
Simple CSS tabs - need to break border on active tab

I want to create a very simple tab style that looks like this: _____ _____ _____ _|_____|_| |_|_____|______________ So basically there is a horizontal border on the bounding box that breaks for the active tab. I'm using a basic list, with the following CSS, but the outer border always appears over the individual tabs. I've t...

how to change the color of the tabs indicator text in android?

how to change the color of the text indicator of tab? i can change the icon using selector tag refered the example. but cant to the text color. how? ...

Why are the last two tabs in an android app doing the same thing?

I'm working on adding a tab to an application, but the last two tabs (regardless of order) are launching the same activity. If I go down to two tabs they both work correctly, but when I add the third the last two result in the same activity launching. Any suggestions? public void uiConnected() { Log.d(TAG, "UI Connected"); tabH...

Customizing tab indicator images in android?

how to change the tab indicator's images in android? there is a tab_indicator.xml file in-built in android sdk. in that the Relative layout has the background as a tab_indicator file as background. how to customize this images in tab_indicator and set our new images? I have a problem that the not selected tabs are highlighted with a whit...

How to disable Qt dialog default button changing with tab navigation

In Qt 4, by default, tabbing through a dialog changes the default button to be the button tabbed to. This makes tabbing look a bit ugly and distracting as extra redraws take place during tab navigation which distract from point of user focus. Is there a way to disable this Qt functionality and leave the default button unmodified by tab...

"Tab" disappear when adding new ListViewItem to ListView

Hi i am trying to add string to Listview the string contain Tab (or \t) character. when i do this the Tab disappear. code: string text = "test Tab";// The space between the words is "Tab" of course this.listView1.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(text)); why is this happens? ...

JQuery Tabs: How to get a list of the tab titles

As the title suggest, my question is what is the best way to get or build a list of the titles for the set of tabs. I was thinking I would have to build the list in a for loop, but there does not appear to be any 'name' or 'title' property where you could do something like this: var $tabs = $('contentContainer').tabs(); $tabs.tabs( 'tit...

Left-aligned tabs in GWT

I have a project in which I need a way to display essentially a list of tabs, each with their own content pages, down the left side of the page. I'm using TabLayoutPanels elsewhere to good effect, but after looking at how they are constructed it seems like it would be quite a bit of work to undo Google's carefully constructed layout and ...

Tabs in mvc

I have three tabs on page and one user control. I want to RenderPartial on each tab. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#tabs").tabs(); }); </script> <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#tabs-1">Text 1</a></li> <li><a href="#tabs-2">Text 2</a></li> ...

how to use multiple tab controls, and to be able to call a selected tab control with buttons.

Please I am trying to assign each button on the left its own Tab control. That is for example, when the Intake form button is pushed, it will have its own set of tabs (its own tabcontrols) am i supposed to place multiple tab controls on the artboard, or is there a way to programatically change the names of the tabs, and there contents, ...

Mutli Lines Tab Screen

Hi, I'd like to create a screen which holds some Tabs in a multi lines formation. I'm using Android 1.5 and develop for HTC Hero devices. Thanks, Eyal. ...

Where did the code that made it so you have to "fan" facebook pages to see content come from?

Hey there. I have noticed a general trend in pages on facebook with a tab that requires users to "fan" a page to see it. I know these people aren't bright, but was wondering where exactly did this code (not tactic - for the sake of not having this question deleted) originate? I would really love to know. Thanks. ...

tabs using jquery

I currently have a tabbed system in place, however it not doing exactly as I need it too, I was hoping that by navigating to the URL with #tab2 suffixed on then end it would navigate to my tabbed page and the tab that is present in the URL would be the one that is active, however the first tab in the sequence is always active, is there a...

Firefox add-on tab-specific buttons and scripts, similar to Page Actions in Google Chrome

I want to write a Firefox extension that acts exactly like the built-in RSS feed scanner (as an exercise). It should do the following: On each new page / tab load, it should scan the content of the page for RSS feeds If there are RSS feeds in the page, it should put a button in the location bar that the user can click On clicking the b...

Are you able to choose the starting tab for a TabBarController?

Just doing some programming for iPhone.. is there a method for this? ...

ui header is blocking a div

i have built jQuery drop-down menu which is having problems floating over the UI header. Flash and everything else is fine, menu has no problem floating over anything except UI headers, i have tried messing with z-index in css files but it seems that jQuery script is over writing all of my css. the JS files are minified so i can not edit...

drupal hook_menu_alter() for adding tabs

I want to add some tabs in the "node/%/edit" page from my module called "cssswitch". When I click "Rebuild Menus", the two new tabs are displayed, but they are displayed for ALL nodes when editing them, not just for the node "cssswitch". I want these new tabs to be displayed only when editing node of type "cssswitch". The other problem ...

HTML/Javascript Strange behavior with input field and TABBING

I have a strange error where if a user enters in data, say first name and then tabs, the text in the field is highlighted/selected as opposed to moving to the next. So, a person may type the first name and then tab to the next input item, text is selected and then they hit a character and now the name they typed in is deleted. If I use...

ADO Access Tab button

Hello I moved my access apllication from DAO into ADO connection. It works better but I am encountering a problem when I enter a value in a form's field then I push the tab button the screen takes me to the first fields of the form and I lose my activecontrol which is the control of the field in which i enter the value. N.B.: If I clic...

JQuery UI Tabs not working

Hi, I am using the exact example below from the JQuery website using its built in tabs functions: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#tabs").tabs(); }); </script> <div class="demo"> <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#tabs-1">Nunc tincidunt</a></li> <li><a href="#tabs-2">Proin dolor</a></li> <li><a href="#...