
how do you create a dynamic tabs using jquery?

Hi, i'm new to jquery and I like to know how to do the following: 1) Dynamically create tabs with iFrame inside 2) ability to remove tabs on the fly without postback 3) tabs are unlimited and can shrink depending on the length of the browser Sorry if this may be too much to ask, but i'd like to learn how to do this. A perfect example...

jQuery tabs with both Ajax and static div's

I am posting form data to a page that is using jQuery tabs. Because you can't load post data into an Ajax query (at least without a ton of extra work and making it more insecure), I'm loading the active tab as an actual div on the page. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { ...

adding content to a generated tab in JQuery

Hello, I added this to my already existing JQuery tab: function createTab(name) { // this will add a tab via the standard method $("#tabs").tabs("add", "#fragment-4", name); $("#fragment-" + name).css("display", "block"); } my question is, what is the syntax that allows me to create content inside the newly created tab? ...

Can you check through JQuery if a tab of the same ID has already been created?

I have this script that creates a new tab in JQuery. Can you check through code on whether that particular tab has been generated? Thanks! function createTab(name) { var tabName = "#fragment-" + name; $("#container-1 > ul").tabs("add", tabName, name); var newTab = $(tabName).css("display", "b...

count the number of existing tabs in jquery?

hi, I'm using a dynamic jQuery tab widget to add/remove tabs generated programmatically. How do I check through jQuery and count how many existing tabs are present in the widget? I'm using this code, but it doesn't work: $('#container-1 > ul').tabs('add', tabName, name); var newTab; if ($('#container-1 > li').size() < 0) { newT...

how do you set the jquery tabs to form a 100% height?

how do you set the jquery tabs to form a 100% height? i also need to resize the iframe within it to expand to 100% height. thank you! ...

Ajax Control Toolkit - Use client-side button to activate tab

I'm using the TabContainer/TabPanel components of the Ajax Control Toolkit. I'd like to hide the tabs themselves and use a button elsewhere on the page to activate (bring to the front) one of the tabs without posting back to the server. I can show and hide the tabs by grabbing their clientIDs and manually setting the visibility and ...

How do I replace tabs with spaces within variables in PHP?

$data contains tabs, leading spaces and multiple spaces, i wish to replace all tabs with a space. multiple spaces with one single space, and remove leading spaces. in fact somthing that would turn Input data: [    asdf asdf     asdf           asdf   ] Into output data: [asdf asdf asdf asdf] How do i do this? ...

How to modify tabbed interface?

Hello, everyone) I've read a tutorial describing creating simple tabs: But I want to modify it, and cannot achieve the desired result, and that result can be seen at one template: (Just click on 'Live P...

How to add a tabController to another tabController

Hi I have a tabController-based iPhone application. First tab is associated with a table view controller. When I select a table cell I want to show another table controller view, but with different tabs on the bottom. What is the best way to do it? Change dynamically tab entries, or do it through IB? Please advise. Thanks, Nava ...

Is there a better way to do jquery Tabs?

Below is the jquery code I am using for my AJAX tabs Is there a better way that would be faster in the browser, I don't care about fancy transitions. <script type="text/javascript"> var pageUrl = new Array(); pageUrl[1] = ""; pageUrl[2] = ""; pageUrl[3] = ""; function...

How can I reload a jquery tab on form submit?

I use jquery for ajax tabs, not jquery UI that is to large for my needs This code below is my ajax tabs, it loads the selected tab with an external file I also have a for that uses ajax to post data to this page which is #tab2 What I want to know when I submit the form, regardless of what tab the user has loade...

How to reload Views When User Click on tabs?

Hello I am using a tab bar application. I want to reload a view when user presses on any of tab button. if user presses first button of tab bar, first view is loaded only once. i need when ever user presses first tab bar button, view must be reloaded. this is required, due to following reason in first view - i have list of employees...

Question about HTMLTidy in Notepad++

How do I make it so that instead of indenting my elements by multiples of 2 spaces (when formatting without wrapping is selected), HTMLTidy indents them by multiples of tabs (4 spaces long but only 1 byte in size)? ...

How to unload js script when going to next tab in jquery?

Hi All I have a site with five tabs using jquery-ui. Each loads an individual jQuery script. Now when I have loaded the second tab and go to the third tab the js out of the second tab still remains active and disturbs my actions in the third tab space. Can someone explain me why the js out of the second tab still stays active when chan...

Managing input focus on an MFC SDI multiple view application

Hi all, We have a relatively large MFC application that uses an SDI to host a number of dynamically created CView- based views. The basic structure of the application is somewhat like Outlook (tree view on the left, dynamic view(s) on the right). I've been puzzling over the correct way to handle focus changing in the app. For example...

Load content into jQuery tab from within a tab (tabs, hijack, forms)

Hello. I have something like the following. A main page has jquery tabs on it. It loads content for the tabs from other pages. Using the hijack plugin, the content loads correctly for me. Now, on the loaded tab, I have a form (page2.html below). On here, when I hit the link, I would like the new page as directed by the action (edit...

Retrieving index of Jquery Tabs

Hello I am trying to get index of current selected tab. Alert(ui.index) returns "undefined". Any idea why? thanks <script> $(document).ready(function(){ var $tabs = $("#apttabs > ul").tabs(); $tabs.bind('tabsselect', function(event, ui) { alert(ui.index); }); }); </script> <div id="apttabs"> <ul> <li><a href=...

jquery UI Tabs using DIV instead of UL for navigation

Hi Im a little new to JS and this has got me scratching my head like crazy. I want to use a DIV with a bunch of anchors inside for the navigation instead of the mandatory (I think?) UL. I have found the piece of code that does this, but I can't seem to make any sense of it. this.list = this.element.children('ul:first'); this.lis = $...

jQuery .load() doesn't reliably load js files when moving down the DOM tree

Horribly worded question, I know... I'm attempting to load a page into a div inside an asp:listview. The page loads fine on the first attempt, but subsequent loads do not seem to run the jquery.ui.js file to tabify the loaded page. I moved the call to tab the loaded page into the callback function of the .load() function, but that has...