
Auto rotation for 1 tab out of 5 tabs

I have 5 tabs in my app and 1 needs to be able to autorotate. So far I have been able to get all 5 tabs to rotate using: (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation { return YES; } However I only need 1 to rotate, How could I do this?? ...

How do I indent multiple lines at once in Notepad++?

In many text editors that are aimed at programmers, if the user has a selection that spans more than 1 line and presses the TAB key, those lines are indented by 1 TAB (or a number of spaces, depending on how the editor is configured). However, this does not seem to be the default behavior of Notepad++. Is there a way I can do this in No...

Set URL via selected jQuery tab

Further to this question - and using the same getUrlParam.js plugin. $(document).ready(function(){ var param = $(document).getUrlParam('tab'); $("#tabs").tabs(); $("#tabs").tabs('select', param); }); With this code I am able to control which tab loads on a given page e.g. blogs/?tab=tv loads the tab #tv on the /blogs/ page. However ...

Delphi, MDI vs Tabs for multi-document interface

I'm developing a multi-document application. Currently it uses MDI which is quite convenient for me (as a developer) as well as for users I believe. However there is one "against" - I haven't found a solution to quickly load many child windows (each time the window is created and maximized to fill the parent's area, there is an 'animatio...

Expression blend (silverlight) using behaviors for header tabs? Fluid move behavior?

Hi I'm trying to create a menu in my header. I have imported my design from photoshop into expression blend and the layout works wonderfully. Now I want to add some effects and links to my objects. I understand I have to make this into a usercontrol tab. I'd like a white tab behind the menu text to move horizontal like an animation wh...

WPF: hide the TabControl header

What's the programmatic way (ie not using styles as in this question, but using code) to hide the TabControl header? I'll be glad for a snippet. ...

Get opened pages in Chrome

Hi! I want to know whether it's possible to get Information about opened pages in chrome (page title, url) from third party app (not extensions)? ...

C# disable the TAB

I have this code: this.searchInput.KeyPress += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventHandler(this.inputKeypress); private void Keypress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { // If Tab has been pressed if(122 == (int)e.KeyChar) { switchTab(sTab); MessageBox....

adding an application to a profile tab in facebook

I have created an application which needs to have a profile box tab which has a link in it pointing to the main application. However I've tried to add the application to the tab as you can see in the screenshot but it doesn't seem to be appearing as a tab (there is not mention of the application within the tabs). Can anyone shed some l...

How to retrieve all tab names or labels without selecting tab in jQuery?

How to retrieve all tab names or labels without selecting tab in jQuery? I need this to validate tab name/label length. ...

How can they do that? (OfficeTab and WindowsTab)

The following two programs can put windows of other programs to their own tabs, what do you think the technical details are? OfficeTab WindowsTab ...

WPF C# UI : New Window or Tab ?

Our WPF application in the current design opens new windows for list screen.We don't have restrictions on the number of windows you open etc.We are using a ribbon control and well it has tab support.Which is better a new window or a tab? (With windows 7 having a better group of window management etc) Should I go in for tab or leave it as...

form tabbing skips <button>

is there a reason Firefox and Safari (on my Mac) are skipping over the element when I tab between fields in this form? <form> <input type="text" name="tags" id="tags" tabindex=1/> <button id="launch" tabindex=2>do it!</button> <textarea name="comment" id="comment" tabindex=3></textarea> </form> I shouldn't have to put tabi...

jquery tabs reload

I am trying to figure out how to load the tabs the way I want. Basically when someone visits my page I want it to create 2 tabs(which I have working). Now inside of each of those tabs I have a widget that is put there through embed code (which is working fine). However, when I switch from one tab to another it is reloading the data in ea...

jQuery tabs, separate divs for tabs and content

I'm using jquery tabs with no problems except that I would like to have separate divs for the list (tabs) and the content. <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#articles">Articles</a></li> <li><a href="#videos">Videos</a></li> <li><a href="#photos">Photos</a></li> </ul> <div id="articles" class="bd">Lorem ipsum ...

Open popup as new tab

Is it possible in Javascript to open a popup in a new tab of the browser? I don't care if the solution is not cross browser. I know the HTML solution with the target attribute but i must do it in javascript beacause i need to do it automatically without any click. ...

How to remove all spaces and tabs from a given string in C language?

What C function, if any, removes all preceding spaces and tabs from a string? Thanks. ...

JQuery UI Tabs size

Hello , i have a problem with the tab size in jquery UI , they are HUGE .. i changed a bit the css but cant find the propper id/class to fix it .. :( and the text inside the tab aslo changes size :S as always , any change is appreciated Thanks! ...

How to change the current Tab backcolor of mvc menu?

Hi I would like to ask your help. Currently I am working with the project using mvc. For good model I would like to ask how this site changed the backcolor or the curent tab? For example above we can see there are tabs namely: Questions, Tags, Users etc. So when I am on the Questions tab the backcolor becomes orange. How did you do that?...

loading jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min from jquery site

Can anyone know the link for loading jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min from j query site like <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt;. what are all the .js files needed for jquery tab. ...