
Can I force gVim to open dragged-in files in a new tab?

I'd like gVim to open files dragged into it to open in a new tab, instead of replacing the current file. This question is on the right track, but I'd like to be able to run multiple instances of gVim, just able to drag files to the window I want. I'm running on Windows 7. ...

Jquery tabs reload content on button click

I'm using jquery tabs ( Jquery version 1.3.2 and Jquery UI version 1.7.2 and Ive been testing in firefox 3.5.6. When selecting a tab I just add the current date to the content area html. I also have a link with the class name "Button". When this link is clicked I want to reload the content of th...

addClass to Parent

HTML: <div class="tabbed-section"> <ul class="tabs"> <li><a href="#tab-1">Tab 1</a><li> <li><a href="#tab-2">Tab 2</a><li> </ul> <div id="tab-1" class="panel"> content 1 </div> <div id="tab-2" class="panel"> content 2 </div> </div> jQuery: $('.tabbed-section .panel').hide();...

Add .click() to dynamically created tab

Hey I'm attempting to add a .click() to a tab that I add dynamically. Code so far: var newtabid = "#privChatArea" + chatmessage.SenderID; $("#tabs").tabs("add", newtabid, "<span style=\"color: red;\">" + chatmessage.SenderNick + "</span>"); I can't seem to figure out how to reference the Tab-button, as the only element I am actuall...

Android error with TabActivity / TabWidget

I'm trying to create a TabActivity for my android application. When my layout XML appears as follows with dummy TextView content for my 2 tabs, everything appears fine. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TabHost xmlns:android="" android:id="@android:id/tabhost" android:layout_width...

Toggle DIVs on a page using jQuery

I have a row of links across the top of my page which are meant to act as tabs, when one is clicked I want its DIV to show and the rest to hide. I'm really not sure the best way to go about this. What I originaly came up with: $("#overall").click(function(){ if ($("#overall").is(":hidden")) { $("#hourly-div").hide("fast"); $("#da...

Jquery ui tools - tab panes all showing at once

I'm using Jquery tools for my tabs - something's gone wrong which I don't know (as everything was working) .. all the panels are being displayed at once for some reason... here is the code: <div id="form"> <ul class="tabs"> <li><a href="#"><%= GetResourceString( "TabHeaderBasic" ) %></a></li> <li><a href="#"><%= Get...

facebooker tab user issue

In my facebooker ruby rails app i can't seem to get a user session. It works outside the tab however. class TabController < ApplicationController ensure_authenticated_to_facebook ensure_application_is_installed_by_facebook_user def index @user = session[:facebook_session].user end Error is something like: Filter chain halted as [:...

Mapview in TabActivity problem

Hi, Great site and wonderful info. I have been strugling with this issue for the past 10 days...I am developing an app that has 4 tabs. One of the tabs (tab3), I would like to show a mapview I created in seperate program/class So I have... 1) TabActivity with 4 tabs in its own class and layout. (runs fine by it self) 2) MapActivity i...

jQuery tab order kills drag/drop/sort lists

Hi everyone! I am stuck in a problem with jQuery. I try to make a list from elements, that can be dragged and dropped in many lists. But this whole thing is inside a tab. Here is it shown as it supposed to work: The interesting thing starts if I try to change the order of tabs. If the ta...

jQuery Nested Tabs first tab doesn't work until you click it

Using this bit of code to create tabs and nested tabs works great except for the very first nested tab will not work unless you click on one of the other nested tabs then click back to the first one... Any ideas? jQuery.fn.tabs = function () { return this.each(function () { var ul = jQuery(this); ul.find('a[href^=#]').each(...

Issues with jquery tabs nested tabs, first tab doesn't load.

I am having a problem with nested tabs. When I click on Tab 2 I need Nested 1 to display by default. Instead it just shows a blank tab until I click Nested 2 and click back to Nested 1. I'd love to be able to fix this by just adding something to the ready function if possible because changing the actual .js file is a pain... Thanks in a...

How to create a copy/link of a user element in a tab control?

I have a .NET forms application using a tab control with several tabs. There are a few elements (a button and a few text boxes) that need to be displayed on every tab. Rather than create 5 seperate elements (including all the appropriate properties), is there a way to create "links" to one element? For example, when an event occurs, I n...

How to enable search button in HTML help Workshop software

Hi, I have installed HTML help workshop software (version 4.73) in my system and I have created a project.I could open the .chm file and view the files under it. However, I am not getting the search tab in .chm file. I am gettig stop menu item in "OPTIONS" menu. Can any one tell me how to display search tab in .chm file? Please tell me...

jquery tabs and datepicker

I want to return to the last opened tab after selecting a date with a datepicker. I try doing that by getting the selected tab. That works for static tabs, but not for ajax calls, because that tabs get a different index number. How can I best do this? this is my code: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></s...

Java: "Add Tab Button" for a JTabbedPane

Hi, Is it possible to add a button to a tabbedpane like in firefox. The green plus-button is what I want. Thanks ...

Pagination in Tab Content of Jquery UI

I am making a page with Jquery UI TABS. In one of tabs I want to make pagination for comments. I want such thing. When user clicks on the number of the page, the data of the page , which is linked will load via ajax in the tab. Here is my code <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#tabs").tabs(); }); $('#demo')...

android tabs - starting a new activity

guys im in deep trouble again... i have 4 Tabs in a TabHost... let them be A,B,C,D.... now each one is just an index page and clicking on any of them shows a different activity... The problem is that i need to start another activity wen user selects something from the content displayed in the tab... The other activity should also be di...

Fade effect onclick (jQuery)

I have this very basic tabbed block: $('.tabbed-section .panel').hide(); $('.tabbed-section .panel:first').show(); $('.tabbed-section .tabs li:first').addClass('active'); $('.tabbed-section .tabs li a').click(function () { $('.tabbed-section .tabs li').removeClass('active'); $(this).parent().addClass('active'); var currentTa...

How to configure vim for TAB/ident like this?

I would use vim like this: Pressing TAB indent by 4 spaces (spaces not a TAB) Existing TAB should treated as 8 space wide Could you help me? ...