
What tags do you use in the tasklist (e.g. Visual studio 2008)

In our code, we currently use the following tags that can in turn be listed in the visual studio's tasklist: TODO to mark tasks inside the code the need to be done // TODO: optimize this loop HACK to mark code that is only there to make something work for the moment, for instance for a presentation // HACK: assume we know the users ...

Tasklist CPU % usage

I'm trying to use tasklist to find out which process is consuming more than X percent of my CPU (to later kill it with taskkill.) How do I know what percent does a time format represents? The documentations says: TASKLIST options /FI filter And one filter may be: CPUTIME eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le CPU...

Most efficient way to scan the windows process list?

So I'm currently working on a project that needs to time when certain processes are running. I'm trying to figure out the most efficient way to scan the process list, then check the process list executable names against the list of supported programs. Essentially the problem is two parts: 1) Most efficient way to get the process execut...

Top Moleskine (Journal) Techniques or "Hacks" to help you as a developer with daily tasks or projects.

What are the top / proven Moleskine techniques that have helped you as a developer/programmer on managing your daily tasks or projects. Are there any API cheatsheets available that can be printed out and fit into a Moleskine that you know of, for either Pocket 3.5x5.5 or Large Notebook 5.25x8.25? ...

Adding Tasks programmatically into the taskList in sharepoint

hi, I have Task List on URL, what I want , when the page loads, the Task list should be loaded with all the aggregated tasks of its sub sites. I want to do it in C# ...

How to display task name in CruiseControl.NET while processing

Hello. I have installed CruiseControl.NET and created project with 3 tasks on taskList in nAnt. But when I run project to process on CruiseControl.NET I see only that: Executing Nant :BuildFile: ..\project.build Targets: compile, test, docu And my project is processing and processing ages and does not stop. And I can not figure out if...

Get active processes through Java on Windows 2000 Pro

I want to get the name of all active process on a Win2000 machine. I know that "tlist -s" is the command, but to use this, the "tlist.exe" has to be extracted from the Win2000 CD-ROM. I also know "tasklist" only works on XP or greater. I am running my tests on VM Ware, and do not have a CD-ROM. Is there another way to programmatically g...

TODO: comments are not showing up in the Task List

I had to reinstall all my development tools after a hard drive failure and I'm having a problem with Visual Studio. I had a bunch of //TODO: items scattered throughout my projects and I can't get them to show up in my Task List under the User Tasks. I restarted Visual Studio to no effect, then I checked the tokens in the Task List setti...

Filtered tasklist piped into find doesn't show console output?

Windows XP Pro This shows output in the console: dir | find " free" This doesn't: tasklist | find "Image Name" This does: tasklist | find /C "Image Name" And this does write the expected line into the file: tasklist | find "Image Name" > foo.txt What causes that? ...

ICustomDestinationList windows7 taskbar feature

hi I am looking for the windows7 ICustomDestinationList implementation using typelibrary. Can anyone please provide an idl defenition or tlb typelibrary ..? ...

List javascript tasks in Visual Studio Task list

Hello. Is there a way to configure Visual Studio 2008 to display TODO comments in .js files or script-tags in the task list? Now only todo comments from the C# code is displayed. Thanks Endre ...

How do I Continue a batch file only if a process IS running

I have successfully managed to hold a batch file until a process ends. But how do I hold a batch file until a process starts? I am working using the following code: @echo off set process_1="calc.exe" set process_2="mmc.exe" set ignore_result=INFO: set no_ignore=mmc.exe :1 for /f "usebackq" %%M in (`tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq %pro...

Batch File help needed for PsList/PsKill when a process is over a specific age (elapsed time)

I'd like to request some help in creating a Batch file to run on a windows server which will monitor processes which sometimes get "stuck" and linger after they should be killed. Specifcally, I can see the "age" of a process in the Elapsed Time column of the PsList command http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896682.aspx N...

How to disable task scanning for PHP edition of Netbeans 6.9

Task scanning on very large projects seems to bog down the IDE. I love this editor and it's ability to parse large complex projects such as Magento, but performance can get iffy. According to this answer, it used to be possible to disable the plugin, but it seems that version 6.9 of Netbeans has made that impossible. Any ideas on how...

Android, get icons of running activities?

I've got a list of running processes from ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo, like this: ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Service.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); List<ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo> processes; processes = am.getRunningAppProcesses(); for(ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo info: process...