
C# - Checking For Device Problems and System Problems

In C#, How Could I go about checking for device and systems errors? Would it be simple to use PowerShell Scipts, or would that add to the complexity and difficulty? ...

Using DbConnection.GetSchema() to retrieve all but System Dbs

I am using DbConnection.GetSchema("Databases") to retrieve a list of databases from a given connection, and that works as expected. However i want to sort out the system db's from this list, as they are not valid for what i intend to do with this list. Does anyone know a way to do this? ...

Iphone phone call and other system popup

Is there a way to detect if the application lose focus because a phone call or because an other system message is on top of it. When receive phone the system call applicationWillResignActive, and when other message box from the system is displayed the same function applicationWillResignActive is called. Thans ...

Hide console in C system() function, Win.

Hello. I am coding a C program in Dev-C++, and I need to use a couple of Windows (CMD) commands. It is easy, but when the command in the system() function is executed, the program runs the console in the execution. An example: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <windows.h> int main() { system("if not exist ...

System.OutOfMemoryException on WCF Web Service

I struggle on a System.OutOfMemoryException when performing an import process where a lot of objects are being created. The effect is that the ASPNET_WP.EXE blows up to 1.4 GB and the exception will be thrown. I already tried to implement IDisposable and calling the Garbage Collector (GC.Collect()) in that responsible functions, but no...

Executing external program via system() does not run properly

I try to call a program (ncbi blast, for those who need to know) from my code, via calling the command in a system() call. If I execute the string directly in the shell, it works as intended, but if I try the same string via system(), the program returns much faster, without the intended results. The output file is created, but the file...

How to find whether system has the font I needed in MFC?

I want to write the following function bool IsFontExistInSystem(const CString& fontStyle) const { } Is there any API in windows to do this? Many Thanks! ...

Is Team System a solution?

I am working on a web portal in ASP.NET (VS2008) with my 2 friends. We want to code, debug, test our webportal on different machines simultaneously. How it can be done? Is VS2008 Team System a solution for this? ...

Detect system architecture (x86/x64) while running

Is it possible to detect the system/processor architecture while the program is running (under windows and under linux) in c++? ...

Low-fi Learning Management System?

Being on the student council, I want to make a website for my high school. The website basically should allow the students to select the courses they are attending from a list of courses. For each course, the following features are needed: - Teachers should be able to list assignments, deadlines and tests. - Teachers should be able to up...

Can we install only MTLM for certain machines in the team?

Is there a way, where in some testers install only Microsoft Test and Lab Manager (MTLM) instead of installing the whole of VSTS 2010? ...

id or a serial that all windows computer have that cant be changed c#

I'm creating a program that authenticates from a before it runs. I also want to deny access. Is there an id or a serial that all windows computers have that cant be changed that I could put on a black list? and how would I access that in c#? ...

Copying a directory off a network drive using Objective-C/C

Hi All, I'm trying to figure out a way for this to work: NSString *searchCommand = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"cp -R /Volumes/Public/DirectoryToCopy* Desktop/"]; const char* system_call = [searchCommand UTF8String]; system(system_call); The system() method does not acknowledge the specific string I am passing in. If I ...

Locate windows according to system screen size in win32 programming

Hello I have creating one window using "CreateWindow".But is there any api which can give system screen height and width of the system. So that it will very helpful to locate windows according to the system screen. Thanks & Regards, KamalBhr. ...

How do I get hardware information on Linux/Unix?

How I can get hardware information from a Linux / Unix machine. Is there a set of APIs? I am trying to get information like: OS name. OS version. available network adapters. information on network adapters. all the installed software. I am looking for an application which collects this information and show it in a nice format. I ha...

How to print bytes using System.out.println ?

Hi all, I've declared a byte array (I'm using Java): byte test[] = new byte[3]; test[0] = 0x0A; test[1] = 0xFF; test[2] = 0x01; How could I print the different values stored in the array? If I use System.out.println(test[0]) it will print '10'. I'd like it to print 0x0A Thanks to everyone! ...

Why has my PHP system() command stopped returning output to my scripts ... i used to work!

I have a PHP script that calls a .bat file using system(). The output is written to the screen and I derive some values from parsing this output. This is running on windows 2003 IIS server. PHP v5.2.0 Specifically I am using this script to launch an Amazon EC2 instance and assign an IP address to it. It has worked great for me so far bu...

How to install fsd-amoeba(Distributed Operating System)

Hello All, I hope you to know about fsd-amoeba which is a distributed operating system. I searched so much in the web to find a good manual for installing this OS but unfortunately that doesn't help me so mush.( The problem is I cann't make vdisk. If you need more details don't hesitate to...

Differences in code between Windows 32 bits and 64 bits

I was experimenting with the following code to simulate GetProcAddress. // Retrieve NT header from base address. IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *GetNtHeaderFromBase( void *pBaseAddr ) { IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *pDosHeader; IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *pNtHeaders; pDosHeader = ((IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *)pBaseAddr); if(pDosHeader->e_magic != 0x5A4D) return ...

Is system programming dead?

I am asking here from the perspective of a C programmer using mostly Unix. Is it still worth it to do system programming in C? ...