
Any way to force jidetabbedpane to show always the first tab

Hello, i have the requirement that i have to display a tabbedpane, but the first tab has to be static. So i tried to use the jidetabbedpane, since it cares about the effect, that all the tabs are listed in a box, it is navigable, it can show the desired close operation and so on. But the only thing i am missing is the option: set first ...

Flex tab navigator: initialize hidden tabs.

My problem: I have a tab navigator, with many forms in each tab. But I have a single global save button. Problem is, if I don't open a Tab, it doesn't get initialized and therefore the forms it contains do not exist.. How Can I make it as if the user had clicked on every tab? ...

[Python] Pmw Group Widget "Tab Focusing" Order

The Python Pmw Group widget has an issue with tab ordering. Running the following code will illustrate the issue: import Pmw import Tkinter #Create a window to house the Group widgets window = Tkinter.Tk() #Run the Pmw activation function for the new Tkinter window Pmw.initialise(window) #Loop to create the widgets #Just for fun, le...

Jquery tabs, unformatted list flashing up after an jQuery HTML reload in Firefox

I am using the latest jQuery Tabs, and all of my tabs (and other content above them) are within a containing Div. There is a form in one of the tabs, and when the form is submitted, it is processed via AJAX, and then the returned HTML replaces the entire containing Div. This returning HTML includes the tabs again. After the HTML is repl...

Flex datagrid tab to checkbox column

Context: I have a data grid where the following has been implemented. tabbing through each column in a single row and creating a new row when tabbing from the last column. The last column in my datagrid is now a checkbox. I set the 'editable' to false as shown below (since we don't want editable text to be shown when user clicks on/tabs...

Jquery tabs load content on active with

I'm using and have just started to look for a tab solution and I really like jquery ui. The most important thing is that the tab content only load when the tab is active. As I use I have some GridViews connected to SqlDataSources in each tab and only want this content to load when the user selects the specific tab. Using ...

How to delay jQuery TOOLS tab change?

Hello! I have a problem with jQuery TOOLS Tabs. I set the event to mouseover and if I move the mouse too fast then more panes appear. Is there a way to delay the switching of tabs or a fix for this? ...

Detecting tab visibility in Firefox

I'm writing a webapp that performs an action every minute or so which (very briefly) hangs the browser. I'd like to pause this action when the tab displaying the webapp is not shown, to minimize the annoyance. Is there any way to do this using Javascript, under the latest version of Firefox? Edit: to clarify, I'm asking about how to det...

jQuery tabs using radio buttons instead of list navigation

I'm following a tutorial to create a simple jquery tabs show/hide content. Wondering if there's a way to re-engineer it to use a list of radio buttons instead of a list? Tutorial here: My js: $(".tab_content").hide(); //Hide all content $("ul.tabs li:first").addClass("...

android tabHost

Hi, I have 2 questions regarding tabHost: I've created tabHost with 2 tabs and for the tab titles I use setIndicator(TextView) (I work with api level 4) my title background is white. I use selector for the title to choose between diff images for the title. I want to make the title text bold only when selected/pressed. I didn't succee...

CSS problem, creating tabs

I have a CSS problem that I'm not able to figure out. I'm not even sure it is possible. What I want is the following: I have three buttons/tabs like this and when you click one tab a different div should show for each tab like this or ...

How can I make CSS tabs with drop down menus without Javascript?

I need to make tabs that also have drop down menu and requirements are that they have to work without JavaScript. Is this possible and is there good example of this somewhere? ...

C# Tab switching in TabControl

Hi! Iam facing such problem, which I find hard to overcome. In WinForms I got a TabControl with n TabPages. I want to extend the Ctrl+Tab / Ctrl+Shift+Tab switching. so I wrote some code which works fine as long as the focus is on TabControl or on the Form. When application focus is INSIDE of TabPage (for example on a button which is pla... jquery tabs and updatepanels

I'm using together with jquery. In Default.aspx I have implemented some jquery-tabs that load their data with ajax call. They load another page MyTab.aspx. My problem is that when I navigate in the tab (MyTab.aspx) it always reloads the full page (whole Default.aspx) but I only want it to reload inside the tab. For exampl...

Tab order in .NET Compact Framework

Hi all, In Compact framework application form,If we do tab-out from a datagrid's any cell to some controls outside the grid,next time when grid get focus ,it will point the old cell . Any idea on setting it to datagrids first cell? ...

Janus Tabs - Right-to-Left instead of Left-to-Right

how do I make Janus tabs to be from right to left in RTL languages instead of left-to-right as they are in the usual way? (in c#) ...

Android: How can we change the view in the tabs?

I want to provide a clickthrough on the list in a tab which opens another view. I need to open the new view within the same tab. I then need to provide a back button on the changed layout to change the view to original view. I have tried this. Intent intentA = new Intent(this, AView.class); Now I am trying to access the tabSpec from m...

how to not reload ajax content using jquery ui tabs?

I am adding another tab to jquery ui tabs with ajax, since there does not appear to be a direct way to do so. i am running into an issue where the tabs are refreshing each time you click on them (reloading from the server). i only want the content to load once, when the tab is created. ...

Javascript DOM error - Object type not supported

My problem is with a jQuery Sort Table and a jQuery Tab interface in my application. With Chrome and Firefox, I have no problem. But with IE 6/7 this error pops up: Object doesn't support this property or method. The code: $(function(){ $("#sortable").tablesorter(); $("#dashboardtabs").tabs({ fxSlide: true, fxFade: ...

Hide or remove a tab in tab based application in Xcode

Hi Guys, I am very new to iPhone and Xcode. I am trying to create a tab-based application, in that from the first page, when a button is clicked, I need to remove/hide some of the tabs added in the tab bar. Can any one help me out please. Thanks and Regards, Bala. ...