
jQuery Tools - to make Keyboard and Cookies feature for AJAX:ed tabs with History and Google Analytics

Could anyone make Keyboard and Cookies feature for jQuery Tools AJAX:ed Tabs with History and Google Analytics!? The feature issue in Simple Keyboard feature for jQuery UI Tabs already has been done in jQuery Tools Ta...

Keyboard navigation for jQuery Tabs

How to make Keyboard navigation left/up/right/down (like for photo gallery) feature for jQury Tabs with History? Demo without Keyboard feature in Needed functions: 1. on keyboardtop/down> make select and CSS showactivenested ajax tabs from 1-st to last level 2. on keyboardleft/right> chang...

update data after click tab s

$(function(){ $('#tabsSlide #nav li a').click(function(){ var currentNum = $(this).attr('id').slice(-1); $('#tabsSlide #nav li a').removeClass('current'); $(this).addClass('current'); $('#tabsSlide #content .tab-slide').slideUp(300); $('#tabsSlide #content #slide-'+currentNum+'.tab-slide').slideDown(300)...

Hide tab bar when play video sdk 3.2 Iphone ipad

i have a tab bar at the bottom of the screen. An application with 2 view. in the first view there is a button, when press play the video start, but the tab bar remain botton overlay the video. how i can hide tab bar only when video play? ...

clicking anchor element within jquery tab loads new page *outside* tab

Hello, I would like to be able to click on an achor element from a page inside a jQuery tab and have that new page load directly inside the original tab. I used sample code from the jQuery tutorial page but to no avail! When I click on the anchor tag, I get redirected to but lose my tabs. Does anyone know what I'm doing ...

Jquery Tabs Cookies

I am trying to use the Jquery cookie plugin to remember the last selected tab. I can't seem to get it to work.Do i need anything else apart from the jquery lib and cookie plugin??? This is the code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#tabletabscampaigns > ul").tabs({ remote: true, cache: tru...

Jquery Tabs Help

So I am trying to make a tabs in a menu but cant make the whole width of each of the tabs 219px. it only allows me to make the li 219 but I wanna make the li a 219px. I cant seem to figure it out. Also is there a way to make a next button or would the best way to go to each tab and literally put in the next tab in a type of way? any he...

how to add file extension in url while passing it to ssrs

i want to save/open a file in txt format other then CSV in SSRS 2005. So any one who knows how to add file extension in url that can overirde default extension in SSRS 2005.. ...

Jquery UI Tabs only reload the tab contents

<div id="example"> <ul> <li><a href="ahah_1.aspx"><span>Content 1</span></a></li> <li><a href="ahah_2.aspx"><span>Content 2</span></a></li> <li><a href="ahah_3.aspx"><span>Content 3</span></a></li> </ul> </div> I am using Jquery ui tabs in Ajax mode. When my page ahaha_1.aspx postbacks my main page ...

How to change tab style in Android?

I'd like to my Android tabs to look flat and simple like the ones in the official TWitter app. How can I override the default (light) theme and change the background images for the tabs using style/theme definitions? ...

"Tabify" all files in Visual Studio solution?

There's a "tabify" command in Edit > Advanced > Tabify Selected Lines (and the Power Tools 2010 also provide this functionality on a per-file basis) but is there a way to do this for all code files in a solution? ReSharper has a Clean Up command but the only half-suitable option I found there is to run formatting on all files which does...

Refactoring Tabs

HTML: <ul> <li><a href="#tab1">tab1</a></li> <li><a href="#tab2">tab2</a></li> </ul> <div id="tab1" class="tab-content">content 1</div> <div id="tab2" class="tab-content">content 2</div> jQuery $('#mode li:first').addClass('active'); $('#mode').append('<span class="arrow">&nbsp;</span>'); $('#mode li a').click(funct...

two level tabs jquery

I need to have two level tab navigation. Basically like this: Tab1 Tab2 Tab3 TabA TabB TabC When user clicks for example Tab2 he then can choose again from 2nd level tabs (TabA, TabB etc). I can make the first level ok but I can't make the 2nd level. How can i put it in the first level tabs. ...

CSS class not being used on list item with styling

I have a list item thats styled based on the div container it's in. I want to add a "selected" class to that item, but it's not changing the styling. Firebug doesn't show it inhereting any styles from that css style. You'll see I'm adding class="columnTabSelected" to the first tab, but that's not changing anything. Here's a screensho...

Showing multiple elements onClick

HTML: <ul id="mode"> <li><a href="#tab1">tab1</a> <div class="extra">tada</div> </li> <li><a href="#tab2">tab2</a> <div class="extra">tada</div> </li> </ul> <div id="tab1" class="tab-content" style="display: none">content 1</div> <div id="tab2" class="tab-content" style="display: none">content 2</div...

Jquery tabs next button

How can I create a button that will scroll to the next Jquery tab. I want to have a next button within the tabs that will scroll to the next tab, sort of like a step-by-step tutorial. How can this be done: <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#tabs").tabs(); }); </script> <div id="tabs"> <u...

Save a tab in a jQuery Modal Window for future Display

Hello, long time reader, first time poster. I’m coming with an issue that many of you will find trivial but I’m bashing my head against it for too long time and I can’t seems to find any clue on the internet. As a total scrubs with JavaScript, I’m trying to use JQuery.ui smartmodal windows (v 1.8.rc1) for displaying two football teams ...

Android OnTabChangingListener

The TabHost widget has a setOnTabChangedListener() method to run code when the tab changes, but I need to run code before the tab changes, in order to validate the data entered. Is this possible? I was thinking about using a click listener but it seems like it would be fiddly to get it to detect clicks on items, and I'm still not sure ho...

Jquery tabs enable tab?

I am trying to enable a disabled tab in Jquery but it doesn't work I have my tabs: <!--Jquery AJAX Tabs Start--> <div id="signuptabs"> <ul> <li><a href="type.php"><span>type</span></a></li> <li><a href="ber.php"><span>mber</span></a></li> <li><a href="ces.php"><span>ces</span></a></li> <li><a hre...

Jquery click function does not load ajax tabs

I have some tabs that load ajax content. When I click on the tabs it loads the ajax content perfectly no issues works exactly like it does in the Jqueryui demos. But when I try and change tab using an onclick function it opens the tab but doesn't do the ajax. Is this a known issue can it be done?? Do ajax tabs rely on the user clicking ...