
Rspec: testing nested controllers

Hello. I have a nested controller that works fine, and I'd like to setup rspec to also test a nested controlled, but it doesn't test the controller unless I specify it. i.e. my rspec test controller is here: /spec/controllers/organizations/memberships_controller.rb but when I run rspec to test everything, it tests everything except th...

Blackbox testing of multithreaded programs

I test of multithreaded program. But i dont want to use unit testing method. I want to use blackbox method in my testing work. I know that for testing of multithreaded application I have to use multicore processor, and give load for application and testing synchronization and locks between interfaces my program, but the bugs that I find...

Avoiding protected level accessors and equality methods in Ruby testing

I have some Ruby code that uses protected level attr_readers to be able to implement an == method so that we can assert some resultant Calendar is equal to an expected Calendar), but those protected accessors would not be needed for any code besides assertions in test code. Some code I have looks like this: class Calendar def i...

Test a mobile website for Android or BlackBerry

How do I test a mobile website for Android or BlackBerry without having the actual device? ...

Test database to test performance tuning techniques in Oracle

Hello gurus, I want to test some performance tuning techniques on a realistic database with many database tables and a lot of data. I would like to do this in Oracle 11g Release 1 and would like to know how best to go about this or if there is a website I could get realistic datasets/database from. Many thanks for your audience. Cheer...

Testing call order across mock objects with Mox and Python

Hi, I'm testing a function that obtains a skeleton object from one helper object, modifies it using a second helper, and passes the modified object back to the first helper. Something along the lines of: class ReadModifyUpdate(object): def __init__(self, store, modifier): self._store = store self._modifier = modifie...

How can I automate website testing with Perl?

Possible Duplicate: Integration Testing for a Web App I've recently delved into Perl and I'd like to learn how to automate web site testing. To that end I'd appreciate answers to the following: What modules from CPAN should I look into? Is there something similar to Watir (I know there's a Windows only port of it in Perl)? I...

Anyone have a large folder tree sample?

I'm doing some testing that requires a large folder tree. 1000s of folders, 100000s of files, atleast a gigabyte but not over 5 thats a little big. (around 2 is fine). Anyone have one that they use as a test file? I can provide storage and transfer mechanism to share if you need it. ...

RoR: Chained Stub using Mocha

Is it possible to stub an entire chain using Mocha? For example, I want to stub: User.first.posts.find(params[:id]) such that it returns a predefined post instance instead of accessing the database. Ideally, I'd want to do something like: @post = Post.new User.any_instance.stubs(:posts,:find).returns(@post) As you can see, I'm stub...

Recording website load times?

I am trying to record the time it takes to load my website on an average (say 10 runs) from various locations in the world. For this, I was thinking of using a list of proxies to achieve this and am not sure this is the perfect way of doing this. Is there a Firefox add-on that lets me time this perhaps using Firebug itself? Is there a...

Error while executing Integration Test with JSON output

Below is my action in the controller. I am to btest this action via an integration test. This would require me to mock the session objects as well. I have started with the integration test , but hve no luck with it. def listData= { def playerId=session["playerId”] tuneInstanceList = tuneService.calculateId(playerId) ...

Testing tutorial and interview questions

Can anyone provide me Tutorial documents for Testing and interview questions for Testing based on Fresher level and experience level ? ...

What is CMS testing anyway?

My company recently did a POC and have decided to use an commercial CMS. It is being implemented and we have been asked to Test it. What is there to be tested in a 3rd party CMS that has already been tested and being sold in the market?. Any direction would be great! ...

MOQ 'TestMethod(Action<int> callback)' and be able to 'call' callback.

Oook, I'm wanting to mock a callback that I know my service will call. For example: public interface ITestMe { void TestMethod(Action<int> callback); } In the application, when calling 'TestMethod' I would pass the callback method to hit after it has run, which will do something based on the parameters. Typically, in this case it's us...

Which testing frameworks to use for asp.net websites and why

I use visual studio 2005 and now my team wants me to try my hand at some testing frameworks for asp.net websites.I'm completely new to testing. I want to know what kind of automated testing can I do.Can I test my business logic,Can I test my UI.I just started using NUnit and I am getting a hang of it. For Web UI testing I've tried Nunit ...

Is there ever a use for a class that only contains public instance-fields?

I was performing a code review and I saw a class that a developer had created, that only contained public instance-fields. This class is not used in business logic; it is merely used to hold test data (the developer created this for a test). Is this alright? Why or why not? ...

Testing android application. How to allow for Intent.ACTION_PICK?

I have an application which launches startActivityForResult so user can choose a picture. I don't want to test this, just mock a choice and return to the main Activity. How to do that? getActivity() fails with RuntimeException: Unable to resolve activity for: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN ... blah..blah..blah.. ...

Assumptions when deciding on Equivalence Partitions for Black Box Testing

Hi All I'd be interested in people's thoughts on what assumptions are reasonable when deciding on equivalence partions for black box test inputs. To keep things simple, let's say we have a command line app, and it can do five tasks. Upon running the app, the user selects which task he wants to perform by entering 1,2,3,4 or 5. Once the...

Tests run from command line but not in RubyMine - No tests were found

I am trying to use RubyMine to run the tests in an existing project. Unfortunately, whenever I attempt to do so I receive the message that No tests were found and the bottom of test console output I see the message: Errors running test:units and test:functionals! Empty test suite. Process finished with exit code 1 I have tried runni...

py.test with non-python tests (specifically, with cxxtest)

Hi, I work with a team that develops MPI-based C++ numerical applications. The group uses cxxtest for constructing individual unit tests or small suites, but 1) there are some complications aggregating across directories with cxxtest's usual features and 2) there are some integration tests that are simply easier to implement "from the ou...