
How to implement a multi-user tag *voting* system (i.e. like Slashdot's story tags)

Hey all, This is a question that's a bit different from the typical "how do I make a tagging system" question, which has been thoroughly discussed on SO and elsewhere. I want to crowdsource tagging so you don't have to rely on the owner of each document to completely list out applicable tags. At the same time, I don't want a random sch...

Any PHP tagging libraries extended for multiple object types?

I have used freetag in other applications. (And I'm satisfied with it in those applications.) But like other tag libraries I have seen, it assumes a singular object type in the tagged objects table. create table tagged_objects ( tag_id int unsigned, object_id int unsigned ); (This is not the table definition from freetag.) ...

How do I retrieve items that are tagged with all the supplied tags in linq?

I seem to be having trouble with this. I have a Task table with an ID, and a Tag table, that has a tag field and a foreign key constraint to the task table. I want to be able to perform AND searches for tasks by tags. So for example, if I search for tasks with the tags "portability" and "testing", I don't want tasks that are tagged ...

Adding Meta Tags to Files and Folders in Windows XP

Is there any softwares available in Windows XP for adding meta tags to files and folders. i am looking for a tools similar to Tags/Punakea in Mac OS. Thanks ...

CakePHP tags behavior header already sent error

Hi folks I'm trying to set up tagging in my CakePHP application. I've been using an article I found here: http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/view/simple-tagging-behavior The problem I'm having is when I add the line var $actsAs = array('Tag'=>array('table_label'=>'tags', 'tags_label'=>'tag', 'separator'=>',')); to my project model. ...

Generate tags base on sentence given. this is for search engine C#

Hi, I'm creating a search engine on one of my project using lucene & asp.net mvc c#. I just wanted to implement auto tagging when the user enter a sentence. Is there an opensource API that can handle this? Example, user enter this sentence: "We offer proofreading services & outsourcing." The API then generates tags like: "proofreadin...

SVN: Problems with tag creation in Eclipse with Subversive

Hello, I'm trying to create to create a tag in svn repo for my project. I use Eclipse and subverive plugin. Every time I try tagging, I get the following error: Tag operation for some of selected resources failed. svn: Commit failed (details follow): svn: No write-lock in '/home/project/directory' Where /home/directory is a dir...

Merging tags with acts_as_taggable_on Rails gem

I'm using acts_as_taggable_on in my Rails app, and I'd like advice on the best way to merge two tags. For example, if I've got a list of Food records, and some are tagged "cheese" and some are tagged "milk," what's the best way to combine these tags into a single "dairy" tag. Should I just find all records tagged with "cheese" and/or ...

[rails] [acts-as-taggable-on] update owner tags via form

I would like to uniquely use owner tags in my app. My problem is that when I create / update a post via a form I only have :tag_list: <%= f.text_field :tag_list %> which only updates the tags for the post but has no owner. If I user :all_tags_list <%= f.text_field :all_tags_list %> it doesn't know the attribute on create / update. I ...

Cross-checking one MySQL table of text content against another table of keywords

Let's say I have two tables: Table 1 has the columns NOTE_ID (a unique key) and NOTE_BODY (a big text blurb). Table 2 has the columns KEYWORD_ID (a unique key) and KEYWORD (a keyword). I want to get a result set that tells me which keywords each NOTE_BODY contains, without nesting a bunch of loops. So ideally I would get a row for ea...

Adding tags to polymorphic models in rails

I'm adding tags to several models (Posts, Articles, Photos, etc). I'm aware of rails tagging plugins but prefer not to use them, as they don't quite meet my specific needs. I know the typical way of implementing polymorphic tagging support is to use 2 tables Tags, Taggings and setup the appropriate has_many :through relationships. B...

How to get last Git tag matching regex criteria

Hi! I need Git command to get/find last tag starting with 'v' to get last versioning commit (I am using tags with v letter at the beginning to tag next application version (example: v0.9.1beta). Is there any way to do it? ...

Should tagging have heirarchies ??

i have always viewed tags as completely different than the normal folder hierarchy model. I am building a system that needs tagging to tag sets of data. We had the db design all worked out, (pretty straight forward model) but a debate arose around the value of still having concepts of hierarchies within a world of tags. On SOF, as an ...

Need help with sql query to find things tagged with all specified tags.

Let's say I have the following tables: TAGS id: integer name: string POSTS id: integer body: text TAGGINGS id: integer tag_id: integer post_id: integer How would I go about writing a query that select all posts that are tagged with ALL of the following tags (name attribute of tags table): "Cheese", "Wine", "Paris", "Frace", "City"...

Need help with sql query to find things with most specified tags

Let's say I have the following tables: TAGS id: integer name: string POSTS id: integer body: text TAGGINGS id: integer tag_id: integer post_id: integer How would I go about writing a query that selects all posts in order of the post containing the highest number of the following tags (name attribute of tags table): "Cheese", "Wine...

MySQL query, many-to-many relationship - Tagcloud and pagination concepts

Does someone have a good idea / way on how to work with the following situation? : Situation is: I have the tables 'releases' and 'ntags', related via 'releases_ntags' (containing 'release_id' and 'ntag_id') Starting with a number of ntag id's I have a query that returns only releases that have all corresponding tags assigned. Thanks t...

Is there a hook available when creating a tag in Subversion?

I think the question explains it all, but let me explain what I want to do. I am playing around with the idea of whenever a tag is created in my repo, all the commit messages entered since the previous tag are entered into a wiki page. That way, people do not need access to the subversion server to see what commits were made for each t...

How is Page Tagging being tracked by Google Analytics?

There is a provision for me to tag the web pages in one of the websites that I am currently using. I want to understand how each of these values of the pages tags are being tracked by GOogle Analytics. To be more specific what metric in Google Analytics tracks this? For example : for a page like www.cricinfo/com/cricket/sachin/profile ...

Tagging support

We would like to add the "tagging" support to the existing websites which uses Java. This tagging support will be used to find the "tagged" items . Are there any libraries that support my use case ? ...

Tagging schema for CouchDB. Would this work?

I am wondering if the following scenario would be amenable to CouchDB? I am building a web-based flashcard application. Users can create flashcards (question on one side, answer on the other). Flashcard authors and other users can tag flashcards with keywords/phrases. Users can retrieve/generate virtual stacks of cards based on tags inc...