
Load a View before it's Seen.

I have a tabbed application which utilizes two main views. The first is to track the current run, and the second is a table of those which are saved. The default tab is the "current" tab. The problem is that if I try to add to the array in the second tab before I've literally 'seen' it, the table doesn't load correctly. I've managed to d...

View multiple active files in Visual Studio 2008

In 2005, when I double-clicked on a file (be it header or source), it would open in a new tab. So, if I double-clicked on a header file and then two source files, there would be three tabs: one for each file. And the list of active files includes these three files. I just installed VS 2008, and I've been trying to enable the same behavi...

SOLVED: Modal dialogs from within a tabbed UI (Improved example)

(I have tightened up my original example) I'm trying to invoke modal dialogs from within a tabbed UI, and I'm confused about the behavior I'm seeing. The first time I display the UI, my dialog behaves as expected, I can pull the data out of the fields, everything's wonderful. tabtest2.html: <html xmlns="" xm...

how to get tab index by tab name in jquery?

how to get tab index by tab name in jquery? i need to remove a certain tab by this command: $(tabContainer).tabs('remove', index); the index must contain the correct order of the tab to be closed. the problem is, i'm generating the tabs programmatically so chances of having the wrong index is likely. ...

Prevent scrolling to content in jQuery tabs

I'm working on a page that uses jQuery tabs. It's pretty much completed, but I've run into one minor annoyance. If the content of the tab is longer than the available window height, it automatically scrolls down to the start of the content. This makes sense, since behind the screens it's just an tag pointing to the id of the content. Ho...

iPhone Take Screenshot of UIImagePickerController View - Always black if TAB app

Hello, Attempting to take a screenshot when the user is in Camera mode and user hits take picture. I have an application with several tabs. In one of them the user launches the Camera. I use CameraOverViewController to make a custom button to take a picture [picker takePicture]. When this picture is taken I also a screen shot of the pic...

Android: Why shouldn't I use activities inside tabs?

I've read at a few places that I should not be using Activities as contents of my tabs. I would like to know why this is not a recommended approach... Any suggestions? ...

detect tab characters with javascript in IE

I want to detect and replace tab characters in a bit of HTML like this: <code> something { something else } </code Right now, I am using something like this: $(this).html(replaceAll(trim($(this).html()), "\t", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;")); But IE, in all its cleverness, changes tab characters into spaces, and so doing the above ...

Enable tabs with jquery ui tabs issue

I am trying to enable the next tab at the end of the function below. Here is my function (UPDATED) var $signup = $('#signup-content').tabs({disabled: [1,2], show: function(event, ui) { // Validates Form on Slide # 1 $("#createAccount").validate({ meta: "validate", errorElement: "em", errorCla...

Can't get `Spinner` option to work (jQuery UI tabs)

According to, tabs that load content via AJAX will show "Loading..." while the content loads. If you want to customize this message, you can (supposedly) set the spinner option: $("#tabs").tabs({ spinner: "Just a sec..."}); However, I'm having these problems: Setting the spinner option doesn't seem to ...

HTML/CSS positioning for Menus “float: bottom”

I am creating a horizontal menu, can't figure out how to alignall the menu options to the bottom of a container. Provided is an example to demonstrate what I'm trying to do, but the CSS code does not work as needed. Can you provide suggestions to get all the menu tabs to sit on the bottom? <style> .example1 { position: relative; ...

Jquery Tabs initialization from pageload

how can i set jquery tabs from my codebehind in page load of child page. I tried setting tabs in initialization & then i am calling function from code behind to select the tab. but its not working at the first time. it works after postback. $(function() { $('#tabsSelection').tabs(); }) function SelectTab() { $('#...

Javascript to open multiple tabs in single browser

Hi, Does anyone know how to open multiple URL's in a single browser. Instead of opening multiple windows, I want the urls to open in tabs in IE. I am trying to approach this using JavaScript. Thanks in advance. ...

Creating a tabbed Gridview in C#

Hello! I am creating a web interface which currently reads data in from an XML data file, parses it into an array of Objects, after which I bind it to the data source of a Gridview. I then use and to retrieve the data I want from the objects for each column. However, I am at the point that I would like to have multiple tabs in this ...

Gridview and Column sets

I have a Gridview that is data bound to an array of objects, with a ton of properties attached to them. The grid would need to be too wide to show all of them at once (and also overwhelming for the user), so I'd like to have some link buttons that post back to the server and show different sets of columns (all from this same data set ar...

Set visibility on single tab in tabcontrol (winforms)

Is there a way to set the visibility of a single tab in a tabcontrol? I thought something simple like this should work, but does not seem to to anything. tabControl1.TabPages[1].Visible = false; tabControl1.Refresh(); There will be a main tab that always shows but I want to have other tabs that I can "turn on\off". I don't want to...

Drupal $tabs not including edit / revisions / workflow

I inherited a Drupal5 site and have been tasked with making some changes, but I'm unable to figure out where to start looking. On many pages there is a menu available to administrators that allows you do do certain actions: Overview Specialists Resources and Tools In the Field News Events Courses Multimedia Edit Track Workflow Setting...

css left help jquery

ok so basically I have a setup like this: <div id="tabs"> <div id="tab_one"> Something here </div> <div id="tab_two"> Something else here </div> <div id="tab_three"> Another thing here </div> </div> Now my css looks like this: #tab_one { position:relative; left:0px; top:0px; } #tab...

Catching tab key navigation

I want to catch which element is on focus when users use tab key to move their focus. For example, there is a form and users can use tab key to move forward to next form element. I'd like to know which element is the current on focus. Thanks, Paul ...

jquery on click function

ok so basically I have this: <div id="tabs"> <div id="unique_id" class="tab_link" onclick="changeTab(this);"> <div id="tab_link_image" onclick="closeTab(this);"> <image src="image.jpg" /> </div> </div> </div> Now in the closeTab function I have it removing the tab from the page. In the changeTab function I have it toggling a ...