a JLabel's FOREGROUND color for the DISABLED state. has anybody succeeded in doing this? Here is my label's style definition in my LaF.xml file. <style id="whiteLabelStyle"> <opaque value="false"/> <font name="Bitstream Vera Sans" size="16" /> <state> ...

Lightweight open source software synth library on pure C (possibly C++). PCM. ?

Are there any portable open source libraries that support sample-based synthesis and encapsulate producing and mixing simple PCMs? I really need something minimalistic and decoupled from operating system audio output mechanisms. ...

How can I change the arrow style in a JComboBox

Let's say I want to use a custom image for the arrow in JComboBox, how can I do this? I understand it's possible using the synth xml files, or maybe even UIManager.put(...), but I don't know how. All I want to do at this time is change the arrow image to something else, either programatically or even just overriding the image it uses. ...

Insets for custom Synth look and feel

I'm implementing a custom Look & Feel using Synth for my application - basically providing custom versions of SynthStyle, SynthPainter and SynthStyleFactory. I am not using any XML, i.e. everything is done through the Java API. In general this is working just fine. The best way to set appropriate insets is however proving a little tric...

Controlling layout of a checkbox in a custom Synth Look & Feel

I'm trying to implement a custom "Steampunk" themed look and feel using Synth - basically providing custom versions of SynthStyle, SynthPainter and SynthStyleFactory. I am not using any XML, i.e. everything is done through the Java API. In general this is working just fine and actually starting to look pretty decent. However I am havin...

Synth LaF Different Panel Styles

Hi, i have an app with two JPanels and they must have different styles. I use the Synth LaF and I don't know how to have two different styles in one xml file. I define a style and bind it to "Panel" but then both panels look alike. Is there a possibility to define more styles and let synth know which one it should use on which panel? ...

Applying a Synth Look and Feel to Sliders?

Hey Guys, I have a bunch of sliders that I am trying to apply a custom thumb to. The dimensions of it are 12x20, and I am applying it using a synth look and feel with the code below. This displays the thumb correctly for horizontal sliders, but once I make a vertical one the thumb gets distorted on the edges. Is there any better way to ...

Java Synth: Problem with JTabbedPane and SynthGraphicsUtils

Hi, in my Java application, I have a JTabbedPane and a synth look&feel. The l&f is defined by a xml file. This works very fine for me. Now the challenge: I want the text in the tabs of the JTabbedPane to be written vertically, not horizontally. For this, I subclassed the SynthGraphicsUtils and overwrote the method paintText(SynthContex...