
How to compile classes to JDK1.5 when ant is running in JDK1.6

My development environment is running in JDK1.6, and I need to compile some classes so they are compatible with a client running JDK1.5. How would I do this with the 'javac' ant target? ...

How do I join two lists in Java?

Conditions: do not modifiy the original lists; JDK only, no external libraries. Bonus points for a one-liner or a JDK 1.3 version. Is there a simpler way than: List<String> newList = new ArrayList<String>(); newList.addAll(listOne); newList.addAll(listTwo); ...

Cross-platform way to open a file using Java 1.5

I'm using Java 1.5 and I'd like to launch the associated application to open the file. I know that Java 1.6 introduced the Desktop API, but I need a solution for Java 1.5. So far I found a way to do it in Windows: Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{ "rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", fileName }); ...

Location of 1.5.x JDK source code

I have installed Eclipse 3.3 on Mac OS X and it does not contain the src.zip file I am used to seeing with Windows and Linux installations. Where can I download the complete source code for the Java 1.5 JDK (must be specific versions). I have been able to locate the full source code, however it contained the ungenerated Buffer implemen...

Where are the class files located in JDK folder?

This may sound like a stupid question. Where are the core class files from Sun, like Button.class, located in the JDK installation folder C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_12? Or do the class files reside in C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_12 folder? ...

Button text disappearing with 4Gb Ram and IBM Java 1.5

We have a very strange error occurring at a developer site which we are unable to replicate ourselves. A developer in Poland has recently upgraded his Windows XP Service Pack 3 machine to 4Gb of Ram When he did so he started experiencing graphical errors in java programs using IBM JDK 1.5 This errors only occur in IBM JDK 1.5 and not in...

Why does JAXB 2.0 with jdk1.5 fail to recognize string enumerations that start with a numeral?

Following is the sample schema I used to try to generate the JAXB classes. What I noticed is that when I have a string type with enumerations, for instance, in my case the stepType, with values starting with a numeral, JAXB does not generate a separate enum class say StepType class. It works fine, when I use only alphabets for the valu...

Why does my UUID use too much time?

String s = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); return s.substring(0,8) + s.substring(9,13) + s.substring(14,18) + s.substring(19,23) + s.substring(24); I use JDK1.5's UUID, but it uses too much time when I connect/disconnect from the net. I think the UUID may want to access some net. Can anybody help me? ...

Alternative to javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap().getContentType(filename);

I have some code: import javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap; ... .. . String filename = "foo.xls"; // Where this can be any file name .doc, .pdf or whatever String headerContentType = new MimetypesFileTypeMap().getContentType(filename); It seems javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap class is inside rt.jar which comes with JRE Sys...

IntelliJ not recognising JDK version

I have write one java project on IntelliJ idea 8.1.1.When I go to compile option of IntelliJ IDEA 8.1.1 then it shows pop-up message box, in that it shows error- cannot determine version for JDK Update JDK configuration. Even though I have proper JDK version, I have jdk1.5.0 installed in my PC working properly with other environm...

SystemTray for jdk 1.5

I am converting code from jdk 1.6 to jdk 1.5 and the code is: import java.awt.SystemTray; public static void main(String[] args) { if (SystemTray.isSupported()) { SystemTray tray = SystemTray.getSystemTray(); } try { tray.add(trayIcon); } catch (AWTException e) { System.err.println("TrayIcon could...

Resource files for language having characters other than ISO 8859

Hi, We are implementing i18n using JSTL and encountered an issue that the resource texts defined in .properties file and having non ISO 8859 characters (e.g. inidic languages) can not be rendered by tag. After diving through the code of tag and BundleHelper class ultimately we found that it internally uses ResourceBundle.getBundle met...

Java - Installation problem

I am having the following message while installing JDK 1.5.0_06, 1.5.0_09, etc. "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library" Assertion Failed! Program: C;\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_06\bin\javaw.exe File:../../../src/share/native/sun/font/t2k/t2kstrm.c Line:132 Expression: pos<=t->maxPos For information on how your program can cause an as...

Why does NetBeans still use JDK 1.5?

This question has always bothered me. And the NetBeans wiki does not say anything about that... Besides, JDK 1.5 will complete the End of Life process very soon and 1.6 has been around for quite a while. So why do they still use version 1.5 even if 1.6 is available on all Netbeans-supported platforms? ...

How to redirect verbose garbage collection output to a file?

How to redirect verbose garbage collection output to a file? Suns site shows an example for unix but it doesn't work for windows. ...

Gotchas in JDK 6

Are there any gotchas in JDK 6 which did not exist in earlier versions? I am interested in finding out some surprising changes like the following one in the way Timestamp.valueOf() works. Timestamp.valueOf(), when provided with a timestamp which contains a date or a month with a single digit. eg. 2009-9-20, 2009-9-3, 2009-12-4 etc., beh...

JSON-Taglib library not working w/ SDK 1.6 ??

Hi guys, I'm currently working on a project that uses the json-taglib-0.4.1.jar library to do some json communication between front and back end. That library use to work fine until we migrated to Java 1.6 recently, we were compiling against 1.5 before that. On top of not working anymore, I read it's not available in public reposito...

JAXWS code generation and implementation along side Spring for JDK1.5

We're trying to generate source code stubs from a series of WSDLs (each with their own XSDs). We can do this fine and works perfectly under JDK1.6, however we need it to work under JDK1.5. We're using jaxws-maven-plugin to generate the source code, however it depends on the wsimport binary being available (this is not available in JDK1...

JAXB unmarshalling ignoring namespace turns element attributes into null.

I'm trying to use JAXB to unmarshal an xml file into objects but have come across a few difficulties. The actual project has a few thousand lines in the xml file so i've reproduced the error on a smaller scale as follows: The XML file: The XSD file for producing JAXB classes <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"&...

Java generics, explain please

What do T and S mean? public void main(String... abc) ; what does ... mean? Is ... called generic as well? ...