
How can I have a view and a subview under one tab on the iphone?

Here is my situation. I have an app with four tabs. The first tab contains a registration screen. Once the user is registered I want the SAME tab to load a separate "Latest News" screen instead of the registration screen. Any help would be appreciated. ...

Please explain this jQuery

Perhaps my last question (now deleted) was misunderstood so I'm reposting it with more clarity this time: jQuery(UI): $("#tabs").tabs({ select: function(event, ui) { alert(; $('input[name=myinput], textarea[name=myinput]').attr('disabled', true); $('input[name=myinput].' + + ', texta...

From tabindex include <selects>

Is it possible to tab to a <select> element? I am creating a rather intensive form that would greatly benefit from being able to tab through everything not just the text fields. <input type="text" name="date" value="00/00/0000" tabindex="1" /> <select name="hour" tabindex="2"> <option value="1">01</option> <!-- Blah more --> </s...

jQuery tabs selecting specific tab

I have a page containing a set of jQuery tabs. All the tabs point at the same target div, but load it with different content via ajax. When I perform the initial full page load I need to set the active tab differently depending upon various factors. The content in the target div is already set on the server for this initial load, so I...

Android issue with Tab initialization

Hi, I have a problem with a tab view on android. I am using 4 xml layout files (each a RelativeLayout) as the content for tabs in a tab view. The main.xml contains: TabHost (@android:id/tabhost) containing a linearLayout which contains a TabWidget (@android:id/tabs) and a FrameLayout (@android:id/tabcontent) If I embedd the multiple...

Emacs global configuration of tabs

I'm attempting to switch from Vim to Emacs, but I'm tearing my hair out trying to configure it to treat tabs how I wish. I require: Inserted "tabs" to be expanded into two spaces. Emacs stubbornly sticks to eight, no matter what I do. Tabs (i.e. real \t characters) to be represented on screen by two spaces. Pressing TAB should insert...

css tabs that do not require div changes for the active tab

I'm looking to get ideas on how to not change at all the code used to create css tabs (so that I can place it into an include file to avoid duplicating the code across all files that use it), but my current implementation doesn't allow this because I need to select the active tab using id="selectedTab". The only implementation I found s...

Use "tabs" in textarea field

Hello, Is it possible to use "tabs"(indenting) in textarea using javascript. When tab button is clicked, the next form element is focused. But, i need to indent the text in textarea. I am currently working in a project and any code with javascript or jquery will help me. ...

Android: Options menu for nested Activity in Tab

I have a TabActivity which contains an Activity. When the tab for the activity is selected, if I press the Menu button, onPrepareOptionsMenu is called in the parent TabActivity, but not on the activity for the tab which was selected. The options menu for the activity in the tab isn't shown unless I click inside the tab, then I get call...

Create a slanted-tab header in Silverlight

Hi, I wanted to create a slanted tab header using the tabitem control in the silverlight toolkit. I want it to look like the image below but i'm not sure how to accomplish this. Any help and direction would be gladly appreciated Thanks, Keith ...

iPhone SDK Tab Bar Orientation Change Question

Can you change orientation in an application using a tab bar. I.E. I have three tabs. Tab 1 is Portrait, Tab 2 I would like in Landscape, and tab 3 portrate again. Is this possible? Thank you for your efforts in advance. ...

How to detect the window(new tab) close event?

Hi, I have one parent page and child page. the child page opened in new tab I want to show one alert message (The child page is closing), when i close the child tab. How to show the closing messgae, when close the tab? (Not refreshing time) I used onunload, and onbeforeunload. Two methods are also called, when the page refresh an...

PHP switching tabs in browsers causes session not work and must relogin

Hello, I have a password protected area of a site that I use Sessions to allow the user to move from page to page of the protected area. However if I open new tab YET keep the other tab open (the one in the protected area) and then do somethings in the new tab and switch back then to the old tab I am forced to re login. I have tried set...

jQuery carousel entire slide changes with images/text/etc

Hi, I'm pretty new to jQuery but basically what I'm looking for is a script that can do the following: The numbers will change the entire slide (image and text). Can someone point me to a script that can do this? Or something very similar, I'm just learning about JS. Thanks! ...

Best way to load tabbed content

I'm working on changing member profile UI on one site. Project page: Goals: Usability: page load time must be optimized, especially images in the active tab SEO: pagination links within tabs must be crawlable Assumptions: Most users will go to "All" tab by default Most users ...

Accessing the content of other tabs in browser

Hi, I am using mozilla firefox and am trying to figure out a way to access the content of other tabs in the same window with the help of javascript and DOM (am open to other techniques if exist). Would someone help me? E.g. I want to run a javascript in tab1 which can find the title of some other tab. Basically I need this so that I can...

how to send keystrokes in IE8 in a particular tab using c#

Hello Experts, As microsoft have not released the tab's API, its quiet difficult for me to work around to sending keystrokes to a particular IE7/8 tab browser using c#/ I tried to get HWND(handler) of each browser's tab but its a same for all, so if its there something unique which I can get a hold on would be great. Thanks in...

Is it possible to set indent settings in XCode per project (or per file, even)?

Some projects I work in uses tab key settings that equate to 3 or 4 spaces and another wants actual tabs. Another mixes the two depending on directory. Is there some way to set these settings per project, or even better, per file? If not, does someone have a clever way of dealing with this? (besides "just remember which setting you s...

How Do We Let Users Add Our Application As A Tab On Their Profile?

We currently have an iframe-based Facebook canvas application in the works. The canvas portion is working fine and doesn't really touch the Facebook API at all, since we don't really need any permissions from users in terms of accessing their social graph; the data we're using comes entirely from outside of Facebook. What we would like...

Android Tab Tutorial Trouble

PROBLEM SOLVED!! I just found my mistakes, after looking through the debugger over and over again, but anyway, thanks everyone!! Hi there, I am very new to Android and was working through some tutorials. Now I got stuck at the Tab tutorial. The code seems to be fine at first glance as I am not getting any errors, but when I try to run ...