
Can you 'kill' to the end of a line in Visual Studio 2008?

In Unix-y editors, you can often press CTRL-k (kill) to delete everything after the text caret position on the current line. Is there an equivalent "single action" in the Visual Studio 2008 text editor? ...

Mac os x; fast text editor for RTF format with colors and change background

Hi, I am llokig, for programming, a simple text editor, but wiuth the following requirements: 1- must be ultrafast to start 2- can use RTF format or some other else so I can color text easily, with a pane on screen where i select colors 3- it is possible to easily change the bacjground color thanks ...

When is Visual mode used in Vim?

I'm relatively new to the world of Vim. I've been learning my way around it but have yet to find a practical purpose to enter visual mode. What are some scenarios when visual mode is especially useful? Are there actions that can only be performed from within visual mode? ...

Are there any free code editor WinForms controls?

I'm searching for a free text/code editor WinForms control just like ScintillaNET. I cannot use ScintillaNET, because it doesn't support Mono. Ideally it should be a pure managed control. ...

Text Editor For Assembly

I'm now developing on Assembly under Linux, but I love to develop on a editor that have syntax highlight feature. Then I want to know what is the best one for Assembly(that has syntax highlight). ...

A text editor which allows configuration of text to select when it is double clicked

From my experience, most text editors will, when double clicking a block of text, break the selected text by dashed lines but not for underscores. E.g: Double click the word 'text' of this sentence with underscores: this_text_block Double click the word 'text' of this sentence with dashes: this-text-block However, in different si...

I want to change the way text is represented internally in ANY Text Editor

I want to use a algorithm to reduce memory used to save the particular text file.I don't really know how text is stored but i have an idea in mind. Would it be better to extend a open source text editor (if yes than which one) or write a text editor myself. It would be nice if someone could also give me a link or tutorial to some basic...

Is it possible to change backround color of editor and autocomplete tooltips in Visual Studio?

I changed color scheme for Visual Studio, setting a background color to black. Also I use Visual Assis to enhance color syntax. Now code looks great, but autocompletion list and editor tooltip are shown on the default white background. WIth new color scheme it looks awful. In Completion list and Editor tooltip I can't change enything e...

change background colour for Visual Studio Code Editor

How can we change the background colour for Visual Studio Code Editor? ...

How to Limit the Search Scope in VI/VIM?

Find and replace scope can be limited like this: :16,256s/search_term/replacement/gc I don't want to replace my search term with any other text, I just want to find them. I tried the following, but it didn't help: :16,256/search_term # Notice that there is no 's' here Thanks for your time! ...

Text editor wrapping actual text - not display

Hello there, I see text online and text files that have been wrapped to 80 chars wide however I cannot seem to find a text editor or function that 'maintains' the wrapping to 80 characters - not just the appearance of the text but the actual text itself. How do I do this in Notepad++? What about vim? Thanks ...

Are there any XML Editors with FTP and file-tree browsing combined?

Are there any (free preferably) XML Editors combined with FTP and file-tree browsing Project wide find+Replace I.e A bit like what Dreamweaver MX is but with fancier XML capabilities /XSLT /XSD Perhaps even DW does this...im still on an older version. I'd like to keep a smooth flow between find-edit-view-upload any ideas? B...

How to programmatically reload a text editor in Eclipse?

In Eclipse, if I change a file programmatically, and it is open in a text editor, it doesn't always reload, not even when refreshing the resource programmatically. How can I forcibly reload the text editor from code so that it show the changed file contents? ...

Help with Jquery editor

Hi guys, I am using the Jhtml text editor(jHtmlArea-0.6.0.js) Downloaded from the site(http://jhtmlarea.codeplex.com/). I have made some custom changes like adding more events to it. TEven after that, sometimes after adding text/content the events(onchange,onblur....) does not get triggered and the user looses the content when he tries...

Deleting up to a certain line in vim

I know that to delete n lines, the command is [n]dd, where n is the number of lines to delete. But what if I want to delete up to a certain line number? Say, if I'm on line 65 and I want to delete up to line 126 without having to do the math, how could I do that? ...

How to count how many time a word occurs in an xml file.

I was given the task of doing quality check on a machine translation xml file. The translations are from English to a foreign language. I have about 2000 translation blocks in the file and I have to check 200 of them by adding my remarks in the block enclosed in a < comment > tag with a quality attribute. Is there a linux command or some...

Text editor which can run external conversion program

Hello All BeyondCompare has this conversion feature which can run an external program on certain file type and open the file generated. For eg. If a file has format *.abc which is a binary file and if i have an external program which reads this binary and convert it to text with a different extension like *.xyz, i can associate beyondco...

Which text editor to add line break (not word wrap) at same column throughout source code file?

I'm preparing some documentation and need to format my source code with line breaks that need to appear in column 70 throughout the file. The text editors I have only seem to have features to word wrap the source at this column. I'm wondering whether I need to do this manually since - because of the varying length of the last word at t...

Free Lightweight IDE/Text Editor for Windows - C++ Development

I have searched a lot for the exact development tool that fits my requirements, but could not find it anywhere. Here are my requirements: 1) Free. 2) Lightweight. (Eclipse is out). 3) Can handle a large project. 4) Input: Just the source tree, and possibly makefiles. No project/solution files. 5) Indexing - Auto Completion and "Go ...

How to set working/current directory in Vim?

So when I want to create a new file by using the :e command I don't want to specify the whole path, just the new filename. Can it be done? ...