
How to put a right aligned link in jQuery tabs?

I have three jQuery tabs on the left. I wish to put a "Sign Out" link on the right within the tabs header. How I can achieve that? ...

How to have a different buffer list for each tabs in Vim?

Is it possible to kind of "attach" a list of buffers to particular tabs within Vim? I am currently using MiniBufferExplorer, which shows all buffers in nice tabs. It can be combined using standard vim tabs but the plugin's buffer list contains all the buffers and using tabs become a bit useless. Here's an example of what I'd like: Tab A...

Tab index in flex repeater

I have a repeater which contains a text box and combo Box. I have set tab Index on both of them. When I navigate using the tab button on the keyboard it does not navigate in the correct order. Can you help me please. Thanx ...

Delphi Getting 'Ctrl Tab' and 'Ctrl Shift Tab' in application

In my application I use tabs, my own component, like Google chrome sort of. Each tab reference an explorer component so it is basicly a tabbed browser/explorer. My problem is that I want to use Ctrl Tab and Ctrl Shift Tab to navigate tabs. Setting forms.KeyPreview will not help since the tab key is special key. How can I, in an easy way,...

Can git automatically switch between spaces and tabs?

I use tabs for indentation in my python programs, but I would like to collaborate (using git) with people who use spaces instead. Is there a way for git to automatically convert between spaces and tabs (say, 4 spaces = 1 tab) on pushing/fetching? (similar to the CR/LF conversion) ...

jquery accordion - link to specific tab

Hi, Im new to jquery and before i embark on a project i would like to know if it is posisble to link to part 2 or 3 of this demo from an external page. or have an anchor on each page any help would be appreciated. Thanks ...

How to create tabbed sections in JSF?

Hi, How To create tabbed sections in JSF? For example, in my home page, I need two tab sections namely, Personal and Official. How do I achieve this? ...

TabBar Controller Selection color

Hello, Ia there any one who have implemented for the TabBar Controller application in which on selection of tab item it shows different colour other than gray and blue color. ...

How can I define how many spaces a TAB jumps in a XAML TextBox?

When the user presses a tab in this textbox, the cursor jumps an equivalent of 8 spaces. How can I change it so it jumps only 4 or 2? <TextBox Width="200" Height="200" Margin="0 0 10 0" AcceptsReturn="True" AcceptsTab="True" Text="{Binding OutlineText}"/> ...

JQuery Tabs UI - Menu rotation - OnMouseOver and OnMouseOut

Hi, I am currently working with a tab menu which cycles through automatically. Once I mouseover one of the tabs the "rotation" should stop on the selected tab and when I mouseout it should continue rotating from the selected tab item. $("#featured > ul").tabs({ event: 'mouseover', fx: { opaci...

Eclipse HotKey: how to switch between tabs?

How to switch opened windows in Eclipse? There is Ctrl+F6, but it's asking me which one i want, but i want switch it like tabs in browser or window in operating system (Cmd/Win+Tab) without file-selection from the list. How to do this easy thing in Eclipse? I've tried to assign hotkey for events: forward forward history next page but i...

Javascript Scroll Menu - MouseOver Selection not working correctly on first contact

Hi, I am currently working with a tab menu which cycles through automatically. Once I mouseover one of the tabs the "rotation" should stop on the selected tab and when I mouseout it should continue rotating from the selected tab item. $(document).ready(function() { $("#featured > ul").tabs({ fx: { opacity: "toggle"} }).tabs("rotate", ...

Problem with Google visualization inside Ajax Toolkit Tab Control

I'm trying to use a google visualisation, the column chart, inside an AJAX Toolkit Tab Control, but I'm having small (literally) problems. If I add the visualisation to the tab that's displayed by default when the page loads, the bar chart displays correctly, however, if I add the same control to another tab and reload the page...

Title-changing effect/window event listener does not work

Hello, I tried to search but could not find out anything useful. This is a piece of code for my Greasemonkey script. Basically, I want to have the same effect as Gmail. When the page loads and you have new messages, the title will change repeatedly and make you notice. The problem is it does not work for the first time. For example: The...

Preload images for AJAX content using jQueryUI-tabs

So I've got a pretty nice application going using ui-tabs.. problem is, I cannot for the life of me figure out a way to pre-load images in my ajax content before the tab panel is shown. The only way I can think of is to create my own ajax functionality for the loading of tab-panel content, and adding something like this to the ajax call...

jquery sliding tab "side effect"

I code this page, a tab with sliding capability : here I really like the effect, but when you vien a long tab (let say specification), and we go to a smalll one (download) reclicking on a large one force the user to scroll down again... Is it possible to jquery something that tell the page to stay scroll down at the max after the tab pr...

jquery - targeting hovered element on mouseLeave

I'm currently using .hover to handle a hover tab. I'm having to get a little creative because I have a code freeze on the markup. My initial plan was to share a class between the hovered tab and the element which contains the targeted content. In other words, if the tab has class "review" the content element has class "review" as well. T...

Android : ugly TABS in 2.0 vs 1.5 ... why ? where are my rounded corners TABS ?

I simply use the tabwidget : mTabHost = getTabHost(); mTabHost.addTab(mTabHost.newTabSpec("tab_1").setIndicator(getString(R.string.day0)).setContent(; mTabHost.addTab(mTabHost.newTabSpec("tab_2").setIndicator(getString(R.string.day1)).setContent(; mTabHost.addTab(mTabHost.newTabSpec("ta...

Fixing tabs to the top of the page, but underneath the header

I'm trying to figure out how to design a header for a website so that there are tabs placed underneath the header (that look like they're sticking out from under the header), that stay with the header as the page is scrolled down (and the header moves up), but when they reach the top of the page become fixed there so that they're always ...

JQuery UI + tabs : How to kow to get the selected tab with imbricated tabs

Hi, I'm new to Jquery. I'm using JQuery UI and i have imbricated Tabs : Tabs in tabs. ____ tab 1 | tab 2 | tab 3 | tab 4| tab 5 ______ tab 1-1 | tab 1-2 | tab 1-3 | tab 1-4| tab 1-5 I'm using $('#div').bind('tabsselect', function(event, ui) { selectedTab = ui.index; alert('selectedTab : ' + selectedTab); }); to kown the ...