
Remove Info tab in Facebook Page

I'm creatinga custom fan page for a client and just curious if anyone knows how to remove the Info tab from the facebook profile? thanks ...

HTML elements: How can I simulate pressing the 'tab' key.

I want to trigger the same effect than when pressing the tab key on an element that has the focus. Is there any way of doing this? I am trying to make the focus jump to the next element. Thanks! (jQuery is an option) ...

Android: Scrollable tabs

Hi, I'm currently working on my first android application. I am using a tabbed layout for my application. I followed the tutorial for this on the dev guide and ran into a problem. The tutorial only used three tabs, but I have a need for more. As such, the tabs resize and bunch up. I was hoping someone could tell me how I can make them s...

Print WinForms TextBox with Tab Formatting

I have been working on some code that prints a textbox that lists contact information. When I try to print it, it doesn't print out the tabs that I used to format the text. Here is my code: Private Sub PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal ev As PrintPageEventArgs) _ Handles prndoc.PrintPage Dim fnt As Font = resultTextBox.Font ...

Deleting tabs when using tabs as spaces

I know that the general tabs vs spaces thing is as old as the hills and mostly comes down to personal preference/sticking to the style of your team, I just wanted to ask a practical question about using spaces in Visual Studio. There are certain things about tabs that bug me and I wouldn't mind changing to spaces while we're a small team...

jquery custom tabs not working

Hey all, I have a real simple script, where the user clicks on a link, a div displays and all other divs in the container are hidden. Yet, when I click, it does not hide anything in the below code and firebug does not report any errors either: javascript: $(document).ready(function() { var linksToInt = { "#pple": 0, "#se...

How to determine what caused GotFocus event of WPF TextBox - mouse click or TAB key?

How to determine what caused GotFocus event of WPF TextBox - mouse click or TAB key? I need to change border color if focus was set with TAB key and leave border's standart color if focus was set with mouse click. So I need to extract from event args what caused an event, or (better) write trigger to put it into TextBox style. ...

JEditorPane - make tabs spaces

I'm wondering if there's a way to have tabs convert to spaces in a jeditorpane, much like you'd see when working in an IDE. I don't want to set the tab size. I can already do that easily. I want to have tabs replaced with their equivalent in spaces. So for example if my tabs are 5 spaces long, I would want all tabs replaced immediately ...

How to use the jquery address plug-in with jquery ui tabs

I'd like to have my last selected jquery ui (non-AJAX) tab stay open when I refresh the page with the browser, and the back button should go back to the last opened tab. As this is currently not supported (yet) in the jquery ui tabs, I installed the address plug-in as mentioned in this stackoverflow question. Now when I apply the .addre...

copy textfield value from one tabs to another tabs

hi all..i'm using jquery tabs.. i'm use tabs-1 as input form and tabs-2 as show input data... i want after submit..all value inside textfield which have been type at tabs-1 can copy into textfield at tabs-2... where part that i must modify?at form or at process page?what's code that can make it works? <script type="text/javascript"> ...

Creating a tabbed UI without using Layout

As per the android developer docs for creating tab UI you need to have a TabHost and TabWidget and the TabHost must be the root node for the layout. All perfect, I tried the example and everything's fine. Just while looking at the API Samples of tabs, I came across (

Linux / C Check if a char contains spaces, the newline character or the tab character

I have a GtkEntry where the user has to enter an IP number or a hostname. When the button is pressed what the user typed into the entry is added to a char. How can I programmatically check if this char contains spaces, the newline character or the tab character? I don't need to remove them, just to know if they exist. Thanks in advance! ...

jqueryui tabs : is it possible to keep the navigation tabs visible when content is scrolled vertically?

My jqueryui tab-set consists of several pages of fairly lengthy content -- the user must scroll vertically to move through each document. Here's a simplified version: /MAIN TEXT\ /END-NOTES\ ============================= blah blah blah . . . (lots more text) . the end If the user is reading through the main text, and has sc...

For portrait orientation on Tabs

I would like to restrict my application which uses Tabs to portrait orientation. I have 4 tabs and I set the "android:configChanges="orientation" for all 4 tabs but the orientation still changes when i rotate the phone. Seem pretty straight forward. Am I missing something? Thanks ...

Simulate TAB keypress event in Selenium RC

I need to simulate a tab keypress in Selenium RC, using the Java API. I do this after having entered some text using: selenium.type(input, "mytext"); I've tried 3 alternatives to get the tab working: selenium.keyPress(input, "\\9"); and: selenium.focus(input); selenium.keyPressNative("09"); and even: selenium.getEval("var evt ...

What files should be included to use jQuery tabs?

I'm having yet another wtf moment with jQuery. I am importing the following files (among others) <script src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="../../Scripts/jquery.ui.core.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="../../Scripts/jquery.ui.tabs.min.js" type="text/javascript"></s...

Using the enter key in silverlight datagrid

How can I program the enter key so it works exaclty like the tab key in a silverlight datagrid? ...

Creating CSS/JavaScript tab panels -- with each nav item in the same div as its corresponding content

I need to create a set of CSS/JavaScript tab panels. However, most the examples I have seen put the navigation in a separate DIV from the content. For example: Is there an CSS tab example where each tab navigation item is in the same div as its corr...

Howto clone/copy/mirror a jquery tab

How can i make jquery tabs, with exactly the same tabs on top AND bottom of the content? So these 2 tabs combined, and MIRRORing eachother: ...

SQL script how to add a tab or new line within script

I have a SQL script that acquires table names and creates trigger for those tables. When I open the trigger after creating it all of the code is on one line. How would I go about adding tab and new line characters within the script to make the trigger more readable. Example code: SET @SQL = 'ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[TRG_' + SUBSTRING(@TABL...