
Why use <g:textField /> in Grails?

What is the reason to use g:textField in Grails if you're already familiar with standard HTML form tags? If I understand correctly the following two markup alternatives are equivalent: <input type="text" name="name" value="${params.name}" id="name" /> <g:textField name="name" value="${params.name}" /> Are there any circumstances unde...

how do I integrate GWT with taglib?

Hi! I have an app what uses taglib. I would like to update to display a new GWT dialog. Can you get me any hints/links? Thanks! Jusa ...

Taglibs versus Javaclass: or how to combine both in the best way

I am currently writing a template for OpenCms, a Java based CMS with a very good taglib-support and a powerfull API. Anyway, when I look at tutorials or the source, its about 50-50 that taglibs or Javaclasses are used to generate (html)-output. I try to keep my JSPs clean, meaning not to much scriplet code (instead using JSTL and so o...

Custom taglib - .tag files recompiled on every request. Is this normal?

I'm creating a custom taglib with .tag files. Everything works great, except when I load 2 pages at the same time. It seems the .tag files are re-compiled on every request and the concurrency causes the compilation to fail. Is this normal behavior for .tag files? I would have expected them to be compiled only once. Is there some way t...

Eclipse "cannot find the tag library descriptor"

I have a JEE project which build fine with Ant, deploys perfectly to JBoss, and runs without any trouble. This project includes a few custom tag libraries, which are also working without any difficulties. The problem is with the Eclipse IDE (Ganymede): in every single JSP file which uses our custom tags, the JSP parser flags the taglib ...

GSP taglib import

I'm trying to use GSP outside grails and ran to my first problem. I cannot seem to do a taglib import in my GSPs. Given <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %> When I run my app, I am getting a javax.servlet.ServletException: Creation of template failed: groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Failed to p...

How to encode a parameter with a url in struts?

A list of books is displayed on the page. When a user clicks a book, its detail page is opened. Now the problem is that I need to encode each book's id with the detail page url. The link to detail page is /loadDetailForm.do. If a book has id=23, the link should appear as /loadDetailForm.do?id=23. I am pasting code here: <logic:notEmpt...

Using <s:combobox> in Struts 1

I am using Struts 1.I have a taglibrary <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/WEB-INF/struts-tags.tld" %> This tag library works only in Struts 2.0 Framework.This has a tag which I have used in my application.Now when I had to backtrack to Struts 1 I got an error Could not parse deployment descriptor: java.io.IOException: cannot resolve...

how to pass parameter to a javascript function using struts taglib?

Hi I have a javascript function updateHiddenField(value) that gets a value as parameter and then sets this value as the value of a hidden field. I have a JavaBean flight with parameters id and flightNo. Problem: How can I pass the parameter id of JavaBean flight to the js function updateHiddenField(value) when using <html:link> tag(s...

Is it possible to turn off taglib scanning in Tomcat?

On startup, Tomcat recursively scans the WEB-INF directories for TLD (Tag Library Descriptor) files. As a result, if a webapp has a lot of files under that directory, it slows down the startup process. Does anyone know if there is a way in that situation to turn off scanning completely, or at least provide a filter to narrow the search...

JSP java2d JSP 2d Taglib - Rhino gives me an error

Hi! I'm trying to draw simple 2d things in my JSP application. I found this taglib on http://ditchnet.org/2d/ but it doesn't work as expected... If I start my webapp I get the following error: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP page /index.jsp at line 20 17: 18: Hello World...

Open file in TagLib with Unicode chars in filename

Hello, I am quite new to the C++ 'area' so I hope this will not be just another silly 'C++ strings' question. Here is my problem. I want to integrate TagLib (1.5, 1.6 as soon as I manage to build it for Windows) into an existing Windows MFC VS2005 project. I need it to read audio files metadata (not write). The problem is that the pr...

Using taglib in a Qt application

I'd like to get the length of a media file in a qt application i'm building and so i decided to use taglib. This is the methos that is meant to read the length void loadMetaData(QString file) { QByteArray fileName = QFile::encodeName( file ); const char * encodedName = fileName.constData(); TagLib::FileRef fileref = TagLib::...

Encapsulate menuItem with taglib, jsp, JS?

How could I encapsulate the authentication logic, the URL and the label of a Menu item when I make use of e.g. a Dojo MenuItem widget? What I currently have is this: <auth:isRole role="admin"> <div dojoType="widget.Menu.MenuItem"> <a href="<html:rewrite page="... complicated url ..."/>"> <bean:message key="label.goes.here"...

Declare function in taglib that has an inner class in the signature

Let's say I want to declare a function that has this java signature: public static String getStatusString(ArticleAndStatus aas) { //... } and that ArticleAndStatus is an inner class of org.example.Outer. How would I declare it in a taglib? These both fail: <function> ... <function-signature>java.lang.String ...

Spring security - SecurityContext.authentication null in taglib and jsp but ok in controller

Hi all, I've been struggling with this issue for a little while now. Found several posts about it but none solved my problem. It will probably have something to do with the fact that a SecurityContext is boud to a specific Thread but even then I do not know how to solve it: Consider following code to retrieve the user that was logged i...

Can you get the filename of the jsp file using a taglib in the taglib code

Is it possible to get the filename of the jsp file that uses a taglib from the java code? I.e. public int doStartTag() throws JspException { try { String xxx = pageContext.? Where xxx would get the filename of the jsp file (which of course could be a nested include file) br /B ...

JSON-Taglib library not working w/ SDK 1.6 ??

Hi guys, I'm currently working on a project that uses the json-taglib-0.4.1.jar library to do some json communication between front and back end. That library use to work fine until we migrated to Java 1.6 recently, we were compiling against 1.5 before that. On top of not working anymore, I read it's not available in public reposito...

Missing taglib when using GroovyPagesTemplateEngine

G'day all, I've been processing dynamic GSP content via tags in my own taglib which works just fine using code like: def GroovyPagesTemplateEngine groovyPagesTemplateEngine ... def processGSPContent(model, name, out) { log.debug("model is $model") Template t = groovyPagesTemplateEngine.createTemplate(model.conte...

question concerning JSP and javascript

I'm a JSP newbie, I understand that there are some kind of taglib files as I understand they are some kind of custom defined JSP tags. Here is a snippet of javascript code which I don't understand : Polygon.viewPoint = function( index ){ window.${ec:safeId('polygon.view')}.Point( Page.ListofPoints.elements[index], index, 100 ); ...