
Get files from TFS under Linux

Hi, is there a free (command line) tool for linux which with I can get all files from a TFS-Repository (no Check in / Check out required - only get actual version)? greets CFI ...

Is it the best way to have a "software development project manager" who is a great developer himself?

Hi, How does it work in the market? If possible to generalize, is it a critical point to have a project leader to be a developer himself? If he is not so much in coding, how can he understand what the rest is really talking about. If he is so much good on programming he might have difficulties on leading probably. If you think about t...

How do you maintain technical contracts between development teams?

For example team A and team B are working on different applications that need to implement a similar feature. The feature in question relies on a database and the database is under the control of team B. Even though the user interfaces of the two applications are based on different technologies, the functionality is supposed to be roughl...

How would you store encrypted information in public DVCS repository?

Hello Everyone, I have projects that multiple developers are working on. We all work off the same git repository. Currently, I do not store production server configuration in the repository, because the configuration files contain database credentials. I would like to start storing these configurations in the repository, so I'm thinki...

Academic Studies Into Benefits of Team Work in Software Development

Hi All I need to find some good statistics from reputable sources on the benefits of software developers working in a team. We use Scrum - so anything linked to this in particular would be really beneficial but not essential. I have 5 developers of differing skill levels and I feel that they need to work as a team. However, if my b...

Separating rapid development from refactoring/optimization

I'm working in a team of 2 front-end developers on a web-based late-stage startup project. The site works quite well, but there's a lot of room for improvement code-wise, as the code is quite messy and disorganized. I would like to clean things up gradually by writing tests and carefully refactoring to avoid breaking anything. (Using p...

Agile QA/Dev team building excercise

Does anyone have a good team building excercise to help bring together disparate teams like the QA/Development teams? I am the companies "agile coach" (as much as I hate that term), I am the one that is tasked with making our company more agile and bring on more agile tasks/techniques. That being said, I am trying to mend gaps between ...

What are the best practices for a small distributed team which will work on a Drupal project?

Hi, after some research, we opted for working with Drupal on our next project and we are a distributed team. Since Drupal stores (based on what we saw until now) all it's content on a database, how can we, as a distributed team work together on this project? What are the best practices we should take? We thought about using a shared...

Specifications for Servers for Team Based Development

Background My business is getting more and more requests for web development and as such I'm adding another .NET Developer to the team. My current development environment is really poor, just a single PC (Windows XP) with a local IIS installation hosting web development projects. I open those with Visual Studio 2008 Professional, with ...

How do deal with developers that over complicate projects

Hey, So I think every team has one of those developers that is always "cutting edge" or wants to over complicate something that can be kept simple. My preference is why build a rocket when you only need a bike? So how do you deal with those team members? What if they have the mentality that since you are telling them its to complicated...

How to capture lessons learnt after a project

Hi All, When a project or large body of work has been finished, what's the best way to reflect and learn from what worked and what didn't, and why. I've work on a couple of teams and haven't seen any of this type of information captured in a meaningful way. I'm thinking wikis, team meetings, formal reports, blog posts??? ...

Can different git-svn clones of the same svn repository expect to be able to share changes then git svn dcommit ?

Hi, I've read a great deal of "go from svn to git" and other "git-svn workflow" articles on the web, and still I think they often deal with overly simple situations. They are often targeted at guys who just want to use git and hack locally, without using the full power of git, like pull, fetch, merge and the like between multiple develo...

Software development team meetings

Hi All, This is not a programming question, but its suitable to all programmers and developers working in a team. I am a software developer, in a team of 4 developers and 1 DBA. Our team leader just came up with a idea about team meetings. In past, we used to have a weekly meeting to discuss everyone's weekly performance and any proble...

Managing CSS conflicts

So i am working with a few CSS developers and every now and then we run into layout issues which have been fixed previously because one of the css developer did something which conflicted with something else. We are already using SVN .. each CSS guy has his own css file he works with. So my question is what steps should be taken to mini...

How do small programming teams work in C# .NET?

What tools/plugins do you use for checking in/out code? how to communicate changes made to the code, how to make request for new functionality? How has your team solved this? ...

What helpful tactics have you employed to keep your development team on-track?

I realize that this is a subjective question, so I've marked it as a community wiki. I think that it is pretty specific to programming teams, though, so I've posted it here as opposed to somewhere else. I'm leading a small game development team (four people) as a side project. We are a disjoint team, with everyone in different places, b...

How can we improve our development environment in a small team ?

Since 1.5 years, I am a part of a relative small development team with less than 5 developers (not all of the team members are stable and some have left the project during the time I was here). We have a project manager and a parallel team of 3 people who do mostly business stuff and customer care, occasionally testing the software befor...

What are the responsibilities of a project manager in a small team of developers ?

We have a relatively small team of developers with less than 5 people in it and a project manager. What do you think is the typical set of responsibilities a project manager should have in such a team ? I am looking at the thing more from the developer's perspective and want to know what should I expect from the manager and what should I...

Enforced reading list for development & test team

Seriously, is this a good idea? Is it reasonable to instruct your team to read certain books - outside of business hours! Before you write me off as a crackpot, bear with me... I head a medium-sized team (6 developers and 5 testers). We have quite a well documented software dev process that we adhere to most of the time. In o...

Evaluating developers

I am a technical team leader of a small programming team, working on a project for an external client. I was recently asked to produce written evaluations of my team members. I feel uncomfortable doing this, because I don't see myself as a management person and never thought of my colleagues much deeper than "A is reliable and B is a la...