
Are there any widespread, modern Java coding conventions?

Sun's "Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language" was last updated April 1999. Ten years later a lot has changed in the language, as well as general usage patterns. Are there more up to date, widely adopted standards? Most guidelines omit specifying file encoding and line endings. Sun recommends mixed tabs and spaces. The E...

WPF Error Styles only being rendered properly on visible tab of a tab control

I have a data object used to contain my UI data that supports INotifyPropertyChanged and IDataErrorInfo. Originally I had all of the UI controls displaying in one big WPF application and was happily seeing errors flagged via this custom style: <!-- Set error style for textboxes --> <Style x:Key="txtBoxErrStyle" TargetType="{x:Ty...

Adding a Tab to facebook page

Hi, I just created a facebook page. I also have a separate facebook APP. How can I add a tab containing my facebook APP to the facebook page? I've set the app to allow install on pages, and add a tab name etc, but the app doesn't show as an application option to be added on the facebook page. Please enlight. Thanks, Tee ...

How to set a defualt tab with Jquery UI

I'm using Jquery and Jquery UI with the following: $(document).ready(function() { $('#tabvanilla > ul').tabs({ fx: { height: 'toggle', opacity: 'toggle' } }); }); Right now it automatically sets the first tabs as the default tab that is selected when the document loads. How do I override this and make the second tab the default selecte...

JQuery: hiding/showing an element within an inactive tab

I've got 3 tabs. Each of them have a div called optional, apart from other elements. optional is initially hidden using Javascript, I dun wanna use CSS ( this is so if js is disabled, the div won't be hidden at all ). So I use this to hide optional $(function(){ $('#optional').hide(); }); Now, this works just fine on the first ta...

TabCtrl_SetItemSize and user drawn tab controls

Hello. I have this Win32 user-drawn tab control that is created as: CONTROL "Tab1",IDC_TAB_CONT,"SysTabControl32",TCS_BOTTOM | TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED | NOT WS_VISIBLE,0,14,185,88 I'd like for this control to have its tabs resize as never to have to see the "sliding arrows": Now, pretty much everything about this contr...

How to link to a tabbed section of another page?

I have a webpage and if I click a link in the page, it should be redirected to a particular tab of another url. That is, I have a link called 'Submitted' in my home page. If I click that link, it show display the 'Submitted' tab of the view page. Is this possible? $status="Submitted"; <a id="formStatus<?php echo $status;?>" class="code_...

Select a particular anchor element through location.hash

I'm trying to select a particular tab section of a web page, on clicking a link on another page. I was suggested to use the location.hash function to select that particular anchor element of the tab and add the hash property in the href attribute of the first web page. But the code doesn't work for me.I get the entire page,instead of th...

Normalizing the looks on jQuery UI tabs?

Hi all.. I got a problem with the tabs on a jQuery UI tabs control. The headers looks messed up when I'm overflowing the content :( Here's a sample: Is this a known issue, and are there any known fixes out there? I'm hosting the tabs inside a div, which is aligned next to a float:left div, if that makes any difference :) ...

How to create a vertical tabs using the JQuery UI?

I tried the vertical tabs in the demos,but that make my horizontal ones vertical,too,which is not what i want. Thanks. ...

Overriding default jQuery UI tab from link on other page

Hi all, I am using jQuery UI tabs (v1.7x) on the home page of a site I'm working on at the moment, and they are set up as follows: jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $("#mastheadhome").tabs({ selected:4, fx: {opacity: 'toggle'} }); }); It's all working great when the page loads, and the tab I want to be displayed by default is dis...

How do I place a non-tab item in a jQuery UI Tab Bar using valid XHTML?

I am creating a standard jQuery UI tab bar, nothing special except for the following: I would like to include a hyperlink on the right-hand side of the tab bar to serve as a log-out button. I know that I can accomplish this using invalid XHTML by writing the tab container like this: <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a hr...

Replace whitespaces with tabs in linux

How do I replace whitespaces with tabs in linux in a given text file? ...

Jquery UI Tabs : bug - when mouse hover is selected

Hi guys , i found the following bug when using jquery ui tabs , when i selected the event as mouse hover and added animation to it $("#Tab").tabs({ "event":"mouseover",fx:{ opacity: 'toggle' , duration:'slow'}}); when i move the mouse over the tabs quickly , two tab contents remain open at the same time . this is the bug confirmed ,...

Different flash Tab-Focus behavior in Firefox and Internet Explorer (Solved)

In a minigame that is part of a larger flash game we show a number of editable textfields, about 10 rows with two textfields per row. Every row of two textfields is encapsulated in a class, and objects of that type are placed under each other so that it looks like some sort of table. Now on Firefox the tab behavior is fine, after manual...

Drop Down Box Keeps flickering - JQuery and CSS

I am having difficulty with something really basic. I am trying to implement a drop down box with JQuery and CSS. I can not figure out why my drop down box keeps flickering when I hover over the "Products" link. Here is a demo of what I am working on. I would appreciate any help on this. Edit Well t...

Unable to get jquery tabs nested

Here is the full sample script which demonstrates the problem, inner tabs company/department come up as list instead of tabs Edit: i have already tried what People have suggested that inner tabs should also be tabified via jquery but it doesn't work all the examples I have seen e.g.

How to show/reveal hidden or invisible characters in NetBeans?

How can you show/reveal hidden characters in NetBeans? In other editors, if this feature is turned on, a space might be shown as a small centered dot, and a tab as a right arrow. (This feature is useful to see if a file uses tabs or spaces for indentation, among other things.) ...

Iframe height and tabbed content

This is the second time I am posting this question, and I desperately need some advice.Any help by example would be greatly appreciated as I am new to programming. I have researched related questions in Stackoverflow but it seems they all relate to iframe height adjustment based on a new content page being loaded, rather than changes to ...

Expand Tabs to Spaces in C?

I need to expand tabs in an input line, so that they are spaces (with a width of 8 columns). I tried it with a previous code I had replacing the last space in every line greater than 10 characters with a '\n' to make a new line. Is there an way in C to make tabs 8 spaces in order to expand them? I mean I am sure it is simple, I just c...