We are implementing i18n using JSTL and encountered an issue that the resource texts defined in .properties file and having non ISO 8859 characters (e.g. inidic languages) can not be rendered by tag.
After diving through the code of tag and BundleHelper class ultimately we found that it internally uses ResourceBundle.getBundle method which in turn use PropertyResourceBundle to load the .properties file as resource bundle.
It internally relies on java.util.Properties#load(InputStream) method which does not support reading of non ISO 8859 characters and the only work around is to represent such characters in /u hex hex hex hex format, which is quite impractical in case if entire .properties file is for Hindi language !
Is there any work around for this. I tried using XML Format in .properties file but it was not recognized by PropertyResourceBundle !
Environment details are : Jdk 1.5, Weblogic 9.2