
web site testcase sample format

hi , For web development , Can u send some sample test case xls report , Or is there any good open source plz refer , Is there any free automated testing for php web development , Thanks ...

Junit 3 to JUnit 4 conversion

I had the following version of a test in JUnit 3, and I tried converting it into JUnit 4, with no success. The idea is to have a base test case, that does the actual test of an interface, say Service interface. I want to test the ServiceImpl class, using the base test case. public abstract class ServiceBaseTest extends TestCase { p...

Jira as Test Case Management Tool

Hello, I have reviewed several test case management solutions available for Jira such as: http://www.testandtry.com/2009/07/01/test-case-management-in-jira-1/ http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONFEVAL/Customise+JIRA+For+Test+Case+Management I was wondering if it is possible to expand this test case management solution even mo...

problem in getting ouput on console when using ant to run test case

hi, i have written one ant script, that internally runs one java code. Below is the java code and ant script :- <junit printsummary="yes"> <formatter usefile="false" type="plain"/> <test name="com.junit.test.TestSuite"/> <classpath> <path refid="validator.classpath" /> <path refid="lib.release.classpath" /> <path refid="lib.e...