
Need to open links in new tab in ie8 !

I have a sidebar (right sided iframe) and when i click on a link in it, it opens a new window in IE8, (in firefox it open a new tab). What do i need to do to open links in IE8 in a new tab. I already set the Tools->Internet Options->Settings-> 'Always open pop-ups in a new tab' and 'A new tab in the current window' open in new tab but st...

images not showing up in tab body on class change in IE

I can't get any images to show up when I'm using IE with these makeshift tabs I made, everything shows up and space is allocated for the image but the image doesn't show up when I change the class. I'm using the css property visiblity to make it work. function findJournalId(d){ var parent=jQuery(d).parent(); ...

JQuery UI Tabs + Wordpress issues

Hello dear Stackoverflow gurus, I am trying to integrate JQuery tabs with my WordPress blog, to replace old HTML Navigation menu. I am half way there but not quiet... Take a look for yourself: The template breaks right away since the first button of the Tab menu is linked to index.php like so: Home ...

In android how to close TabWidget when a tab is selected.

In android how to close TabWidget when a tab is selected. As the title, I want close the TabWidget where some tab is selected. ...

use jquery to refresh div tab onclick?

I'm using tabs, but wondering if it's possible to "refresh" tab content onclick? ...

What approach to take for an ASP.NET web application w/ tabs

Hey I just began working on a new project that requires, tab navigation, and within each page, more tab navigation, and then within those pages dynamic ASP.NET content. The problem is I do not want all of my code on one page, that would just be a very large and bloated page. I was wondering what available methods of approach there are ...

IHtmlWindow3 has screenLeft and screenTop of IE tab .... where are Width and Height?

I've got an IHtmlDocument2 object, and its parentWindow gives me top and left coordinates of the current IE tab window via the IHtmlWindow3 interface ... How can I get the width and height of that tab as well? ...

Can I stop the page from 'scrolling' back to the top when a user clicks on a tab (with Rails not Javascript)?

Ive built a webpage with 'tabs' using rails. When a user clicks a tab, a new page loads. I want to format it so the tabs are always in the same place on the page as a user clicks them. This happens as long as the user has not scrolled down on the page. If a user has scrolled down, clicking on the tab will refresh the page and it is no l...

Jquery Tab link to another tab from content within a tab

I'm using the JQuery tabs plugin. I'd like to link content within tab 1 to take me to tab 3 instead of having to click Tab 3 to get to it. How do I do this? @redsquare... So, i modified it based on your suggestion that way I can make all the tabs interact with each other. This change works, thanks again, so I guess I'm wondering if the...

GoWalla application - Tabs

Hi! Im the kinda of android developer thats fascinated with good looking tabs. Probably the best one ive seen so far is the one from the GoWalla app. Does anyone have some initial thoughts about how they achieved that look? Thanks ...

Why do I get an error while trying to set the content of a tabspec in android?

I have an android activity in which I'm using tabs. public class UnitActivity extends TabActivity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.unit_view); TabHost tabHost = getTabHost(); TabSpec spec; spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("control...

jQuery tabs - multiple sets on on page

This is kind of a follow on from a previous question I posted but I've not been able to get it to work.. I'm trying to use multiple sets of tabs (jQuery) on one page. This is the code I had for one set of tabs which works great: $('div.tabs').hide(); $('div.tabs div:first').show(); $('div.tabs ul.htabs li:first a').addClass('c...

javascript hide/show tabs using JQuery

Hey all, I have a quick question of how I can use jquery tabs (you click on link button to display/hide certain divs). The div id matches the href of the link: HTML links: <table class='layout tabs'> <tr> <td><a href="#site">Site</a></td> <td><a href="#siteno">Number</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="#student">Student</a></td...

jquery tab switching links so they jump to top of page?

I was given some great help by redsquare to get this far to change jquery tabs from links within the content, but I have one more issue that I'm looking for support on... When a user clicks a link to switch to a different tab from within the content, can i get the page to jump to the top of the page? Within my demo link, scroll to the ...

Tab control in Silverlight 3.0 and Dirty data

We are using tab control in our project. While using this control i came across a few issues like - When the tab control loads, it invokes constructor of all the xaml pages that form the individual tabs. Can this be avoided? Is there any event with tab control that we can use to identify dirty data on the previous tab that i may have...

How to detect tab key pressing in C#?

I want to detect when tab key is pressed in a textBox and focus the next textbox in the panel. I have tried out keyPressed method and keyDown method. But when I run the program and debug those methods are not calling when the tab key is pressed. Here is my code. private void textBoxName_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (...

iphone sdk: Table view not working in the first 5 tabs but in the more view

Hi, I only started with sdk but this problem is bugging me now for a view days: I created a UITableView and added it to my Tabs. When this TableView is in the first 4 Tabs and u go look at it, it only shows the items on the table but when clicking on them nothing happens (it doesn't go to the next view). BUT when i put this same tab be...

How can I force TAB in org-mode to properly align plain lists?

When using org-mode, I frequently write plain lists using either '-' or numbers. When I move to the next line using RET then TAB, the cursor always moves eight spaces beyond the start of the line instead of aligned with the list "marker" above. This screenshot should be helpful to see what I mean... Thanks for your help, Ryan Kaskel ...

Controling XML Within Tab Widget (Android)

I am using the following code to setup a TabWidget: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); TabHost mTabHost = getTabHost(); mTabHost.addTab(mTabHost.newTabSpec("tab_1").setIndicator("Tab1", getResources().getDraw...

php regex guitar tab (tabs or tablature, a type of music notation)

I am in the process of creating a guitar tab to rtttl (Ring Tone Text Transfer Language) converter in PHP. In order to prepare a guitar tab for rtttl conversion I first strip out all comments (comments noted by #- and ended with -#), I then have a few lines that set tempo, note the tunning and define multiple instruments (Tempo 120\nDefi...