
Using C#, how do I set tab positions in a multiline textbox?

Is there a graceful way to set custom tab sizes/positions in a multiline textbox in C#? ...

Switching to a particular tab in VIM

I was trying to switch from a tab to another tab (which may not be adjacent to the previous tab) in VIM. Is there any shortcut for that, like we have Ctrl-p/Ctrl-n for switching to adjacent tabs? Also, I was trying to write a key mapping which will give a variable as input to a function and do the operation. For instance, let's say I p...

How to display tabs as 4 spaces in gnome-terminal

Actually gnome-terminal display tabs as 8 spaces, and this is very annoying when you cat files or view diffs, is there some way to change this permanently? ...

jQuery Tabs . . . I need to do it all!!! (MouseOver, Navigate from tab click and keep tabs selected based upon page)

After reading through all of the jQuery doc, SO questions, and random blogs, I have been unable to find an answer to my problem. Currently I am porting a Coldfusion Site to a .Net site. In my masterpage for the site I have all of my navigation elements as it is just the Administrative portion of the site. The navigation html code: ...

Cufon making active tab in the same colour of other tabs on load in firefox

Hi. We have a tabbed navigation with an "active" class for the active tab. <ol class="subnavTabs"> <li class="active"> <a class="ShowInfo" href="#ShowInfo">Show Info </a> </li> <li> <a class="Reviews" href="#Reviews">Reviews </a> </li> </ol> and the Javascript funct...

Rounding the tab headers in Windows Forms

Hi, I created a TabControl using Windows Forms but the tab headers look very ugly. I want to make them with rounded corners and also create some space between two tab headers. Can anyone please tell how it can be done using C#. Thanks, gary ...

Join all lines with tabs inserted (vim)

I have a tab delimited file (one line). I can easily enough replace the tabs with new lines so that I can see what fields are in what position :%s/\t/\r/g How can I do the inverse, after I've edited the fields? I could record a macro: Js<tab>Esc And then repeat it all the way down - but is there an easier way? ...

jQuery tabs . . . how do I change the css of a tab?

Currently I use: <div id="tabs" class="basictab"> <ul> <li><a href="#fragment-1" id="Beta"><span>B.E.T.A. Plans</span></a></li> <li><a href="#fragment-2" id="Mini"><span>Mini-Sites</span></a></li> <li><a href="#fragment-3" id="Independent"><span>...

IFrame with facebook tabs

Hi there, I want to get iframe application but on top of it, would love to put tabs. and iframe are not really seem compatible. Do you guys know any work around this? Thanks, Ebe ...

Android MapView + Tab example

Hi, i need to have an mapview on a tab. The attached example shows how to do this if using intents. Now i want to change the zoom level of the mapview(s). How can i do this, although i'm using intents (or is there completely different solution)? Activity code: public class TabMapsExample extends TabActivity { TabHost mTabHos...

How to be able to preload jquery contents into hidden tabs for ie browser

The problems im facing is when I use something like jcarousellite inside tabs. It works fine in browsers other than ie. In ie, the carousel loads fine in the active tab, but in the inactive ones it doesnt preload. Basically when you click on a previously inactive tab, it displays nothing until you click outside the tab. I have narrowe...

Python's interpretation of tabs and spaces to indent

I decided, that I learn a bit of Python. The first introduction says that it uses indentation to group statements. While the best habit is clearly to use just one of these what happens if I interchange them? How many spaces will be considered equal to one tab? Or will it fail to work at all if tabs and spaces are mixed? ...

I need help with YASnippet and tab width

I'm used to have 4 spaces of Tab width. YASnippets uses 2 spaces in its snippets for instance: <div id="$1"> $0 </div> I thought this would turn it into 4 spaces: <div id="$1"> $0 </div> but no luck... So I also tried: (setq-default tab-width 4) (setq-default indent-tabs-mode t) (setq tab-stop-list '(4 8 12 16)) but no lu...

Drupal Panels, Tabs - How do I create a link to a tab within a panel node?

How do I create a link to a tab within a panel node? I'm working on a Drupal website and have tabs within panel nodes (Modules: Tabs, Panels, Tabs Panel Style). When I click on the tabs it takes me to the correct tab. When I click on the 'next' and 'previous' links they take to the correct page. When I hover over those links they show m...

Android: How to restart an activity within a tabhost?

I've searched and I know it seems some people frown upon using activities within tabs, but moving past would I restart a tabbed activity while still keeping the tabs visible? I have an activity in a tab, I use the menu to create a new activity to update the tab's activity displayed info, when I return from the menu activity I ...

How do I change tab size in gVim?

Every time I add a selector in CSS and I press Enter to define the properties it ends up like this: #selector { property: value; } (8 tabs) How can I configure gVim to make it like this: #selector { property: value; } (4 tabs) ...

Unindenting code snippets

There are times that I have a code snippet that I want to post on a defect tracker, wiki, forum, etc. but it's deeply indented in the code. I usually have to highlight the code snippet, hit <shift>-<tab> until the indents aren't so bad, then copy/paste and then revert the code. It gets somewhat painful. Is there a tool that can remo...

Controlling user workflow in Winforms

I'm building a Winforms application in C# and I have added a tab control that has three tabs. I want to restrict user's ability to access the second tab page until user fills out the first tab. I have a submit button the first tab, I want the second tab to be able to be accessed when the user clicks on the submit button. How can I ac...

how to create attractive looking tabs in HTML

I am trying to get a simple page up that will have four links in the top header menu (horizontally). when clicked one, that html page will load in the body. So all in all there will be 5 pages. 1 navigation page, and 4 different HTML pages. I am not sure where to start with this. can someone point me to some good resources? I did l...

Display Hilight of Tab index

I want to display Hightlight on element that content tabindex. name: <TD ROWSPAN=3>comments<BR> <TEXTAREA COLS=25 ROWS=5 TABINDEX=3></TEXTAREA></TD></TR> <TR> <TD>email: <INPUT NAME="email" TABINDEX=2></TD></TR> <TR> <TD>department: <SELECT NAM...