Anyone know a common-words list for IT terminology?
I need them for help in building a tag cloud which needs to include IT terms like java, testing, versioning, patterns, agile etc etc. Need a few hundred words at least. ...
I need them for help in building a tag cloud which needs to include IT terms like java, testing, versioning, patterns, agile etc etc. Need a few hundred words at least. ...
Hi, I have a MSSQL 2005 table: [Companies]( [CompanyID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Title] [nvarchar](128), [Description] [nvarchar](256), [Keywords] [nvarchar](256) ) I want to generate a tag cloud for this companies. But I've saved all keywords in one column separated by commas. Any suggestions for how to generate...
Is there a drupal module that could produce an image like this. I think it's some sort of a tag cloud or something. ...
as you know, some websites have lots of links with keywords in their frontpage. sometimes they use cloudtags and in other cases they even link the "most popular" searches. do you think that could be a good idea for SEO? ...
I have a tag cloud and I need to know how can I change the font-size for the most used tags. I need to set a min-font-size and a max-font-size. ...
Hello everybody, I have to create a simple company blog within drupal-6. That means there should be only one single blog each user can post into. What i have done so far is to create a custom content Type (blog) and a view that displays teasers of the recent blog entries with links to the full blog post. Now i have to create a Tag-Clo...
Does someone have a good idea / way on how to work with the following situation? : Situation is: I have the tables 'releases' and 'ntags', related via 'releases_ntags' (containing 'release_id' and 'ntag_id') Starting with a number of ntag id's I have a query that returns only releases that have all corresponding tags assigned. Thanks t...
Hi, I built a popularity cloud but it doesn't work properly. The txt file is; 1 Top Gear 3 Scrubs 3 The Office (US) 5 Heroes 5 How I Met Your Mother 5 Legend of the Seeker 5 Scrubs ..... in my popularity cloud, names are written their frequency times. For xample, Legend of the Seeker is written 5 times and their size increases. Every...