
Dockable Form

How do you create a "dockable" form, similar to the windows in Visual Studio? ...

tabbed document interface in WPF using only on-board means?

I've seen two threads here about TDI & C#. Both of them didn't really answer the questions I have ... Since TDIs are pretty much like a standard nowadays, I can hardly imagine, that I have to buy a special control (like AvalonDock or SandDock). This must be possible with built in the tab-control(?) somehow! I don't need special feature...

CDockablePane as a tabbed document does not send WM_SETFOCUS or WM_MDIACTIVATE

I have a class derived from CDockablePane. I need to do something when the view is focused, so I handle WM_SETFOCUS and it all works nicely most of the time. But when the pane is docked in Tabbed Document mode (TDI), and the user activates it, the WM_SETFOCUS is not called. I used Spy and noticed the WM_MDIACTIVATE message is sent to t...

MFC Tabbed Documents - how to enable middle-mouse button to close document?

If you create a new MFC application (with MFC Feature Pack), and using all the defaults, click Finish. It creates an MDI application with the new "Tabbed Documents" style. I think these are great except it really annoys me that I can't close a Tabbed Document window by middle-clicking on the tab. This is possible in Firefox, IE, Chro...

SDI vs MDI vs TDI vs ???

I'm making a small business application and I'm wondering what the best interface would be. The application itself is your run-of-the-mill service ticket tracker. There will be forms for searching tickets (with a grid for results), creating a new ticked & viewing an existing ticket, managing some administrative stuff (users, a few classi...