
Delphi TPageControl not responding to clicks on tabs

I have an app with a TPageControl on the main form. The pagecontrol has several tabs. The app can be minimized to a tray icon. Sometimes after running minimized for a while, when I restore the main window (via a right-mouse click on the tray icon), the tab that was last displayed is displayed, but I can't select any other tabs! If I ...

Best way to code an HTML/CSS/JS tab navigation system (no images)

Hi, I'm coding a tab system for my website that must be entirely CSS/HTML/JS (without using any images). Problem is, I keep hacking the code until when I'm finished its just a mess. I don't know whether to use positioning, or float the tabs or what. Basically one of the big problems is that after I take away the bottom-border CSS of t...

Tab Based Controller Connection Issues

Hey there, I have an issue . I have code that reads in RSS feeds, its navigation based. RssFunViewController - > thats the view for the table (list of feeds) NewsDetailViewController - > thats shows more information about the news feed which was selected by user (in a new view). But when i try to use it in a tab-based navigation pr...

jquery:how linking the menubar to tabs

i have a menubar and tabs the code like below: <div id="menu"> <ul> <li><a href="#"><span>Inspection</span></a></li> <ul> <li><a href="#"><span>show tabs1</span></a></li> <li><a href="#"><span>show tabs2</span></a></li> </ul> </ul> </div> ...

Cocoa Touch - Landscape View

How can I keep my app ONLY in landscape when its using the tab bar templete? ...

Javscript to open URL within a new Tab (instead of a window)

Hey guys. There are a few entries here requiring solutions to do the opposite of this, and others vaguely related. In one of them, the poster asked how to do this on Mozilla Firefox. Actually though, firefox will always open the URL in a new tab when is called, unless you set the window's size within its parameters. So Moz...

convert txt file with mixed spaces/tabs to tabs only (where possible)

Hi, I have some source code file which has mixed tabs/spaces and I want to convert it to a file where it has automatically replaced all indentation spaces by tabs for a given tab space length (i.e. for example tab = 2 spaces). Any easy solution (with common Unix tools, MacOSX, bash or zsh)? Some sed script or Python command or so? Tha...

contact/feedback tab customization.

I am looking for somewhere that i can design and add a feedback/contact tab to my site. And if possible add a slide out where users can submit a form. I have no coding experience. I tried to use the j querys plugin, but cant figure it out. here is an example; Regards ...

Implementing multiple file upload control in jquery tabs

Im using mvc 2. I have three jquery tabs. In each of three tabs i want to upload multiple files and save on server. what may be the best approach to do this also i want to implement ajax base file upload ...

Android - Where to set the color of pressed,focused... Tabs?

Hey, I created a small Tab-Layout. Now how can i specify the color of the TabWidget depending on its state (focused,pressed..) I built a new .xml, but i dont know how to set it to my Tabs: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <selector android:id="@+id/tabSelector" xmlns:android=""...

tab not showing in IE 6

tab not showing in IE 6, working fine in others how to solve? <style type="text/css"> * { margin:0; padding:0; } li { list-style:none; } a { text-decoration:none; font-size:14px; } #...

Vim: can global marks switch tabs instead of the file in the current tab?

I'm in the process of learning vim, and i just learned about marks. Before this i found it useful to have all the source code files i'm working on in their own tabs. When i found out about "global" (capital letter) marks i thought it would be a great way to switch to a tab which already has the marked file open, and scroll to the correct...

In Eclipse's text editors, is it possible to have tabs not look the same as spaces

Is it possible to set tabs to have a different background color (e.g. slightly grey) or put a little symbol (like "↦") in Eclipse text editors? If it's language specific, I'm using PHP. Our company coding standard is Tabs for indenting, but often there are spaces in the source code, so it would be great to see where these spaces are so ...

How to modify .doc or .docx file in php

Hi friends, I have to modify the uploaded .doc or .docx file in php. I googled but i only found how to read that but not as it is. I want the word file as it is and put text at the bottom of that MS Word file. How is this possible anyone know please reply. Thanks, ...

dragging and dropping portlets between jquery ui tabs?

i'm building a portlet style site with tabs using jquery 1.4.2, and jquery ui 1.8.2. the portlets were easy to get working with the sortable plugin. tabs were easy as well. the problem i'm having is in trying to drag portlets BETWEEN tabs. since the same containers that the portlets are sortable to (columns) are present in all tabs, ...

Link to Specific Tab from Another Page by Name (Not Tab Order Number)

Hello. I have two levels of Spry tabbed panels that I'm linking to from other pages. I currently have it set up so that I link to the panels that are on the registration page like this: <a href="registrations.html?sport=1&clinic=0"> The registration page includes the following script: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var params =...

Multiple Jquery UI Tabs

I have two sets of Jquery UI Tabs $('#tabs').tabs(); $('#tabs2').tabs(); I bound a tabselect event to the first set of tabs $('#tabs').bind('tabsselect', function(event, ui) { currTab.val(ui.index + 1); }); The event should not fire when switching between tabs in the second set, "tabs2", but it is. Any ideas why it is doing this?...

Breaking Down NSTabView Into Files

As my Cocoa app comes along, my NSWindowController is becoming huuuuuuuuuuge. My window has an NSTabView, and each tab therein has its own NSViewController (they all have submenus) and its own methods. So, my WindowController.m seems to stretch well beyond what it's supposed to because of tabs. Sadly, examples of NSTabView are quite sim...

Firefox gBrowser.getBrowserForTab but no gBrowser.getTabForBrowser ?

In the Javascript for a Firefox extension, you can call gBrowser.getBrowserForTab but there is no gBrowser.getTabForBrowser. So I wrote my own and it works, and I'm just curious if there's any reason I shouldn't be doing this, or if there's anything wrong with the code. The following is in my init method that gets called when the window ...

If Tabs and Activities don't go together..Is there a way to cheat?

I am having a real hard time on putting my activities in tabs. I have an activity that parses an XML file and puts them on a list, and it works perfectly on its own. When I call it on a tab however it does not work (i get the dreaded "Sorry! blah blah.. has stopped unexpectedly" prompt... BTW yes I did the manifest). I have migrated th...