
Android SDK emulator (AVD) for tablet size

Hi guys i was wondering how to create an emulator environment for a tablet sized device, i know there are quite a few devices being released soon, but how do start sizing up my layout? thanks ...

Can I develop for Android Tablets without an actual tablet device?

I bought the Augen Gentouch78 to start dabbing in development for Android tablets, but this device is gravely excruciating to use (and I'm returning it). Is there a way to configure the emulator to tablet specs (namely Samsung Galaxy Tab)?? ...

Android Market to list my app on just one particular device or just on tablets. How?

Hi, I need to make an app available for just one particular device model (or alternatively for just tablets) on the Android Market. Is that possible? Thanks for any hints. ...

Good Resource for rooting an Android Tablet (Archos or Samsung Galaxy Tab)

Not sure if "rooting" is the right term, but I'm looking to take an existing tablet device (such as the Archos), wiping their Android build and apps from it, and putting my own build of the Android kernel on it. (This build would be very minorly modified, but I'd want it to support the hardware of the tablet) Are there any good resourc...

Can the same Android App be used for mobile phones, tablets and Google TV?

Is it possible to develop one app that can be used on mobile phones, tablets and GoogleTV? Thanks! ...

Android samasung galaxy tab emulator resolut ??

Hai, I have updated my android sdk with samsung galax tab addon , it installed successfully . problem is that when i open galaxy tab emulator, it displayed portion of emulator ,i.e; bottom of emulator is not visible. i thnk it is problem with desktop resolution , but resolution of desktop is 1280 X 1024 . Can any one tell me how to g...