
PHP - CSRF - How to make it works in all tabs?

Hi there, I have readed about how to prevent CSRF-attacks in the last days. I am going to update the token in every pageload, save the token in the session and make a check when submitting a form. But what if the user has, lets say 3 tabs open with my website, and I just store the last token in the session? This will overwrite the toke...

jquery tabs - load url in current tab?

I'm trying to figure out how to load the url each tab links to inside the tab area onclick, and have been trying to following the docs at, but am clearly not getting it.... This is the HTML markup: <div class="tabs"> <ul class="tabNav"> <...

Need help identifying Windows UI control

Can anyone identify the control that is being used to create the accordion-style tab layout in this Windows dialog? ...

Loading a Browser Page in the Background

I have a tabbed interface (one activity per tab) where one tab will be a browser view displaying a webpage. The application loads in a different activity / view, but I want it to begin to download the webpage in the background as soon as the app launches, before the user ever clicks on that tab and initiates that activity. How can I do ...

jQuery - Opening links within tabs

Hi all, At present I have some jQuery tabs and these tabs contain links. Unfortunately on following one of the links, the new page opens as if you were following any normal link i.e. not within the tab which is want I would want to happen. Have tried following this section but to no avail:

Jquery tabs and forms

Hi, this may be a weird problem but I’m not sure the best way to go about it.. I am using JQuery ajax tabs. The tab section is dynamic so multiple tabs can be added, as the content is loaded via Ajax the same content can be loaded into different tabs. The other important detail is that i am using the Cache option so the tabs maintain s...

How to edit preference file for Notepad++?

My open source project uses spaces, not tabs, in its code. A contributor to the project has his own website which uses tabs, not spaces. He uses Notepad++ in Windows to edit files for both projects, and is frustrated when he forgets to manually set the Preferences correctly and thus inserts tabs into my project's files. Is there a way...

Weird ViewControllers - iPhone SDK

Hello everyone, I have a Tab-Bar Application for this iPhone application I am making. I make a simple button on the 3rd view (3rd tab), and give it an IBAction to give an alert view. When I press build and go, everything works out fine. I go onto the 3rd tab, and I press my button. It simply crashes... Why is this happening? Everything ...

Rails tabs instead spaces

Is there any way to to setup Rails generating files with tabs instead spaces? Or maybe is there any way to auto replacing spaces to tabs in gedit? Cause I really prefered tabs and it's really take some time to replace spaces to tabs in new generated files by Rails. Thanks in advance! ...

JQuery Tabs - Styling issue on page content load

Hello guys, First tab on my page has a lot of content, including text and pictures. This probably causes visual issue: Once user loads the page, for a second, he will see regular html list instead of styled tabs with background. Something like this: Tab One Tab Two Tab Three All javascripts and css are loaded on top of the page...

Mootools Fade effect for Joomla Tabs

Hi, I am trying to use the TabsManager for Joomla from Gavick. I am using the fourth example. But instead of the slide effect for navigating to different tabs, I am trying to use the FADE effects to show the tab contents. I have no idea how to do this in mootools. The javascript source file is

How can I preserve tabs in a Silverlight RichTextBox?

I've overridden the key-handling events and am inserting tabs when a user presses the tab key for a RichTextBox. When I save the XAML from that RichTextBox and reload it, all of the tabs are now spaces. Does anyone know what I can do to get the RichTextBox to display tabs? ...

Updating Activity UI from Different Activity Method?

I have a tab widget where one of the tabs is a chat-type feature. I want to update the chat data at an interval (variable depending on whether the chat tab is active or not). The best approach seemed to be using an AsyncTask in my main TabActivity class, as that would avoid any issues of the chat activity being destroyed while in the ba...

Creating tabs for calling activities

Hi , I have some activities in my project like, Alerts,HomePage , Calculator etc. What i want to accomplish is to create tabs for all these activities and insert images for these. When we touch the tab the corresponding activity must load. I have done it using the menu options. But i must accomplish this using tabs. The tabs must also b...

Consistent tabs through out the application

Hi, I have created an apk which has activities. I have included tabs in my program through which the user can select the required activity. But my main problem is that i couldnt find a way to display the tabs throughout the application. For example, on clicking a tab the corresponding tab opens. But when i click on a button the activity...

-How can I "preload" the Google Maps API in a FLEX 3.5 TabNavigator Tab ?

Hello, I have a Flex 3.5 Air Application; The main window has, besides the header, a TabNavigator. In a Tab, I've put a Google Maps object. It works fine, except that it "loads" very slow and the whole application freezes ( not responding problem ). Now I would like to fix that but don't really now how to implement one of these soluti...

JQuery UI Tabs: Apply opacity toggle to only specific inner element?

I am using Jquery UI tabs, and have it set to toggle the opacity with each slide change. I'm wondering if there's a way to apply the opacity toggle to only a single element within each tab, instead of the entire tab. My understanding of jQuery is pretty basic, so bear with me. So, If I have something like this: <div id="tabs"> <ul...

TabHost remove all content activities

I have a code for populating content for tabs dynamically. First time it works ok, but when I want to replace tabs (and their content) with new content - tabs are changed but tabs' contents are not, how can I clear completely whole TabHost and replace with other content? TabHost tabHost = getTabHost(); Intent intent; TabHost.TabSpec spe...

How can I find places where tabs are used in a commit range?

I am contributing code to an open source project which requires that no tabs exist in source code(only spaces). I am sure I have used tabs accidentally in some places, and want to clean up my code before I submit a patch. How can I find uses of tabs in a commit range? ...

Tabbed javascript widget for a Rails app

A user registers on our Rails app and they're given javascript to embed a widget in their website. The widget has a tabbed interface, like the JQuery tabs iFrames have been tested, but the widget form factor and cross-domain policy negates the use of iframes. The widget is very dynamic and will often u...