
System.Interactive: Difference between Memoize() and MemoizeAll()?

In System.Interactive.dll (v1.0.2521.0) from Reactive Extensions, EnumerableEx has both a Memoize method and a MemoizeAll method. The API documentation is identical for both of them: Creates an enumerable that enumerates the original enumerable only once and caches its results. However, these methods are clearly not identical. If ...

Rx: EnumerableEx.For() vs Enumerable.SelectMany()

System.Interactive.dll includes a For() method with the following implementation: IEnumerable<TResult> For<TSource, TResult>( IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, IEnumerable<TResult>> resultSelector) { return source.Select<TSource, IEnumerable<TResult>>(resultSelector).Concat<TResult>(); } Am I missing something or ...