
How do I correctly organize output into columns?

The first thing that comes to my mind is to do a bunch of \t's, but that would cause words to be misaligned if any word is longer than any other word by a few characters. For example, I would like to have something like: Name Last Name Middle initial Bob Jones M Joe ReallyLongLastName T Instead,...

html - how do I make a page load in a new tab in IE8?

What combination of html and IE8 settings get IE8 to open links in a new tab. Or can you not do this with IE8, and you only get the new tabs by manually selecting File-> new/duplicate tab? My website works in Firefox - pages on the site load in the current tab, and links off site load a new tab. IE8 won't behave: target="_blank" open...

jQuery DOM manipulation

I have different php output in jQuery-based tabs. This output is formed from database and it consists of several <div>'s. Every time I click any tab it sends AJAX request to the php script which performs "SELECT" request and gives result back as response to AJAX request from the tab. $(document).ready(function() { $('ul.tabs li')....

Looking for MDI Manager with tab grouping that allows show and hide of groups?

I am looking for a MDI manager solution that allows documents to be grouped and show/hidden programmaticly. Example, 3 document types, red, yellow and green. When you click a button the MDI manager shows only the red documents by hiding the other 2 types tabs. None of the MDI managers (Actipro, Infragistics, etx) I have looked at can ...

How do i get visual studio like tabs?

Hi guys. I've had this thought for a long time in my head now and i've not been able to find the solution to it ! Please help me. I've always loved the visual studio tabs and how they look. They're small and perfect. The normal TabControl, well is -bleh- and boring ! And i've seen these tabs being used in many applications .. so, my Qu...

Missing/disappearing Drupal tabs

Hi, In my code, I create some tabs using MENU_LOCAL_TASK. Sometimes for some unknown reasons, the tabs disappears for some users. I have the similar codes from other Drupal or contributed modules. The only remedy that I can do is to truncate all cache tables and do menu_rebuild(). Can anyone help me? Thanks. ...

How to build a tabbed Edit View for a big ViewModel in ASP.NET without JavaScript?

I've got a big ViewModel for a ContactViewModel with several addresses (default, invoice, delivery). This ContactViewModel I would like to edit within a DefaultAddress tab, etc. and I would like to know how to handle this without JavaScript? Is this possible? ...

jquery UI portlet inside tab - out of boundary problem

I am using jquery UI tab, and one of the tab panels contains the UI portlets. The problem is that the portlets are not inside the tab boundary, here is a screen shot: here is the main page here is the include file for the portlets, newPort...

In a Tab Bar based app a controller release data of the other ! !

Hi all ! I've made a ViewBased app, in the app delegate i've set a UITabBarCotntroller, in the app i have different view Controller two of them displays text in a UITextView and labels, the other one is my "ShakeController" a UIViewController in which i've set a UIAcelerometerDelegate, in it i create a instance of UIAccelerometer, in t...

Enforce "spaces" or "tabs" only in python files ?

In Python, is there a mean to enforce the use of spaces or tabs indentation with a per file basis ? Well, perhaps "enforce" is too strong, more like a "recommendation". I keep receiving patch files with mixed indentation and this is annoying... (to say the least) Python itself can tell when there is a problem, but I am searching somet...

Showing div tags using jQuery

Hi, I am using VS.Net 2008. I have created a Ajax web application in C#. In the webform1 i have 6 div tags. In each of the div tags i am showing a .acsx file. Here i am able to move betwwen each of the tabs created using DIV and Jquery. Now when i am in UserControl1.acsx and click a button control in the webform1, I have to go to the la...

css - get rid of spaces between spans

I'm trying to emulate a tab bar with html I'd like the width of each tab to be set according to the text lenght (that is, no fixed width) and to word wrap in case it exceeds the screen width I've almost achieved it <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> #myTabs .tab { float: left; } #myTabs .tab_middle { margi...

Android tabactivity problem

Hi, I'm having some difficulties getting the TabActivity to work. Here's the implementation of the class: public class Profile extends TabActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); final TabHost tabHost = getTabHost(); if (tabHost.isEnabled()) { Log....

Advantages of different tab layouts

When developing for android what are the benefits of using tabs to hold views or hold separate activities. I've read that both ways are better, but can't seem to find any good resources suggesting why or when to use each method. ...

Open a chrome tab from delayed javascript

When I"http://blarg") in chrome, I get a new tab. If I delay the open, say using a jquery $(hrm).animate({},5e3,function(){; it opens the url in a new window with no status bar, etc — if I give it permission to pop-up that is. I'm looking for a way to get the instant behavior, that is, I wish to open a URL...

How to get URL, tab number, browser name/number with Qt?

I'd like to monitor activity on browsers, creating a list with URLaddress, browser number (if have many opened at the same time) and tab number (if there are more than one tab opened). How to do it with Qt 4.6? ...

Potential annoyances of tab delimited Python source?

Edit: This question has already been asked and answered, and I apparently am not good at using the search wizard. See and the link in the comments. Thanks for replying to those who did so. I want to start a new project, ...

Calling a function defined in a content page loaded by jQuery tabs

Hi, I want to call a callback method that may or may not be implemented in pages being loaded as Ajax content by jQuery tabs. In other words, I have a set of jQuery tabs that load content rendered in JSP files. Some of these files have additional Ajax content in them, some don't. What I could do is: $(document).ready(function() { ...

Android - Switch Tabs from within an Activity within a tab.

Currently I have a TabHost implemented with 3 tabs each containing a separate activity. My question is how do I switch between tabs from within one of the activities that is located inside the tab host. I've looked everywhere and have been unsuccessful in finding a real answer to this problem. ...

TabWidget white foreground color?

I don't know what I did but for a period of time my TabWidget had white colored tabs which looked really nice. I never set a theme or background/foreground color in my project at all. The next time I compiled it it reverted back to the gray tabs. My application is using the default dark theme. Even if I set the application theme to light...