
jquery Tab - Open Link in current panel does not work

Hi, I just started playing around with the Jquery ui tabs. The content of the Tabs consist mainly of static content at the beginning. Now some of the content within the panels do have Links to some kind of subcontent. So if the User clicks on a link in the panel I would like to replace the content of the current panel with the content ...

Iframe in Tab Madness!

I've searched all over and have found possible solutions but they don't quite work how i need them to. I am really new to jQuery but I'm trying :-) I have an iframe that sits in a Tab ( Tabs powered by jQuery) In the third tab sits an iframe that holds a slideshow My problem: When I click on the third tab which houses the iframe all...

Vim tabs and buffers

I've started using Vim some time ago. So far - I enjoyed my experience with this editor. Until recently I started using Tabs in Vim. I must admit that I am a bit frustrated about whole buffer/tab/window concept in Vim. For example, suppose I am working on a number of files related to one "project". All files are open in tabs. Suppose I...

ASP.NET tab control with custom tab shapes

I need to create ASP.NET tabs with each tab looking like a triangle (similar to OneNote tabs). are there any available tab controls that support this out of the box? if it's not in ASP.NET world, but in js (like extJS or jQuery) I'll take that and just adopt it. I know those libraries are advanced, but I don't know if I they can do what...

QTabBar icon position

Is there a way to change the alignment of the icon or text of a tab in Qt? Specifically, I would like the text to appear below the icon. By default the icon sits to the left of the text, but that's not appropriate for all situations (especially when you start styling your tabs with stylesheets) It would seem very odd to me that this aspe...

Firefox javascript bookmarklet open tab in background

I've written a bookmarklet to look a word up in a Chinese dictionary: javascript:Qr=document.getSelection();if(!Qr){void(Qr=prompt('%E8%AF%8D%E8%AF%AD',''))};if(Qr)(function(){''+Qr);})(); This opens a new tab with search results for your selected word or a word you type in at the prompt. Is the...

CSS mouse-over overlapping tabs?

I've got some tabs. And I want to add a rollover effect. Problem is, the tabs overlap each other so there's no nice place to divide them. Should I just use absolute positioning and PNGs to stack them, or is there a more elegant solution? ...

How to communicate between Android tabs

Hi Im trying to setup some tabs for my android application, but i got stuck. I cant find a way to communicate between the tabs.. I got 2 tabs. |Search|Result| The search tab is simply showing a TextEdit and a "Search" button. Hitting the search button should make my app change to the result tab and display the result. i have adde...

jQuery Tools Tabs not displaying in IE7

It might be a long shot posting this question here but we will see. I have created simple tabs using jQuery tools. The only thing i think i have changed is that instead of setting all div elements within the main panes div to display:none only divs with a specific class are set to display:none, this has allowed me to put divs within the ...

Diff two tabs in Vim

Scenario: I have opened Vim and pasted some text. I open a second tab with :tabe and paste some other text in there. Goal: I would like a third tab with a output equivalent to writing both texts to files and opening them with vimdiff. Currently I the close I can find is "diff the current buffer against a file", but not diffing two open...

How do I focus an existing tab in a window? (web page, not extension)

I'm trying to focus an existing tab when the content reloads. The usual window methods don't seem to work. Here's whats happening: On page_1 I have a link like... <a href="page_2.html" target="page_2">Go to my other page</a> If the tab doesn't exist, when the link is clicked it opens a new tab and takes focus. (Perfect) If you then g...

Enumerate browser tabs from external application

Hi everyone. A bit of an odd (challenging?) question. Is it possible to programmatically access the tabs of an open browser from a external application? I realize that's a vague question, but hear me out: What I'm trying to create is a "Gmail Chat Notifier" application that flashes a notification icon in the Windows system tray when an ...

jQuery UI tabs disable tab navigation

I tried to disable tab navigation using var $tabs = $("#tabs").tabs({ select: function(event, ui) { return false; } }); However, this also disables the flow links I'm using for navigation: $('input.nexttab').click(function() { var tab_num = $tabs.tabs('option', 'selected'); // error check this tab before proceeding if...

Preventing iframe postback from calling jQuery 'ready' function on parent

I have an an iframe within a jQuery tab layout. I am using the iframe to upload an image, to simulate a AJAX file upload. It seems whenever my iframe postbacks, it causes the parent page's $(document).ready to execute, resetting the current tab I am positioned on. Any ideas on how to prevent this? function uploadDone() { var d...

jquery ajax tabs with user control gridview

I have a user control that has a gridview in it with paging. The paging is driven by an object datasource, so it's using the dopostback events by default. I want to use jquery to load the usercontrol into a tab via ajax because I have multiple tabs that I don't want to load all at once and take all the database hits if they aren't neede...

Programming customized tab completion for zsh

Sorry if my google fu is too weak, but: I simply want to adjust zsh so that I can tab complete someappname -s using the contents (filenames) of ~/somedir For example: someapp -s f<tab> should cycle through completions based on the files starting with the letter f in ~/somedir . So I might end up with a command line like: "someapp...

ExtJS display link in new tab

Hello, I am using ExtJS version 2. I am clicking a button to add new tab to a TabPanel. The new tab function looks like this: function addTab(tabTitle, targetUrl){ tabPanel.add({ title: tabTitle, iconCls: 'tabs', closable:true }).show(); } I would like to know if it's possible to get the targetU...

Ajax Control Toolkit TAB Component - Javascript breaks it?

Hello all, I've finally figured out how to make all my millions of tabs (not that many really) wrap properly. Now, I want to fire a server side event whenever someone clicks on a tab. After some thorough Google searching, I thought I had struck pure gold with this: This stuff is in the header of my aspx page: <script type="text/javasc...

C# Adding tabs at runtime using Form's controls

I have thought of this idea where you could have a tab control on a form, but instead of defining each tabs controls before runtime, inherit or use another form's controls. Basically a tab control is in place on the main form that has no tabs on it before runtime. When runtime comes along I want to create tabs, but the controls that wou...

Tab bar programming

Hi , I have a Tab bar based application. Can I change the tabs highlighted Programatically? I mean can i navigate from one tab to the other without actually clicking on the tab icons ? ...