
Oracle Form Builder: Switching between tabs in a form

Hi guys, i am building a form in oracle forms builder i have a tabbed canvas i need to know how to swap to the next tab when a button is pressed so what do i program into the next-tab button?? ...

How do you use onPageLoad in Javascript?

I tried using onPageLoad: function() { alert("hi"); } but it won't work. I need it for a Firefox extension. Any suggestions please? ...

Open files in existing Gvim in multiple (new) tabs

I have put some aliases in my .bashrc to open a group of project files in gvim, each in their own tab: gvim -p <list of file names using absolute paths> This is all well and good, except there are several groups of files I might want to move between at any given time (my current project uses Ruby on Rails, so that explains that). Wha...

jquery ui tabs redirecting to ASPX page on postbacks

I am being redirected to the actual aspx page when I submit the form. How to avoid the redirection. Tabs.aspx <div id="container-1"> <ul> <li><a href="Survey.aspx?group=1"><span>HR</span></a></li> <li><a href="Survey.aspx?group=2"><span>Sales</span></a></li> <li><a href="Survey.aspx?group=3">...

Programmatically open a new tab in ie7

I am developing web applications with c#, Aspnet 3.5, and Ajax 2.0. Question - I run Application_1 in ie7. I would like to programmatically start running Application_2 from Application_1 in a new tab, no matter what the client settings are. Until now I have been opening Application_2 in a new window from Application_1 using Scri...

jquery tabs are being displayed as vertical list in an accordion in IE6 but works fine in FF and IE 7. Any solution?

I am using jquery tabs within a jquery accordion. It works and displays fine IE7 and firefox but not in IE6. The tabs are appearing as vertical lists. The tabs do work. ...

Firefox window.opener issue

"window.opener" works fine in both IE and Firefox as long as 'Open in New Tab' is used from the right-click menu; Error console says "window.opener" is null. Is there any other way the opener can be accessed? Edit: Error console says "window.opener" is null only when "Open in New Tab" is clicked. For all other cases, there is no such er...

using blueprint css within a jquery ui tab

I'm using blueprint to do a complex form layout that involves jquery-ui tabs, but when I try to use the blueprint span-x divs within the jquery-ui tabs, the formatting gets all screwy.... <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#blahblah"><span>blah blah</span></a></li> <li><a href="#blahblahblah"><span>blah blah blah</span></a></li...

tab view in css with tables

I need a tab view in css with each tab showing a dynamic table. The complete table is dynamically constructed in loop and only after that should the tabs should hide and show each of the table corresponding to each tab. Any suggestions? The content of the tab is within list item and in loop only. The development is in Django/Python on ap...

VIM Project and Tabs

Is there a possibility to combine the Project Plugin with Tabs? If i open a file in my Project Explorer, i want to open it in a new tab ... :) ...

What is the simplest way to change the image of the selected tab in ASP.NET MVC?

I've seen this question, An easy way to set the active tab , however I'm not sure this is an optimal solution. I'm looking to see how others have handled tab selection in their views/controllers in ASP.NET MVC. What is the simplest way to implement selectable tabs in ASP.NET MVC? I'd like to avoid javascript methods to allow for non...

How can I implement tabs in ASP.NET MVC using query strings?

Duplicate: How can I build a tabbed menu in ASP.NET MVC? If you hover over the tabs of Stackoverflow, you'll see query strings like "?tab=hot", etc... I'm looking to do something similar, and could use some pointers: How can I select tabs based off the query string in ASP.NET MVC? Should I process this in a view, or in a contr...

Does this seem like an alright approach to implementing tabs in ASP.NET MVC?

After looking at how the Orange Tabs ASP.NET MVC demo handles tabs, they have something like: View: <ul id="menu"> <% if (Html.IsCurrentAction("Index", "Home")) { %> <li class="active"><%= Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home")%></li> <% } else { %> <li><%= Html.ActionLink("Home...

jquery remote tab and forms authentication

Hi, I am using jquery remote tab in my application.So each tab will load an aspx page on click.I have implemented forms authentication in my application, so after authentication time out, if i click on a tab, the login page gets loaded in that tab instead of the actual page(which is the correct behavior).But i want to prevent thi...

Issue using Jquery Tabs

Hello, I am having trouble getting the built in jquery tabs working on my site. I'm not really sure what the issue is. I have basically taken the code directly from the demo page that comes with jquery and copied it to my own site (obviously making the paths correct), however it refuses to work and I really can't see where the issue i...

How to specify jQueryUI Tab Target Panel?

Whats the cleanest way to specify a shared target panel for jQueryUI tabs when all the content is loaded via AJAX and the target lies outside of the parent "tabs" div? For example: <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="link1.html" title="Go to Link 1"><span>Link 1</span></a></li> <li><a href="link2.html" title="Go to Link 2"><spa...

Adjust iframe height with tabbed content

A request for those that require iframes that dynamically adjust in height... For example, assume an iframe that displays a page containing tabbed content. One tab may contain content that is larger than the next tab. When switching tabs, do we therefore need to add an event listener within the content page or some function that will res...

How to set emacs tabs to spaces in every new file?

I would like to have an .emacs setting so that tabs are always formed by consecutive spaces. Preferably in each possible mode. In other editors it never seemed a problem, but in .emacs I'm a bit stuck with the tabs I'm afraid. ...

Grid View Summary / Detail (Tabs?)

I have a very specific problem with a Gridview I am displaying. Believe it or not my customers need to see roughly 30 columns for a particular report. Obviously displaying these legibly is impossible and I am looking for suggestions on how to achieve this neatly? I was thinking Ajax tabs groups columns together naturally on differing ...

C# Read Text File Containing Data Delimited By Tabs

I have some code: public static void ReadTextFile() { string line; // Read the file and display it line by line. using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader(@"C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\snpprivatesellerlist.txt")) { while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) ...