
Simple online testcase management tool

Hello! I am desperately looking for a simple, online test case management tool. Something inexpensive, for a small team, similar to the on demand version of fogbugz.com. I have found lots of tools but most are hundreds of dollars per license... I have heard of Testopia but this is based on bugzilla. I would like something independent...

Is there a JUnit 4+ test case execution priority toolkit?

Is there a JUnit 4+ test case execution priority toolkit? In the development teams I work we use JUnit 4+ for basic/unit testing and also for integration testing and system testing. 1) One trait of the integration and system test cases is that they generally take longer time to execute than unit tests, typically between 1 second - 60 ...

Get example matches that fit a regular expression

Possible Duplicates: Random Text generator based on regex Using Regex to generate Strings rather than match them Hi, I need a matches generator for my regular expressions. E.g. for input like: [A-Z]+[0-9]? I get output: FDLJUIOAF LFDSJKHI8 B IJKL5 And so on. I need this to show client what commands are currently suppo...

Need help on writing php testing files to test my PHP controller class

Hello all,followed by my previous website development,we have built several controller classs corresponding to entities that will appear in our website development.and our website is very simple:just a shopping website for customers to book bus for travel. Now I am assigned a challenging task that need to be done,that is ,for a single c...

how to get Tests run count on running same testCase for multiple times with different data

hi i want to run same testcase for multiple times with different data for example if i run the same testcase for 3 times with different data it should show Tests run: 3,failures : 0 when i tried am getting Tests run : 1 failures : 0 only any suggestions? import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.experimental.theories.*; import o...

NUnit TestCase with Generics

Is there any way to pass generic types using a TestCase to a test in NUnit? This is what I would like to do but the syntax is not correct... [Test] [TestCase<IMyInterface, MyConcreteClass>] public void MyMethod_GenericCall_MakesGenericCall<TInterface, TConcreteClass>() { // Arrange // Act var response = MyClassUnderTest.My...

Java Junit testing problem

Hi All, I am using Junit 4. My whole program is working fine. I am trying to write a test case. But there is one error... here is very basic sample test public class di extends TestCase{ private static Records testRec; public void testAbc() { Assert.assertTrue( "There should be some thing.", di....

What are various methods for discovering test cases

All, I am a developer but like to know more about testing process and methods. I believe this helps me write more solid code as it improves the cases I can test using my unit tests before delivering product to the test team. I have recently started looking at Test Driven Development and Exploratory testing approach to software projects....

Black box test cases for insertion procedure

insertion_procedure (int a[], int p [], int N) { int i,j,k; for (i=0; i<=N; i++) p[i] = i; for (i=2; i<=N; i++) { k = p[i]; j = 1; while (a[p[j-1]] > a[k]) {p[j] = p[j-1]; j--} p[j] = k; } } What would be few good test cases for this particular insertion procedure? ...

Defining jUnit Test cases Correctly

I am new to Unit Testing and therefore wanted to do some practical exercise to get familiar with the jUnit framework. I created a program that implements a String multiplier public String multiply(String number1, String number2) In order to test the multiplier method, I created a test suite consisting of the following test cases (wi...

Neural Networks test cases

Does increasing the number of test cases training data in case of Precision Neural Networks may led to problems (like over-fitting for example)..? Does it always good to increase test cases training data number? Will that always lead to conversion ? If no, what are these cases.. an example would be better.. Thanks, ...

JUnit test cases for method which may include call to other methods

Hi I am new to Junit.I am using JUnit 3.8. My problem is,the methods of my application involve database operations(insert,update,delete...) and also one method may have call to number of other methods. I am hardcoding the input values in the test cases.So for the first time the test case,for example record insertion, passes.For the seco...

How do I simplify these NUNit tests?

These three tests are identical, except that they use a different static function to create a StartInfo instance. I have this pattern coming up all trough my testcode, and would love to be be able to simplify this using [TestCase], or any other way that reduces boilerplate code. To the best of my knowledge I'm not allowed to use a dele...

How can I do such a typical unittest?

This is a simple structure in my project: MyAPP--- note--- __init__.py views.py urls.py test.py models.py auth-- ... template--- auth--- login.html regist...

how to add dozen of test cases to a test suite automatically in python

Hi All, i have dozen of test cases in different folders. In the root directory there is a test runner. unittest\ package1\ test1.py test2.py package2\ test3.py test4.py testrunner.py Currently I added the four test cases manually into a test suite import unittest from package1.test1 import Test1 from package1....

Test cases for string inputs

What are all test cases (and test test case brainstorming questions) related to string inputs? Individual answers may contain questions specific to certain domains (eg email address) but should probably point to a separate wiki-question. Please add your answer BOTH to the question and to the list of answers so that individual items may...

Test Case Work Items in Visual Studio 2010

I am running TFS 2008 and plan to upgrade to TFS 2010. There is no Test Case work item in TFS 2008 (only in TFS 2010) and I am wondering what is best, to create a Test Case work item in TFS 2008 and later import in TFS 2010, or, create the test cases in Excel and use the CodePlex utility to import into TFS 2010? ...

test suite for CSV specification?

i am facing some problem for writing test suite (test cases)for basic CSV specification . i have no idea how to write that? can anyone help? ...

What tools can I use to document testcases?

Can someone recommend an easy to use, flexible, lightweight tool to document test cases? I have to test a GUI and there are very many test cases, which are currently held in an Excel spreadsheet right now. When I walk through all the tests, I mark the successful cases with a 1 and the others with a 0. Then, Excel calculates the sum and ...

how to use rspec to validate the ruby code?

class UbacParser def initialize(str) @str= str @valid= true base_parse end private def base_parse @protocol_code = Integer(@str[0..2]) rescue nil begin @data = @str[@str.index('<')[email protected]('>')-1] str_mod = @str[@str.index('>##')+1..-1] arr_mod=str_...