
Is it possible to control the size of a TAB character in a Flash/Flex TextField?

I figured out how to get a TextField to maintain focus when the tab key is pressed (using an event listener on FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE), but what I'd like to do is control the size of the tab character in the TextField so that it is equal to five spaces. (I would just insert five spaces when the tab key is pressed, however due to req...

Is it possible to create support for tab button in html textarea with JavaScript?

I hate when I try to edit html in textarea, because it doesn't recognize tab button, so I cannot indent my code. So is it possible to generate tab support to textareas with html? And is it possible to create support for tab button with JavaScript? ...

scroll tabs in flex 3

Hi, I need to make a tab navigator in flex3. If no. of tabs increases then i need to show scrollbar to navigate over the tabs. I am trying to do this using tabBar. But if no. of tab increases it puts scrollbar around the parent of tabBar and its content. Whereas i need to scroll only tabs not its content like in firefox. Could anybody...

android tabwidget intent tabs refresh every hit

I want to create a tab using child tab having intents, so that when ever user click on tabs intents get refresh. Every time user click on tab i want to refresh and called oncreate method of child intent tabs. public class Tabs3 extends TabActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(save...

Drupal - editing tab options for a content type not showing up

I'm working on a D5 site and a lot of the content types have the menus at the top of the edit page. Examples: Overview | Grants | Dev load | Dev render | Edit | Revisions | Track | Workflow Overview | Dev load | Dev render | Edit | Revisions | Track | Workflow | Node queue | RelatedContent I'm not sure where these tabs come from, b...

Best approach for a multi-tab ASP.NET AJAX control?

Looking for some implementation advice: I have a page that has a 3-tab ajaxToolkit:TabContainer. The purpose of the page is to expose a calculator that has two basic inputs: geo-location and date. The three tabs are labeled "City and State", "Postal Code", and "GPS Coordinates". The layout of each tab container is the same for each tab,...

how to set the tabs in the bottom of the screen in android?

hi all, i am working on tabactivity. i wanna show my tabwidget below the tabcontent(framelayout). i done it by setting the tabwiget tab attribute as android:gravity="bottom" but the framelayout cant align with those tabs. that is the tabs are shown at the bottom of the screen and overlap the framelayout how to do that? if set so...

Tableview not drilling down

Ok, Here is the code in my AppDelegate that loads the Schedule nib. Schedule *newestVideoController = [[Schedule alloc] initWithNibName:@"Schedule" bundle:nil]; newestVideoController.tabBarItem = [[UITabBarItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Schedule" image:[UIImage imageNamed:@"app-icon_2_newest.png"] tag:2]; NSArray *controllers = [NS...

ExtJs add panel as tab item

I have a setup where the tab is expected to be loaded based on user selection of an item from a left panel tree. My objective is to load only the relevant items as per the user selection to a particular tab. The first time, I am able to add item as below: var tab = tabs1.getItem('Orders'); tab.remove(0); tab.add(pane33...

How to check if text is "empty" (spaces, tabs, newlines) in Python?

How can I test if the string is empty in Python? For example, "<space><space><space>" is empty, so is "<space><tab><space><newline><space>", so is "<newline><newline><newline><tab><newline>", etc. ...

Python - file contents to nested list

Hi All, I have a file in tab delimited format with trailing newline characters, e.g., 123 abc 456 def 789 ghi I wish to write function to convert the contents of the file into a nested list. To date I have tried: def ls_platform_ann(): keyword = [] for line in open( "file", "r" ).readlines(): for value in line....

how to add and remove jquery tabs dynamically?

hi, I have an aspx page on which I have 2 static jquery tabs.Upon clicking on a button avaiable on one of these tabs,I would like to add a new tab dynamically,which gets its content loaded from another aspx page.I've also tried with the following sample I've downlo...

jquery how to show specific tab with link from another page

how to show specific tab with link from another page <a href="index.php?page=home#tab2">Home</a> this is the JS code: $(document).ready(function() { //When page loads... $(".tab_content").hide(); //Hide all content //$("ul.tabs li:first").addClass("active").show(); //Activate first tab $(".tab_content:first").show()...

Similar to ``tabnanny``, how can I check that all the python code is using 4 spaces as an indent?

Similar to tabnanny, is there a utility for python to check if a python file is using 4 spaces for indentation? ...

jQuery - Tabs - Need a little help/direction.

Once again, I have a question about jQuery, but I'm doing my best to learn, but sometimes tutorials don't give me everything I need. I'm trying to make a set of tabs work, however, nothing seems to be working.. Here's the code I'm working with: HTML: <!-- TAB SECTION --> <div id="tab_container"> <ul id="tab_list"> <...

How do I make JQuery append work in IE 7 and 8?

This is my code: $("#multimedia-tabs #"+response.currenttab+" #"+response.currenttab+"div").append(divHtml); Where divHtml has the html li tags It works fine in FF and chrome but not in IE7 and 8 :( Tried many alternatives available on this site but no joy! Please help $(document).ready(function() { $("#next").live('click', f...

jQuery - addClass or removeClass - Is there an append class?

I have css hover over images for my tabs and I'm trying to get the class to change from .how to .how_on when I click on the image HOW. My tabs are HOW | WHAT | WHEN | WHO | WHY I have classes for each (.how, .how_on), (.what, .what_on), etc... Can I make jQuery add _on to the original class name using click(function(){}); ? ...

default menu option

how can I make this menu here have the default be the "about" tab? so when your mouse isnt hovering over any of them, its on the about tab? ...

[Zend_View] Tabs contain object (embedding documents)

Hi, My project is based on MVC architecture and I have a UI design pattern problem. I have several tabs which contain object as show in the picture. My first idea was to link a tab to one view (phtml) so in the document each tabs is an embedding document. The tab contains an element with an url to a page. I show you a piece of code. T...

SetFocus for a Tabpanel within a tabcontainer

I need to setfocus to a control within a tabpanel of a tabcontainer based on the input validation. The control with the erroneous input needs to be focused and the activetabindex needs to be set for the tabpanel containing the control which genearated the error Is it possible to set activetabindex of the tabcontainer using the control's...