
Open Links in Multiple Browser Windows / Tabs

Hi, I have a requirement to click on multiple links (selecting them) and then click a button that will open all selected links in new windows or tabs. This will of course be dependent upon the browser behaviour. My plan is to use Javascript to add the selected links to an array and then upon clicking the submit button, the javascript w...

What is the rationale behind Most-Recent-Order for tab switching?

I can't understand the reasoning behind Most-Recent-Order (how Windows sorts windows when switching via Alt+Tab) when used for tab/window/document/task switching. The way Firefox does tab switching (tabs stay in a consistent order, Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+Tab for moving to the next/previous tab) seems much more natural than switching in chro...

how to use jquery's semantic tabs without the div switching functionality?

I need to have the tabs as rendered by jQuery's semantic tabs (semtabs) but without the functionality that shows one div and hides the others. Is there a simple way to prevent that functionality to happen? The visual style is the result of several css styles plus some JS dynamic manipulation of styles and properties that would be t...

JQuery Simplemodal and Tabs Help Needed

Hi, I've got an page containing a Textbox with an Autocomplete extender on it. It's setup so the user can type a short reference code into the textbox and then choose from the list of matching codes returned by the autocomplete. On the "select", I then call the server using JQuery. I'm currently using $.get here.... The callbac...

jquery ui tabs problem

hi good people, been a while I have had my hands full with a cold but I came back to a problem we never found an answer to, it the homepage of a site I am workin and I said that my tabs would just scatter on a resolution less than mine or around it but not quite. I am on a 1280x800 screen and it displays no problem but as soon as I drop...

Multi-tab application (C#)

Hi, I'm creating a multi-tabbed .NET application that allows the user to dynamically add and remove tabs at runtime. When a new tab is added, a control is added to it (as a child), in which the contents can be edited (eg. a text box). The user can perform tasks on the currently visible text box using a toolbar/menu bar. To better expla...

WPF TabControl add extra tabs to a bound control

Hello, I have a Tab Control with a ItemsSource Binding. ... I want to add a predefined tab to the front called All that has an aggregate of all the other tabs, and I would also like to add a button at the end called Add so I can add a new tab. Is there an easy way of doing this ? Thanks, Raul ...

jQuery ui tabs anchoring, how to prevent it?

Hi, I've built a tab navigation, but everytime if i try to access the a certain div using the url with the hash #, it would then anchor to the section, is there anyway to prevent it from auto-anchoring? This is happening in FF and IE but not Safari. My code looks like this. JS: $("#header").tabs({ fx: { opacity: 'toggle' } }); HTML:...

jquery animation done

Ok so I have a tab class that is scrollable which works fine, but now I want to hide the controls if they cannot scroll in the direction that they are trying to go. so I have something like this; function tab_left(){ $(".tab_link").each(function(){ //animation here }); } Then I want to create a function that will make sure tha...

ui tabs ver 2.7 jQuery error when i switching from jQuery 1.1.3 to jQuery 1.3.2

I have a problem , i'm using jQuery plugin from , plugin for tabs and that enable history support for Tabs ui tabs ver 2.7, i switched from jQuery 1.1.3 to jQuery 1.3.2 and it's given the error in firebug uncaught exception: Syntax error , unrecognized expression: [@href$="#fragment-1"] , the plu...

jQuery UI dialog pulling user from another browser tab

I've got a jQuery UI dialog setup on a timer based on the session timeout. The dialog pops two minutes before the actual session times out and gives the user a one-minute countdown in the dialog. When the countdown runs out, it closes the dialog and redirects to the logout URL. This actually logs the user out one minute before sessi...

jQuery UI makes my tabs reload every time I click them

Hi, I'm creating a web application which loads tabs using AJAX. My problem is that if I have multiple tabs, jQuery reloads a tab every time I click it again (after visiting another tab). Here is my code: index.html: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

Microsoft Internal Coding guidelines: don't use tabs.

Source: Tab characters (\0x09) should not be used in code. All indentation should be done with 4 space characters. Can someone give me an argument as to why this would matter? Shouldn't compilers just ignore this tabs? I always use tabs, just because it's easier and indented code...

Properly reading a nested XML document using an XmlReader.ReadInnerXML in .NET 3.5

I'm using an XmlReader.ReadInnerXML to read an XML document (as text) embedded within in an element of an outer XML document. This works fine except for the handling of tab characters in attributes of the inner XML. Example: <document> <interface> <scriptaction script="&#x9;one tab&#xD;&#xA;&#x9;&#x9;two tabs&#xD;&#xA;&#x9;&#x9;...

Eclipse Spaces & Tabs

I like to display 4 spaces as tab in eclipse, with an actual width on the screen of 2 spaces. When I save the file, I'd like to have 4 spaces (represented as «.») for a tab: 1st.level ....2nd.level ........3rd.level In eclipse, I'd like to see this, where a tabstop (represented as «->>») should take the width of two spaces: 1st....

Why <C-PageUp> and <C-PageDown> not work in vim?

I have vim 7.2 installed in my windows. In gvim, the and works for navigation among tabs by default. However, it doesn't work for vim. Even I have below lines in _vimrc added. It still not work. map <C-PageUp> :tabp<CR> map <C-PageDown> :tabn<CR> But, map and works. map <C-left> :tabp<CR> map <C-right> :tabn<CR> Anybody has cl...

Mimic Tabs in Textile and HTML (in Ruby)?

How do you mimic tabs in HTML? Specifically, I would like to be able to use tabs to align things in a textile document, and convert those to "non-breaking spaces" and whatnot in HTML, using RedCloth in Ruby. Is this possible? Is there an alternative working method? ...

Tabs of a tabcontainer on one line ?

A tabcontainer is holding many tabs. Is it possible to have only one line of tabs, and a scrollbutton left and right, rather than the default behaviour of having multiple lines of tabs ? ...

Ajax tabs in Web app

We have the application with tabs interface. Currently each tab is loaded as the separated page. And now we need to rework it in the way that tab content should be loaded via ajax. Unfortunately just load the content is with Ajax not enough. User should be able to add to bookmarks each tab. That is why the entire URL should change on t...

Busy graphic on a tab of a JTabbedPane

Hi, does anybody know of any open source implementation of a JTabbedPane in which I can set a busy graphic (say spinning ball) on the tab, while I load something into the tab - much like the spinner on Firefox tabs. I realize I could do this by hand by creating an animated GIF and setting it as an icon on the tab - but i was hoping that...