
Not receiving WM_QUERYENDSESSION when minimized to system tray.

I'm trying to catch WM_QUERYENDSESSION to save some data in the app, but it seems that I'm not receiving this message on User logoff/system restart when the app is minimized to the system tray. How can I catch it? Thanks. Relevant code (nothing magic in there, hopefully :)): ON_WM_QUERYENDSESSION() BOOL CMainFrame::OnQueryEndSession(...

Shortcut Keys in Java

How could I (for example) maximize the window from tray icon when a specified key combination is pressed? edit: So how can I detect for example when user presses Ctrl+M? ...

Tray app takes 40mb in xp and 10mb in win7

I've developed a small application in C# (.net 3.5) which runs in the system tray. Basically it just checks a rss-feed every 5 minutes, and if there's a new feed since the last time it checked, it displays a balloontip, and also uses the text-to-speech engine in .net 3.0/3.5 to read the headline of the fetched feed. It works fine, but I...

Properly displaying a tray balloon tooltip in PowerShell

Short version: I think I need help with properly using events in PowerShell that are invoked as a result of a Windows Message to get rid of a balloon tooltip's icon. Long Version: I have a long-running PowerShell command (a build) that I would like to be notified when it completes via a balloon tooltip in the system tray/notification a...

Creating a tooltip from a system-tray only app.

So I'm trying to create a tooltip at some point on the screen. ToolTip tip = new ToolTip(); tip.Show("foobar", **IWin32Window window**, new Point(100, 100)) The problem is I don't know what to insert as the window parameter in the above. My app runs entirely out of the system tray, and has no other GUI elements. It's called notifyIcon...

Distorted System Tray Icons

I've written a little system tray application that uses a NotifyIcon to display the status of a process. I'm loading a high quality 64 by 64 png formatted icon in the following way: Bitmap rawImage = new Bitmap(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Snitch.Icons.Loading.png")); m_icon.Icon = Icon.FromHandle(rawImage...

Notifier for System Tray - Fire when new record gets created in SQL Server

Work on a support helpdesk. New tickets come in and records are created in a SQL Table and they are dumped to a specific category where any analyst can pick them up. Front end does not notify analysts when there are new tickets, so have to contonously refresh the front-end (browser) to see if new tickets are coming into the 'To Be Assign...

How do I get a list of the active icons present in the system tray?

How do I get Active Icons in system Tray programmaticaly Vs2005 c#? Any Ideas? ...

Windows API: Is it possible to know if an icon in system tray is hidden by the user?

I need to know if the user has hidden an icon added by my program to the system tray area. Is it technically feasible? UPDATE My program - yowindow displays the current temperature in the system-tray icon. I want to spare the server load by not auto-updating the weather for the users who don't see the tray-icon. ...

How to detect the position of the system tray with java?

Hi, i have to detect the position of the systemTray with java. I already placed an icon in the tray but don't know if its possible to get the position of that icon? Best regards Hemeroc ...

Winforms - what's a cool taskbar/system tray notifier approach?

Hi What's a cool taskbar/system tray notifier approach? To get that latest cool looking sliding windows type notifications can I stay WinForms, or do I need to go WFP? Which control/class/framework should I look at? Basically after a more fresher:modern looking UI than the old winforms popular bubbles etc ...

Minimise any program to system tray

Hey, I am trying to make a program that minimises any program to the system tray instead of normally minimising it. Is this possible? I have been looking around on google but cant find anything. ...

System Tray Popup Windows 7 Style

Hey All, I want something like this: This window is not resizable, and aligns itself above the system tray icon which it is related to. I have this: Which is resizeable, and it goes wherever it feels like. If you click the volume control in Win 7, it always pops up directly above the icon. This is ideal. I've found this referenc...

How do I launch .net windows forms application with no visible windows?

I have a .net windows forms application that needs to open directly to the notify icon (system tray) with no visible windows. I realize that I can do this in the onshown event or something like it. But if I do that I get a flash of the window. How can I avoid that flash? I have tried modifying my Program.cs file to look like this: A...

Hide Java application from command-tab application switcher and dock in OSX

I have a java application which has a tray icon in the top menu bar of OSX. When I minimize the application I would like it to disappear from the dock and the command-tab application switcher and only be in the tray. I've seen other OSX applications do this, so I do believe it is possible, but as a newbie to OSX I have no idea how to ach...

QSystemTrayIcon does not show message

I'm trying to use QSystemTrayIcon to display a message after application initialization. My main loop immediately calls Init() function by using a single-shot timer with zero period: int r; QTimer::singleShot(0, &app, SLOT(Init())); r = app.exec(); return r; After some initialization steps, and the creation of trayIcon in MyApplicatio...

How to add ONLY system tray icon to application?

I am developing an application that will be running behind the scenes in Windows and would like to put an icon in the system tray for troubleshooting purposes (simple way for users to tell if the app is running). There is no other UI for the application, and the icon does not need to have any functionality as of right now. All of the so...

Tray Icons Keep On Popping Up

I have a WinForm program that checks a database for changes, and if there are any, it will open another WinForm telling the user what is happening (the popup WinForm has some special functionality making a MessageBox insufficient for this task). Each time one of these popup WinForms shows up, a new icon shows up in the system tray and d...

Java SystemTray and JFrame.

Hello All, I am work on desktop application in which I required a functionality which will take an snap of desktop and then will show it on a Jframe to user in 150X150 size. I am able to take an snap of desktop using robot class of awt and also able to show it on a JFrame as well but when it appear or displayed it will take all the cont...

Closing a window when it's "no longer needed".

This is kind of a hard question to describe, and I've searched for about an hour now to no avail. Essentially, picture a small 'flyout' window like the Windows 7 Wireless Control or the Volume Slider from the system tray(notification area). When you click on the icon, the application pops up with focus, and if you click off of it, the w...