
custom Tab Builder with tabs_on_rails plugin

I have use tabs_on_rails plugin to do tabs view. and its documentation told me that we can custom a builder to override methods like open_tabs: the method called before the tab set close_tabs: the method called after the tab set tab_for: the method called to create a single tab item the problem is I don't know where to put the overri...

How do I edit link tabs found on the default user profile page in drupal?

How do I edit link tabs found on the default user profile page in drupal? I'm trying to avoid having to create a user_profile.tpl.php file and rebuild the entire profile from scratch. If there's an easier way to do this, I'd rather do that. But, if I'm forced to create a custom template, how do I control the menu tabs for the profile? I ...

How can I reload an Activity that exists within a TabView?

I have a Tabview with 3 tabs (each having their own activity). I have a tab that parses a RSS feed. How can I refresh this feed via a menu button? I tried doing the following but I lose the tabs above of course. Thanks! Intent UpdateFeedIntent = new Intent(classA.this, classA.class); startActivity(UpdateFeedIntent); finish(); ...

How to change the SDK buildin tab style into better looking1

Hi, I have been banging my head against the wall for few days for this and If some one can help me I really really do appreciate it. What I want to know is how I can change the tab visual appearance style of sdk original style into something like android 2.1 contact/phone tabs or android market tabs. I attached images underneath. I have ...

Making jQuery bookmarkable (i.e - for a content slider)

I have made my own custom tabbed content script and it works great. The only thing missing is being able to book mark different sections. I know the URL needs re-writing somehow. At the moment I am using preventDefault to stop the page refreshing, this also stops the URL from changing. I have also tried manually re-writing the URL but ...

jquery slide out tab behind flash

on this site the slide out tab on the right slides behind the flash. any ideas on how to get it to slide over it? ...

How do you handle when you have too many tabs in your masterpage of your application?

Hi, Actually I think it is a bit design issue. Question is, if you have programmatically generated tabs -let's say by using repeater control- at the top of your masterpage, how do you handle them after you have too many -so that they do not overlap the view-port of the browser? I don't want to reinvent the wheel if there are already ...

I want my tabs to be loaded dynamically (only when clicked)

Possible Duplicate: Jquery Tabs- Load Contents only when clicked Hi, I am relatively new to jquery and web development. I am using jquery tabs to create tabs. here is the code <div id="tabs-1"> <%@ include file="page1.jsp"%> </div> <div id="tabs-2"> <%@ include file="Page2.jsp"%> ...

Searching for Chrome Extensions opening every links in a selected window/tab

hi everybody, I'm a beginner in computer, and I'm looking for Google Chrome Extension which would make easier my surfing work. I'm working on a dual screen display and i'd like to know if there is an extension which would allow me to clic on links on my main screen and would open them straight in a new window/tab on the second screen, ...

GUI Design Pattern , MVP, Tab Control

Hi, I have an application that has a window similar to the one bellow . The requirement here is that when the user clicks the Save button everything has to get saved. The "Save" and "Reset" buttons are "common" to all tabs. Hence, when the "Personal Information" tab is selected and "Save" is clicked the program should also save chang...

Dynamic tab generation in struts2

I need to dynamically create the tabs in struts2 using struts2-jquery-grid-plugin, like selecting from multiple select box and then dynamically getting the tabs generated in the grid. Any suggestions? Thanks. ...

python: open unfocused tab with webbrowser

I would like to open a new tab in my web browser using python's webbrowser. However, now my browser is brought to the top and I am directly moved to the opened tab. I haven't found any information about this in documentation, but maybe there is some hidden api. Can I open this tab in the possible most unobtrusive way, which means: not ...

dealing with double tabs in a tab delimited file in PHP

$lineArray = preg_split('/\t\s*(?=([^"]*"[^"]*")*[^"]*$)/', $line); Above code snippet it to split a tab delimited file where tabs are not inside double quotes. It works fine except the cases where there double tabs (missing fields). Basically PHP sees only one tab when there are two. Is there a tab-width option? ...

How to implement more than one jQuery scrollable tabs control?

I have successfully incorporated this scrollable tab control to my website: I would like to use this at the top of the page, and once again in the middle of the page. However, this solution seems to only allow one instance of it per page. How do I use it in multiple places on a singl...

How to have jQuery tabs with (partially) shared contents?

I've got a web site where four different kinds of data are shown, based on the tab selected below them. Some of the tabs need shared controls. Sliders and the like. I don't want to duplicate them on multiple tabs, because that would require syncing also their runtime status all the time. I presume I must make my own implementation for ...

iphone tab bar design dilemma

Hi, I have to make an app for client where there are functionalities best defined by tab bar interface. I am no UI designer but I have done some basic research and read the Human Interface Guidelines by Apple. Another point is that app deals extensively with Web Services and user has to login before using any of the features of the app....

Problem with Chrome Extensions

Hi, I'm trying to write a chrome extension that will take the URL of the page the user is on and send it to a server for a response back. So far I have been trying to use 'chrome.tabs.getCurrent()', but I get uncaught TypeError on the getCurrent object. Is there an easy way for doing this? ...

How to change the default behavior of the [TAB] key while calling an application from the shell?

The default behavior for the [TAB] key in the shell is to automatically auto-complete or list the files in the current directory. How to override this behavior in the shell for some chosen applications? Edit: This is not related to the application that is being used, rather, it's the shell environment that needs to be customized! (Thank...

Capturing the tab click event in Android Tabview

I have a tabview in my android app with 3 tabs. The tabs are all working fine. Now I want to perform some additional logic when the tab (on the top) of the currently active tab is clicked. Here is an example: In one of my tabs, I provide an option for the user to sort things in different order. When the press the tab of the currently...

Html: How to hide a heading when i select a "tab"

Hi all, My webpage consists of 3 tabs. When i click on the third tab, the heading must be in a hidden state. How do i achieve this. My heading div is as follows <div id= headingid> <h1 class="heading"> E-Z Search: List Search Topics & Criteria</h1> </div> ...