
TabHost on Facebook for Android

Anyone know how facebook did this: From what I know we cannot change the height of tabhost. I'm guessing that they laid the "Frank Cho" view over the tabhost to give it the appearance of being shorter but I may be wrong. Anyone know what's going on? ...

Change the Text on an Android Tab

I have an Android app with 3 tabs in a TabHost (text labels, no images). I set up the tabs like so: intent = new Intent().setClass(this, AnnouncementsActivity.class); spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("news").setIndicator("News").setContent(intent); tabHost.addTab(spec); I start up a background thread to fetch announcements from my server and...

Customized Tabs/Views - TabHost or ActivityGroup?

I am building a tabbed application. Things work wonderfully with TabHost. Unfortunately, my team lead does not like the look of the tabs. He doesn't like the tiny icon and the gaps between the tabs. So, I either need to modify TabHost or use an ActivityGroup. My first attempt was at changing TabHost. Here is the drawable for one ...

Anyone have example code using switched Views instead of Activities inside a TabHost on Android ?

The Android developer guide ( states: `You can implement your tab content in one of two ways: use the tabs to swap Views within the same Activity, or use the tabs to change between entirely separate activities. Which method you want for your application will dep...

Android TabView How-To SetVisibility of tab, or replace a specific tab?

Basically I want to dynamically change the tabs from an Activity. At first I thought I would delete a tab and create a new one ... Nope, not without completely removing / recreating all tabs. My second thought was to have all the possible tabs created and set their visibility as needed. Hummm...can't seem to do that either. Does anyone ...

Force Tabhost to initiate Activity (refresh)

To put it simply. From a context menu on a TabActivity how can I initiate executing the intent for the current tab? I am trying to force a refresh. The tabs all initiate activities displaying a subset of people names. While in one list you call up an edit activity which allows you to associate the name to one of the other lists in the ...

Android tabHost accessing specific tabs

I have a tabHost with tree tabs. How can I access a specific tab from the tabHost activity when this tab is not active at the moment. And a second question to this topic... How can I access the activity of a tab from another tab? I need this, because I have to update the second tab when something changes on the first tab. Thank you ...

Communication between Tabhost Activity class and parent Activity Class which renders it

I have a main class which renders tabwidget (tabhost) as follows: intent = new Intent().setClass(this, Articles.class); // Initialize a TabSpec for each tab and add it to the TabHost spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("articles").setIndicator("Articles", res.getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_tab_articles)) .setCo...