
What is a lookup table?

I just gave a database diagram for a DB I created to our head database person and she put a bunch of notes on it suggesting that I rename certain tables so it is clear they are lookup tables (add "lu" to the beginning of the table name). My problem is that these don't fit the definition of what I consider a look up table to be. I have ...

Difference between tertiary and ternary ?

It is my understanding that, the conditional operator ( condition ? consequence : alternative ) is often referred to as both the “tertiary operator” and the “ternary operator”. What is the difference between these terms? ...

System Document describing what the system does.

We have a bunch of requirements documents and class diagrams, but are missing the document that brings it all together. What is the correct term for a document that gives an overview of what a system does? Or what is the best way to present an overall picture of what is going on. Something that starts with a high level picture of what’...

What is a hierarchical communication protocol?

What is a hierarchical communication protocol? I came across so many topics on hierarchical routing, hierarchical protocol and the basic idea of this hierarchical structure is to provide anonymity over a network. Does it have anything to do with "Hierarchical communication networks"? There is no reference of hierarchical communication p...

Terminology: What features must a language have for it to be considered a dynamically typed language?

What features must a language have for it to be considered a dynamically typed language ...

x>y && z==5 - how are parts of this expression called?

Hi, I know && is the logical operator here, also conditions on the left and on the right are operands, right? Like: 1+1 is an expression where + is the operator and the numbers are operands. I just do not know whether the condition itself is called the operand as well because it get compared by an operator. I guess so.+ Thanks ...

Object persistence terminology: 'repository' vs. 'store' vs. 'context' vs. 'retriever' vs. (...)

I'm not sure how to name data store classes when designing a program's data access layer (DAL). (By data store class, I mean a class that is responsible to read a persisted object into memory, or to persist an in-memory object.) It seems reasonable to name a data store class according to two things: what kinds of objects it handles; ...

What is the correct term for the following functional programming pattern?

I've heard it referred to as a stream, as an infinite list, and sometimes even as a lazy sequence. What is the correct term for the following pattern? (Clojure code shown) (def first$ first) (defn second$ [str] (cond (empty? str) () true ((first (rest str))))) (defn stream-builder [next_ n] (cons n (cons (fn [] (stream-bu...

Is there terminology for flat dictionary, tree dictionary, etc. compression schemes?

I'm trying to learn more about compression. Suppose we have the following string: double, double toil and trouble; fire burn, and caldron bubble. The notation I use below is similar to that used for formal grammars. Capital letters are nonterminals, lowercase letters are terminals, and S is the start symbol. Example of encoding wi...

What is Vendor Application Support?

I just saw this term on a job I was applying for and I'm not entirely certain what it means. If I had to take a guess at it I'd say it means supporting end users of other vendors software, but I'm not entirely sure about that. To give you some context the job is at a hospital as a web developer/technical analyst. ...

What to call part of a url

So I've got a base Uri of: https://graph.facebook.com/ Ok, you can append various sub paths such as this to their API: /me/friends /322323232 etc. So you'd end up with something like this for their API calls: https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends?access_token=2343sdfse43..... What would you call the /me/friends portion of this u...

What is a Smalltalk "image"?

What is a Smalltalk "image"? Is it like serializing a Smalltalk run-time? ...

property name for input or output

This is just a general terminology question. We have an object which represents a "signal" which can be an input or output. We are trying to think of a name for the property which indicates this. The best we have come up with is "direction", but I think there must be a better term for the "in/out-ness" of a signal? ...

What does "href" stand for in HTML?

I understand what the "href" attribute in the anchor tag (<a />) is for, but what does the "h" stand for? ...

"pageview" term in web world

Hi there, I'm building a web app and need to implement "how many times the item is being viewed". What is the term of "being viewed"? is it every time someone goes to that page or being counted once for the same session? please help ...

programming terms and abbreviations pronunciation

hello What is proper pronunciation for the following: Haskell RAII SFINAE [ sfee-nuh-ye? ] ublas [ yu-blas? oo-blas? mu-blas? ] lib (as in libm) [ libe? leeb? lib? ] pyc (python byte code) [ pike? pi-see? ] And more general question, is there database of MP3 files with pronunciations specific to programming? Thank you ...

Difference between Primary Key, Unique Key and candidate key

What is difference between Primary Key, Unique Key and candidate key? ...

What exactly is "handle" ?

I've often heard about "handles", what exactly are those? Edit: For instance I have heard about: windows handles event handles file handles and so on. Are those things the same? Or they are some abstract terms? ...

What is red box, yellow box and green box testing?

I can find many explanations on difference between black box and white box testing, but couldn't find any better explanation on Red box, Yellow box and Green box testing. Can someone please explain these types of testing terms? Examples will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. ...

what is constraints in dbms ?

hi all i want to know that while we create a forigen key for any table then why we use constraints like.. CREATE TABLE Persons ( PersonID int identity(1,1) NOT NULL, FirstName nvarchar(20), LastName nvarchar(20) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PrimKeyPeople PRIMARY KEY(PersonID) ); here all ready PersonID is primary key then why ...