
Clearing externals during a subversion tag running from MSBuild

Hi, I'm using SvnCopy (from the MSBuild community tasks) to create a tag in Subversion. What I would like to do is for the Externals on any folders in the trunk to not be copied during the process. Is this possible? TIA ...

Efficient implementation of faceted search in relational databases

I am trying to implement a Faceted search or tagging with multiple-tag filtering. In the faceted navigation, only not-empty categories are displayed and the number of items in the category that are also matching already applied criteria is presented in parenthesis. I can get all items having assigned categories using INNER JOINs and ge...

How to get rows from articles table 10 most popular tags?

Hello, I have in my database a table Articles with Article Name and Article Tags. Article tags is a string column with tags in it like this: "people, life, president". Every article is tagged in this fashion. Now i would like to get 10 most popular tags for whole population of articles. How to do this? ...

Video streaming

Hi guys - anyone that can help would be greatly appreciated. I want to setup a video streaming service from my server. I want to store videos on this. Now I was thinking of streaming the video through some form of player (e.g. JWPlayer) and (a) allowing users to step through the video frame by frame (b) tagging the video by associating...

How to get the tag relations results just by using SQL(s)?

Table tags: article_id tag 1 Language 1 Java 1 c++ 2 Language 2 c++ 3 c++ and how can I write SQL(s) query(s) to make the data like below: Table tags_relations: tag1 tag2 relations_degree Language C++ 2 Language Java 1 note: if...

Rails tagging and tag list

I saw alot of good tagging plugins but are these plugins really what I want? I want to: - Tag products, users and news - Search by tags - List all tags like SELECT DISTINCT tag (for a autocomplete tag list and button tags like here on stackoverflow). I'm thinking of a separated model Tag. What is the best way to do it? ...

Rails acts_as_taggable_on multiple tables

I just installed acts_as_taggable_on plugin and I'm trying to do @products = Product.find(:all, :include => [:points, :tags], :conditions => '...', :tags => 'tag1, tag2') As you can see I would like to use find() method with 2 other models (Product,Point,Tag). I would like to use all 3 models in a :condition => {} attribute. Is it pos...

Saving data in SQL Server, the right approach

We have internal application used to publish articles, using SQL Server 2005. For the task I need to save list of tags when a user publishes a post. Should I make a separate table For Tags and update the ID column for a TAG with the id of the post that lists it, using XML column like TABLE_TAGS TAG_NAME varchar, ARTICLE_IDS XML OR ...

Tagging content system - with i18n

The Idea is to have a tagging system between Users and Content(images, videos, posts) Kind of like the tagging system here on SO with questions. I like the achievements system on SO, meaning that after a certain amount of points a user can start making his/her own tags. Same Idea for my system My current table design looks like Tag ...

How to implement tag counting

I have my tags desinged like this in my database: Table: Item Columns: ItemID, Title, Content Table: Tag Columns: TagID, Title Table: ItemTag Columns: ItemID, TagID //example -- this is the right sidebar of stackoverflow c# × 59279 sql × 14885 asp.net-mvc × 9123 linq × 4337 tags × 339 if I wanted to know the count of each ta...

is css for pair tags only?

Hi, i'm trying to understand css and first thing i tried was this: <div style=" height: 100px; width: 100px; border: 1px solid black"/> <div style=" height: 100px; width: 100px; border: 1px solid red"/> and <div style=" height: 100px; width: 100px; border: 1px solid black"></div> <div style=" ...

Ideas for tagging system - should I categorize tags?

Hi guys, I built a simple website which allows users to post their profiles, classifieds and events. Now the thing is that I have a generic tagging system in place here. A user can add tags to define his/her profile, classifieds and events. As an as a user includes new tags - I noticed that certain tags a user uses in certain places bec...

avoiding tag misspellings an erroneous tag data

I'm working on implementing a tagging system in my application. I've been reading some of the other questions on SO about database schemas used to implement tags and they've been very helpful, but I havent' found any that talk about how to combat tag spelling errors and things. So if two people enter the same tag but they are spelled ...

php tagging, remove multiple spaces

I have the following code //check out the tags, if it allready exist update with 1 if not create new record $tag_item = ""; $tags = explode(" ", $tags); foreach($tags as $tag): if(!empty($tag) && $tag != " "): $t_sql = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT id, times FROM shop_tags WHERE tag='".$...

Rails tagging solution

I'm looking to add tagging to an application which I'm currently building. Basically it's a simple quiz system and I want admins who enter the quiz questions to be able to tag them appropriately. These tags will then be used to make sure the correct quiz is generated for the correct user type and also for reporting purposes. I looked a...

Getting rails tagging plugins to work makes me Hulk-angry

I spent all my time yesterday trying to get ANY Rails tagging plugin to work. While installation was straightforward, I have to say the amount of documentation on how to use any of these plugins was dismal at best... For the record, I tried: is_taggable acts_as_taggable_on acts_as_taggable_on_steroids acts_as_taggable_redux In every i...

Does exists a tags field or something like tags in Mac OS for iPhone SDK?

Hi, I want to create a tags system for an iPhone app that let you type the tags names and appear like in some Mac OS software. Like this: Do you know if there's a way to do that? Or if there's a third party library for that? Thank you! ...

Transformation-Based Part-of-Speech Tagging(Brill Tagging)

What are the weaknesses and strengths of the Brill Tagger? Can you suggest some possible improvements for the tagger? ...

Filter posts by multiple tags to return posts that have all those tags, with good performance

StackOverflow lets you search for posts by tags, and lets you filter by an intersection of tags, e.g. ruby x mysql x tags. But typically it's inefficient to retrieve such lists from MySQL using mulitple joins on the taggings. What's a more performant way to implement filter-by-multiple tag queries? Is there a good NoSQL approach to thi...

Designing tag system that can tag multiple db tables

Hi, I am wanting to allow users to tag items so that they can search for them using tags. What is the best way of achieving this cleanly? So far the solution I have come up with only involves adding two extra tables to my current db system. <db Trackable product 1> int id; info etc </> <db Trackable product 2> int id; info etc </> //...