
For portrait orientation on Tabs

I would like to restrict my application which uses Tabs to portrait orientation. I have 4 tabs and I set the "android:configChanges="orientation" for all 4 tabs but the orientation still changes when i rotate the phone. Seem pretty straight forward. Am I missing something? Thanks ...

Andorid: TabHost without TabActivity

Hello, I want to create tabs without extending TabActivity. (The reason is that TabActivity cannot handle a custom titlebar as it seems). I have public class startTab extends Activity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.mylayou...

Android: Options menu for nested Activity in Tab

I have a TabActivity which contains an Activity. When the tab for the activity is selected, if I press the Menu button, onPrepareOptionsMenu is called in the parent TabActivity, but not on the activity for the tab which was selected. The options menu for the activity in the tab isn't shown unless I click inside the tab, then I get call...

loading MapView from Main Activity slow animation almost hangs for a moment

i have the following code in a TabHost/TabWdiget for an activity in a Tab that has a ListView that calls my MapView if(_list.get(position).enabled) { convertView.setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { _context.startActivity(i); } }); } When the animatio...

Navigation between tabs in TabHost

Is there a possibility to navigate between Activities tabs in TabHost using back button? When I press it, I go out of the main Activity to the previous one. ...

understanding Activity's setContentView

I need to create all the UI programmatically "on demand", this means I can't use any XML. This is the pseudo code of what I do: View v = new MyView(); activity.setContentView(v); tabHost = new TabHost(); .... tabHost.setup(); TabSpec tabSpec = _tabHost.newTabSpec(page); tabSpec.setIndicator(title); tabSpec.setContent((T...

Intercept onOptionsItemSelected

I have a top level TabHost that implements the onCreateOptionsMenu method. And I want sub-activities (those within the tabs) to be able to intercept the options menu via onOptionsItemSelected. Like for example, in the options menu I have an item called, "Edit Note" and in one tab there is a ListView with a list of all the notes. I want t...

How to get rid of horizontal scroll bar in tabhost?

I want to get rid of horizontal scroll bar in TabHost. It's there even if TabWidget is on top. Below is my xml layout. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TabHost xmlns:android="" android:id="@android:id/tabhost" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" > ...

EditText and TabHost do not like each other...

I have a layout with EditText and TabHost containing 2 tabs. Android 1.6. I use hardware keyboard in following case. Steps to reproduce: When activity is displayed the EditText gains focus. As soon as I press any key the EditText loses focus and first tab gains it. I click on the EditText again and start typing. It works unless ...

Android Market-like tabbar

What's the best way to implement an Android Market-like tabbar (Apps/Games/Downloads)? It would be great if I could use TabHost, but I believe it doesn't allow this level of customization. ...

which view is getting loaded in TabControl

I have 4 tabs, in my application which is been developed in android. I wanted to know which event is fired when i navigate from one tab to another. @Matthew Vines *Where should i use this event in my code, as i am a fresher with android* public class Test extends TabActivity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstance...

android: using ActivityGroup to embed activities

Im in the conceptualizing/design phase of building an app and i've hit a bit of a snag. Essentially i was looking for a way to embed one activity into the UI of another similar to how a TabHost/TabActivity. There would be a window at the top of the screen which would contain the other activity, and below that would be buttons and control...

Android Exception: Did you forget to call 'public void setup (LocalActivityManager activityGroup)'

MyCode: public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); final TabHost tabHost = (TabHost) findViewById(; // LocalActivityManager mLocalActivityManager = new Lo...

Starting an AnimationDrawable in Android

Where should I start an AnimationDrawable that needs to animate when the activity is shown? The developer guide recommends using onWindowFocusChanged, but this isn't always called when the activity is part of a TabHost. I quote: It's important to note that the start() method called on the AnimationDrawable cannot be called d...

tabhost change activity

hello, in my app i want to use TabActivity ,suppose it have two tabs(tab1 and tab2) one have activity1(or View1),the other have activity2(View2),then i want to use menu,when i press item "tab3" ,the content of tab1 chang activity3(or View3), when i press item(tab4)of menu,the content of tab2 chang activity4(or View4).how to achieve th...

iPhone- like tab bar in Android ?

In iPhone we can create a view that has a tab bar and make it the root view of the application then use the tab bar to navigate through sub views. what is the most close approach to this in Android? Is it to use a Tabbed Control? but this includes using just one activity. what is the approach to use in Android to create an activity wi...

Anroid - Tab Navigation <while Spanning a new activity>

Hi, I have defined a HomeActivity with three tabs and each tab is a seperate activity.I used the example in the android developer site. Tab B's (second tab) UI conatins a text and button (named Search).When the user clicks the search button,it should contact a ...

If Tabs and Activities don't go together..Is there a way to cheat?

I am having a real hard time on putting my activities in tabs. I have an activity that parses an XML file and puts them on a list, and it works perfectly on its own. When I call it on a tab however it does not work (i get the dreaded "Sorry! blah blah.. has stopped unexpectedly" prompt... BTW yes I did the manifest). I have migrated th...

How to change the SDK buildin tab style into better looking1

Hi, I have been banging my head against the wall for few days for this and If some one can help me I really really do appreciate it. What I want to know is how I can change the tab visual appearance style of sdk original style into something like android 2.1 contact/phone tabs or android market tabs. I attached images underneath. I have ...

Few questions about android TabHost

Hi, I'm new in android and I have few questions to ask. Is it possible to use the keypad (Left and Right) to move from one TabHost to another? I successfully changed the selector color in listview, then how can I change the text color in ListView as well? Is it possible change the TabHost layout by own graphics? I have created a TabHo...