
How to pass data stored in table between test pages in fitnesse

In my fitnesse project i've got one table which stores authentication data to database. I'm using it on each site. Is it possible to have one site with that table and allow all other test sites use data from it? how i can define global table with variables that i need? ...

How to test concurrent access to resource (cache) in Perl?

How can I test that resource (file based cache for caching output of a webapp in Perl) behaves sanely under concurrent access to said shared resource? I wrote a simple file-based cache, written in Perl, which uses locking to serialize write access, i.e. to have only one process that (re)generates cache entry. This cache is to be used...

Something similar to NUnit TestCaseSource in Visual Studio unit testing

Is there anything similar to NUnit TestCaseSource attribute in Visual Studio unit testing? The closest solution I found was to use a DataSource. But I don't want to store my test case parameters in a data source. ...

unit testing uniqueness of a field of an entity

Hi Guys, I am writting unit tests for various bean property constraints. For most of the constraints such is field length , format of the field and whether a field is null or not, i am able to test using the JSR303 validation API. My question is, how do i write a unit test for this constraint: 'The field username of entity User must be...

What is a sanity test/check

What is it and why is it used/useful? ...

What is a smoke test?

Possible Duplicates: What is a smoke testing and what will it do for me? What is a sanity test/check What is a smoke test and why is it useful? ...

Open source tools for testing purpose in Mac OS X

Hi all, Currently i am using Mac OS X 10.6.4 and i want to know what are the tools(automated & manual) that i can install in my mac for testing purpose.Generally i need this for different kind of Website & Mobile platform testing. ...

Are there any provable real-world languages? (scala?)

I was taught about formal systems at university, but I was disappointed how they didn't seem to be used in the real word. I like the idea of being able to know that some code (object, function, whatever) works, not by testing, but by proof. I'm sure we're all familiar with the parallels that don't exist between physical engineering and...