
Use Tab-key on a multiline text filed in swt?

How do I prevent a multi-line text field from "stealing" tab-key presses? I mean: I'd like to use TAB to cycle between the elements of a window, but when I enter the multiline text, TAB becomes a "normal" key, and simply inserts tabulators into the text I'm typing. How do I handle this? Should I write some custom listener, or can I cha...

PyGTK: How do I make a custom widget look like a gtk.Notebook tab?

Hi, I'm writing a program and I need some extra functionality from the gtk.Notebook widget, so I have taken to creating my own. My only problem is styling my tabs so that they look like the tabs in gtk.Notebook and will change according to the user's theme. I really don't know where to start so any advice would be much appreciated, th...

jquery tools - tabs mouseover - adding a link

I love this tool to show text when moving the mouse over the pix: Now I'm trying to open a link, when one of the pix is clicked by the mouse. I tried this way: original: <'img src="" alt="Commercial version" />' adding link: <...

jquery tools - tabs mouseover - 2nd.

I use this tool to show text when moving the mouse over the pix: Does anybody have an idea how to force that the "context" of the second pic is shown when opening the demo-page instead of the context of the first pic (default)? Thanks for any help! ...

jQuery Tabs causes problems in IE8?

I am using jQuery Tabs with jQuery 1.3.2 run locally. The tabs get created just fine, but IE tells me that the site is running content that could be a security risk (which is annoying, but maybe that's what always happens when IE sees any javascript...I wouldn't know because I don't use IE). Anyway, I have 3 tabs, and whenever the user g...

anchor inside ajax tabs with jquery

hi, i'm building a faq page and i want to load the content inside a page page via ajax with jqyery tabs. i want to avoid to have different pages for every faq so i want to load the content with and anchor. how can i do? this doesn't work: Accedo alle offerte online ...

ui.tabs add callback not able to set tab

Hi, I am trying to get jQuery tabs to behave like IE and Firefox. I have a few tabs with an "addtab" at the end. When this tab is clicked a new tab is added, this is fine. But i want to select the second last tab. This is proving to be quite difficult. my init code is $tabs =$("#tabs").tabs({ add: function(event, ui) { ...

jQuery Tabs - Test if loaded

I have a jQuery dialog that is displayed on postback load. The problem however is that the dialog appears before the selected tab is set behind it, so the wrong tab is shown until the dialog is closed.. Is there a way to test and wait until the tabs are finished setting up before invoking the dialog? ...

PyGTK: Packing widgets before tabs in a gtk.Notebook

Basically, what I want to do is put some buttons before the tabs in a gtk.Notebook. I tried making my own notebook type widget and it worked well, but it would have required lots more work to make it as flexible as I would like, also it wasn't as efficient. Here is a mock-up of what I'm trying to achieve:

ASP MVC: How to implement tabs in a partial view

I am not sure where to start to implement tabs in a MVC project. Here is the problem. I want to implement tabs in a partial view but I want the tabs to be available to all my controllers and views. When I am coding the tabs I will need to know the current controller and view so I can modify the html.actionlink with the tab querystring. ...

iPhone TabbarController Switch Transition

I've implemented gestures (touchBegan-moved-ended) in order to allow for swiping through my tabs. It works. I'd like to add a slide-from-left and slide-from-right transition. It would be better if it could be part of the gesture if statement which tells me if the swipe is towards the right of left. Since I determine which tab is displaye...

Change VIM gui tab width

In GVim can one change the width of the GUI's tabs (i.e. the tab labels at the top that show guitablabel)? In particular, the tab labels aren't wide for a guitablabel=%f or anything of that length. Thanks ...

How to make vertical menu like a new facebook on the left ?

How to make vertical menu like a new facebook on the left ? important point is selected tabs.. ...

iPhone - Custom Tab Icons, Remove Highlight

I am creating a custom tab bar for my iPhone app and I need to change the images. I have changed the actual tab bar background, but I need to know how to add custom images for the icons and their respective "selected" icons. I also need to remove the square highlight that is default. Pretty much, it just needs to be my icons. Also wonder...

How to prevent page refreshes on tab switching in IE7 ?

For a specific website (internal to network, coded in XHTML) the behavior in IE6 was that when ever the window is re-sized or restored the page refreshes. Since IE6 doesn't have tabs I upgraded to IE7 - but the problem with IE7 is whenever we switch from one tab to another, its makes the active tab's page to refresh, and this happens a...

How are tabs treated differently in different systems?

To maintain portability, tab characters must not be used in indentation, since different systems treat tabs differently. Anyone knows? ...

Integrate Mapview into a tab/Integrate overlays/markers.

I need some help integrating a mapview into a tab and integrate overlays/POI. Current code: package; import android.R; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import andro...

How can I switch tabs in Notepad++ via Ctrl+PgUp/Down?

How can I run trough the tabs in Notepad++ easily? I like to use Ctrl+PgUp/Down like in Firefox. ...

WPF - two rows of tabs in a tab control - tab wrap

I have a WPF tab control with a largu number of tabs and they are presented in a sequential line all across the screen. Which mean that a user needs to scroll sideways in order to view all the tabs. Is there a way to create two rows of tabs or make the long row of tabs "wrap" into two or more rows? ...

How to select tabs on Silverlight TabControl in the VS designer

In XAML (Silverlight), how do I edit anything but the first tab in the VS Designer? All I can see is the first tab, and I don't know how to set which one is selected so that I can see the content of all tabs. Thanks! ...