
How to remember last selected tab in UITabBarController?

I'm trying to make my app remember which tab was last being viewed before the app quit, so that the app opens up to the same tab when it is next launched. This is the functionality of the iPhone's phone function: how can I do this? ...

scrolling tabs in jQuery

Is there simple solution to build tabs with the scrolling tabs-pane in jQuery? Like ExtJS Advanced Tabs: ...

Best approach to slideup and tabs with jQuery

I'm creating a page with an image at the top, and a menu below. When the user clicks on on of the 3 menu buttons, the image slideUp and the page scrolls down so the menu is at the top of the page, then the right .content div fades in. The slideUp should only happen the first time the user clicks on of the buttons. What the absolute best...

How to enable git file tab completion with zsh compinit?

I have a problem with the zsh tab completion: After running: autoload -U compinit compinit Git tab completion for files does not work any more. For example if I type git add my_f to complete my_file, nothing happens. The zsh git completion only seems to work for git branches and tags. Without the compinit stuff, git file completion wo...

Changing editor tab width in eclipse 3.5

I am trying to adjust the width of tabs from Window -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors where there is a field for "Display Tab Width". But no matter what I enter there the size of indentations when I start a newline in a Java file is 4. Any ideas? ...

open a tab using a text link on the same page

I have a series of tabs with content and want one of the tab/contents to open when a user clicks on a link on a sidebar. How do I do this please in simple terms and instructions. I've managed to set up the tabs using jquery but not really al that js savie!! ...

jqueryui showing hidden tab content on this tab

I have an iframe in a tab with a hidden element, and I want to show the element when the tab is opened. This element (same class) is also under all the tabs, but I only want the element under the current tab to be shown. Here's my non working attempt at it: $("#tabs").tabs({ collapsible: true, show: function(event, ui) { ui.find(...

Nested jQuery tabs

Hi I'm new to jQuery (a couple of weeks). I'm trying to nest the jQueryUI tab control. It works fine until the nested tabs are in an external file then I get an exception thrown in the jQuery source. This seems to be a timing issue to a certain extent, because if I place alert boxes in the .ready function of the nested tabs it works. Ca...

Recover Firefox tabs when closing main window with "organize bookmarks" open

I have Firefox 3.0 (under Win XP) configured to show tabs from previous sessions when starting and automatically save the session when exiting. Firefox even offers to restore tabs after a crash. I keep a large workspace of open tabs, and because the recovery is usually so effective, I don't think about frequently saving the open tab set ...

How do I make tab control take over entire window in Qt Creator?

I want a tab control to "dock" to the entire window panel, in Qt Creator. Now in Winforms and WPF this is super easy but in Qt its not working. I've tried all the layouts, grid layouts, etc etc. it's just shrinking the tabs not making them grow to fill. So please test a solution before telling me what the SHOULD BE OBVIOUS answer is c...

Tabbing in PHP?

i have these kind of tabs on my page Equ | Tax | Balanced | Debt | Funds | ETF | Gilt ....... and then there's space below these tabs. When user clicks on these tabs then a data corresponding to these tabs has to be displayed in that space without changing the url of the page.Like when i click Equ then its data will be displayed in...

I have a focus problem in C# GUI with tabs

I have a focus problem in C# GUI with tabs. I start a process based on an event with the users focus on a tab, and then run the process. The process repaints the the entire GUI -- and I'd like to put the user back on the initial tab. Is there a way I can save the tab focus position when the event is triggered? Cheers ...

MacVim set as default text editor: How to set files to open in a new tab as opposed to a new window?

I've set MacVim as my default text editor, and when I double click files it opens up a new window. Is there a way to set it to open up in a new tab instead? ...

Is there a text editor that will automatically determine whether to indent with spaces or tabs?

It's very easy to set a text editor to use spaces or tab characters with each press of the tab key. However, I'm working with a grip of Python code maintained by a large team of developers in my company, and some use spaces and some use tabs. I cannot simply make them all conform with each other, because 1) it would break git blame, 2) i...

JWYSIWYG or jHtmlArea within a Jquery Ui Tab

Hello, I am not able to get my jwysiwyg and Jhtmlarea text editors to work within an AJAX loaded Jquery UI Tab Both text editors work when loaded normally. This loads the tabs on the "View Page" <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#tabs").tabs(); }); </script> This loads the page via AJAX on the "View Page" <li...

observer iphone for view controllers

Is there any way to to check the current navigation controller or the view controller currently visible in application delegate method. I want to create an Observer in application delegate that observes the controller being pushed and pop from the stack so that i could display the required tab bar controller. Basically my app have more...

initial notebook tab in monodevelop

I have tabs labeled 'page1', 'page2', 'page3' in notebook - monodevelop. When I run the application the window displays 'page2'. How can I, in the designer, specify that I wish 'page1' to be shown when the window is shown initially?? ...

C# vertical tab

Hello smart people, Does someone know how can i implement a vertical tab in c#? Thanks ...

How do you make a Jquery Tab both mouseover and yet click to open the page?

it wont let me submit more than one link, so please use your imagination, i need multiple tabs with mutliple mouse overs or images so that thing in the middle is an image <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#tabs").tabs({event: 'mouseover'}).addClass('ui-tabs-vertical ui-helper-clearfix'); $("#tabs li").removeClass('ui-cor...

How to replace whitespaces and tabs with nothing in C?

Hi, I wrote this function: void r_tabs_spaces(char *input) { int i; for (i = 0; i < strlen(input); i++) { if (input[i] == ' ' || input[i] == '\t') input[i] = ''; } } However when I compile this and run it, the compiler complains that "error: empty character constant" at line where...