
Vocabulary: path in a graph of objects?

Hi. I'm having trouble with the following sentence: DeepClone performs a deep clone of the target object, stopping the cloning process when all <dependency paths> have reached a value type or an ITransactionalObject. What I mean by "dependency path" is the chain of references you follow in the cloning process: object A has a ...

What is Polymorphism

Possible Duplicate: What is Polymorphism? My teacher said "Add Polymorphism to your code". What is Polymorphism? ...

How is called a C/C++ program without end?

I mean a program based on events, a "static" program that don't just do a task but waits for events, etc. and doesn't end until the user manually close it. EDIT: I have answered below, for example the programs we use every day and are based in Windows, like Microsoft Word, Firefox, etc. What is this type of program called? How is it pos...

What does "fixed format" mean?

Starting in Office 2007, it is possible to save documents in PDF or XPS format. This is done (programmatically) by calling the method ExportAsFixedFormat. Googling has not turned up any definition of "fixed format" that seems compatible with what I know about the PDF file format. Is there a widely-accepted definition of this term? ...

Name for graph where disc connecting two points contains no other points?

Hello! The problem is the following: Given is a set of points P on a 2-dimensional plane. Each with two points (p, q) are connected by an edge, if a circle with the diameter pq exists, which does NOT contain any other points from P and if p and q are on the circumcircle. (so p and q are the ending points of the diameter of the circle)...

Translating "plumbing" from english(explanation)

What means: Support for several bindings (e.g., raw HTTP, TCP, MSMQ, and named pipes) allows to choose the most appropriate PLUMBING to transport message data. ...

Stack-related terms

There is a lot of use of "up/down the stack" and similar terminology on this site. What do the following mean? Tear down the stack (in an exception) At the top of the stack (this must where the recent method calls are, as that is the order of the stack when I see them in .NET exceptions) (Thus, bottom of the stack is vice versa) ...

Why do so many people confuse "/" as a backslash?

This question will probably get closed. But I am very curious so I wanted to ask it anyways in hopes it will start a good discussion. It seems like more people think / is a backslash then the ones who know its not. I have even hear radio ads that say: Our site dot com back slash jobs You would think at least one person at the ad ...

What is meant by diameter of a network?

The diagram shown on this link of the "A graph with 6 vertices and 7 edges where the vertex no 6 on the far-left is a leaf vertex or a pendant vertex." has DIAMETER 4? right or wrong? Definitions are The diameter of a graph is the maximum eccentricity of any vertex in the graph. That is, it is the greatest distance between any...

Difference Between Parameter And Argument?

is there a difference between a parameter and an argument, or are they simply synonyms? ...

What is the official marketing name for C# 4?

What is the official marketing name for C# 4? Apress writes "Visual C# 2010 Recipes" Apress also writes "Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4 platform" O'Reilly also writes "Microsoft Visual C# 2010" Jon Skeet and Scott Hanselman both write C# 4 yet Dino Esposito writes C# 4.0 this MSDN page is entitled Visual C# 2010 Samples, refers to C# 4.0, ...

What does "monolithic" mean?

I've seen it in the context of classes. I suspect it means that the class could use being broken down into logical subunits, but I can't find a good definition. Could you give some examples? Thanks for the help. Edit: I love the smart replies, but I'm obviously referring to "monolithic" within a software context. I know about monoliths...

Java compiler/interpreter

Hi , Why we say java is compiled and interpreted language.What is the advantage over this(being compiled/interpreted) ...

What topics fall under architecture?

Hi, I am an experienced coder. During the time I learnt C#, I followed a set of topics eg serialisation, exception handling, graphics, etc. However, what topics are there in architecture and software design? My list contains the concept of roundtrips, tiers, layering, is there anything else? Thanks ...

Linear Linked List - valid/common terminology?

Is speaking of a linear linked linked in contrast to a circular linked list a valid / common term? For some examples I'm posting to my students I need to distinguish between both and don't want to use terms which don't actually exist! ...

What is cloud computing?

Possible Duplicate: What is cloud computing? After watching this, I realized that not many people really know what cloud computing actually is (including me), and many people have different ideas. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PNuQHUiV3Q I thought I understood cloud computing as applications like online google "apps" (gmai...

difference between SDK and IDE

I'm a little bit confused about these two terms, can somebody explain what is the difference, for example Eclipse is an example of IDE, there I can edit, debug, compile my program, but the same things I can do with SDK, am I wrong? thanks in advance ...

What is a "real" programming language?

Recently a teacher said "PHP isn't a real programming language", but only gave, in my opinion, weak justification: It's not compiled. It's scripted. It doesn't run on every platform. Is PHP not considered a "real" programming language? What is a "real" programming language? Must a language be compiled to be taken seriously? Backgr...

Inversion of Control < Dependency Injection

I'm getting the feeling that there's is not such thing as inversion of control or rather the correct term is dependency injection. Am I wrong to assume this? I've been trying to define IoC for my own sake. In doing so I've learned a great deal about IoC containers and dependency injection. Just now, I read this from Martin Fowler's web...

What is mean by epilog and prolog?

hi , While reading some calling convention in some CPU architecture i read something like "epilog and prolog" , when a function is called from another function. Can anybody give more inputs on this? /renjith_g ...