
How to Tab through elements in HTML.

Hi, I have a method called checkKeyCode(obj) which simply takes the character you type into a textbox and replaces it with its keyCode. This method is called from onkeydown attribute of textbox input (onkeydown="return checkKeyCode(this)"). The problem is then I want to be able to press tab and focus to the next element. I don't have ...

Problem in making a jquery tab visible and invisible with Css class in master page.

I've set of jquery tabs on my master page as follows. <ul> <li <%= Session["CurrentTab"] == "Firsttab" ? "class=\"current\"" : "" %>><a href="First.aspx">First</a></li> <li <%= Session["CurrentTab"] == "Secondtab" ? "class=\"current\"" : "" %>><a href="Second.aspx">Second</a></...

Jquery Sticky Tabs

Hi Guys, I have searched through this entire site but i couldn't find what i was looking for. I am using Jquery UI tabs and i try to keep the page on the selected tabs when the page is refreshed. This is what i got: $(document).ready(function() { var cookieName = 'stickyTab'; $('#tabs').tabs({ selected: ($.cookies.get(cookieNa...

Tabs taking be to top of page

I have set up tabbing but when I click on a tab it shows the tabbed content, but it also takes me to the top of the page, which I don't want it to. Here is my code... $('.team-tab1').click(function() { $('#team-tab2-content,#team-tab3-content').css('display', 'none'); $('#team-tab1-content').fadeIn(); ...

How do I add auto rotate to MooTabs?

I'm trying to get my tabs to automatically rotate, but struggling to get it to work. I'm using MooTabs which can be found here: The MooTabs code is below: var mootabs = new Class({ initialize: function(element, options) { this.options = Object.extend({ width: '570px', height: ...

jquery tabs dissapear when re-clicked

Here is my test page (dont mind the layout right now) i found something weird. if you click back and forth between tab 1 and tab 2, its fine. if you click tab 3, and got to another tab, the content dissapears... and i can not figure out why??? I am boggled, and can not fig...

The simplest tabs with history - back button

I looking-for the simplest tabs with history back button, but without ajax-loading files/content, like as slide divs. ...

How do I forward `<Ctrl>-<Tab>` in Konsole?

I want to use intelligent tabbing in Emacs in C++ mode, but I also want to be able to insert a tab character when necessary. From other posts, I gather that the easiest way is to bind <Ctrl>-<Tab> to indent. However, it appears that Konsole in KUbuntu won't forward the <Ctrl>? My current .emacs file contains: (defun my-c-mode-common-...

How to launch new Firefox window with multiple tabs using Python

Hi, I want to create a MSWindows Python program that would launch a new Firefox window with multiple tabs each time it is run. For example if I want to search "hello", a new window pops out (even if a Firefox window is already open) and then launches a Google and Bing tabs searching for "hello". If I change the keyword to "world", a new ...

In websites, VS2008 ALWAYS uses space indentation for new files

So, I've changed my settings in Tools | Options | Text Editor, for All Languages, Basic, and C#, to having Block indenting, and 'Keep tabs'. I've also tried this with Smart indenting too. Now, although once I start editing a file, its auto indentation is done with tabs, when I create a new web form in my website, VS2008 insists...

Jquery UI Tabs, Variable speed?

Hi I am working on a site where the customer would like the ui tabs to have a variable speed. This is what I have so far and am stuck as it isn't working: var speed=1000; $('#featured').bind('tabsshow', function(event, ui) { if ( == "fragment-2") { var speed=10; } }); $("#featured").tabs({fx:{opacity: "toggle"...

Python Expand Tabs Length Calculation

I'm confused by how the length of a string is calculated when expandtabs is used. I thought expandtabs replaces tabs with the appropriate number of spaces (with the default number of spaces per tab being 8). However, when I ran the commands using strings of varying lengths and varying numbers of tabs, the length calculation was different...

converted javascript to fbjs - tabs still not working

Hey all, I tried my best to convert javascript to fbjs according to this page: Yet my tabs are still not working properly. Does anyone have any suggestions how to fix this so I can click through the tabs and display and hide content accordingly: <script type="text/javascript"><!-- va...

using 2 different jquery releases on the same page

I am using this jquery plugin for a carousel controller, it is based on jquery release 1.2.1 I also need to have tabs on the page, but when including the current jquery release in the page, the carousel stops working. Is there a way to have them both live together on the same page, or is there a...

Dispose Form opened in MainForm tab

Hi, I have a MainForm which has tab Control and several independent form. I open each Individual From in the tab of the main form. A "Close Tab" button on the MainFrom closes the current tab, its implementation is below. This closes the current tab but what I also need is to dispose the From whose tab is closed but I am not sure how to ...

Android - iphone style tabhost

Is it possible to style the Android Tabhost to look like that of the iPhone? If not, is there any open source code that can show how to create Bottom Tabs for Andoid ? ...

Jquery UI Tabs, control variable lenght spent on each tab?

I'm trying the following to control the speed of rotation of the tabs but with no luck, any ideas? $('#featured').tabs({ onShow: function(event, ui) { if(ui.index == 0)> { $('#featured').tabs("rotate", 2000, true); } else if(ui.index == 1){ $('#featured').tabs("rotate", 5000, true); } else if(ui.index =...

jQuery: tabs where the tab/content can be linked to

My issue is simple. I have already implemented a tab system, and I'd probably spend more time implementing another one with the solution I need, than giving a shot at adapting the code I have, and learn something while asking :) My problem is that the tabs can't be linked to, I need to be able to link to a tab from another website or p...

HTML text-area editor for code that traps TAB key

Hello, I have looked for months now, for JavaScript-based HTML editor I can embed onto my web pages to replace a TEXTAREA, but to enable me to edit CODE in a friendly, closer to a real editor, way. All editors I've tried (RadEditor from Telerik, FCKEditor, TinyMCE, etc etc), do not trap the TAB key, very useful when editing HTML code ont...

SVN Export in Eclipse removes labels on tabs

I have a very strange effect when using subclipse with eclipse. Whenever I use Team->Export to export a file from the editor the export works fine, but the label of the tab of the file is removed. Effect can be seen here: Strangely enough it happens with php-files, css-files, html-files but NOT with ...