
Can NotifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip in C# be customized?

Purely out of GUI vanity, I would like to make my task bar tool tip less...well, less "I wear a suit and work at Microsoft"-y. I can't seem to find a setting to do this, but I know that this particular function is relatively new so if anyone knows of a way to change the balloon look and feel I would very much appreciate a link or suggest...

SWT Tray Icon Popup

Hello, I'm playing with a Tray and TrayItem in SWT, and i was wondering if there was a way of getting the location on screen of the icon. I want to be able to position another shell just underneath it as if it were a popup. Basicaly just having a mare trying to find the dimensions and location of it.... Any ideas? Cheers Andy ...

Swing: Steal focus from other apps (usability in OS X)

I have an application in java swing which runs in the system tray most of the time. The user can use the Tray Menu to perform several actions. One of those actions is to show the app window. The problem I have is with usability on OS X. In windows, if the user brings up the app window and later switches to another app, they can switch b...

SWT SystemTray in OSX

I'm trying to add a system tray icon to my Snow Leopard java application, which seems to work fairly well. Unfortunately, it seems like SWT does not align the systemtray icon with the top menubar, but instead aligns it with where my mouse clicked (e.g. instead of

How do I hide tray icons of other applications/processes (from my app)?

hi can some one show me how to hide/show tray icons of other applications/processes using my application,i want to hide the ''connected to internet''icon(those two computers that turn blue when data is sent/recieved/both) from my app edit: i can hide system clock using this snippet taken from ShowWin...

System tray tooltip formatting

Hi, I am creating a NotifyIcon and then calling this to show a balloon-tip from the system tray: _trayIcon.ShowBalloonTip(100000, notifierTitle, notifierText, ToolTipIcon.Info); Everything works fine but I wondered: is there any way to format the text in a system tray tooltip? (In my case, notifierText) Obviously, I am adding newlin...

WinForm Maximize On Tray Restore?

Hi stack overflow, I have a little problem where if I have a WinForm and maximize it, and send it to the system tray, when I restore it, it isn't the maximum size any longer. I'm trying to set a flag IsMaximized to true if the form is maximized when it is sent to the tray, but when it is being sent to the tray, the form state is mini...

Notify icon not always appearing in the system tray after a setup, but still functional

First of all, when I start the application normally (double-clicking on the exe), it works perfectly: the notify icon is always appearing in the system tray. It also works well when the application is launched at the end of an msi Setup ( However, when the applic...

c# - Tray Icon not showing.

I have a NotifyIcon set up on my main form, however when the form ran the notification icon doesn't appear? I have it's visible attribute set to true and if I try to show a balloon tooltip: ntiTrayIcon.ShowBalloonTip(1000, "Info:", "Double click this icon to close AlwaysOnTop", ToolTipIcon.Info); That doesn't show either. What's the...

Application Client Agent Design

I need to create a small app which will run on my client machines as "agent" which will periodically check in with a server for certain tasks. Do I Create the app as a windows service with an interface for configurations? Create an app which will run in system tray, with an interface for configuration? Many moons ago I read that wi...

c++ create program runs in the background

i wanna make a program runs in the background and shows an icon in tray bar. I'm using win32. What api should i use? Do you know any good tutorials? ...

How to get the window handle of another app minimized to the system tray?

Instance A is trying to restore instance B's window, but I can't get the B's window handle. I think the problem is that the window is being minimized by B to the system tray using: this.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; And A is trying to get B's window handle using: Process process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); Process.GetProcessesBy...

Disappearing System Tray icons

Im creating a system tray application in visual studio 2010, using C#. When the application starts i create my thread and a system tray icon. THe icon shows, however whenever i mouse over the icon, it disappears ( the application is still running ), and even if i click the button to show all hidden icons, it doesnt display. However, if...

System Tray Balloon Notifications from Adobe Air?

Is it possible to make an Adobe Air app create a native windows balloon notification/tooltip? I know it is possible to make a window appear in the corner, but I would like to use native windows notifications. ...

File Explorer - Altering File/Folder associated icon programmatically

Hi all, Have you noticed modifications to the icons associated with files and folders when using file explorer in windows/linux while having a svn client installed (e.g., TortoiseSVN). Basically, when a folder is saved in a SVN repository, normally there is a tiny green tick icon added to the associated file icon. I want to know how Tor...

Drag and drop files/text to tray icon (C#, WindowsForms)

I'm trying allow drag and drop to the tray icon on my application. I know it's impossible to do this with the higher level C# WindowsForms API, since NotifyIcon doesn't support drag events. So with a little help of a more windows-experienced friend I set out to try this via Win32 API. The idea was registering a hook in the tray window ...

Windows aplication that lives only in the taskbar

I'm new to windows programming (any win 32 API). I want to create a windows application that listens to the clipborad all the time and reacts to keyboard shortcuts (for example you copy text from the ClipBoard and press Ctrl-F and something is done on the text in the clipboard). I know how to make a window app in win32 and in C# (.NET) b...