
Fully managed text editor component for .NET/Winforms

I'm basically looking for a replacement for RichTextBox or TextBox components that is fully written in c# without using pinvokes in order to keep cross platform compatibility. RichTextBox contains for example functionality to highlight URLs in the text and provide a handler for event when user clicks on the link. But there is no way to ...

Good & Free Editor in Mac OS with highlighting and side-by-side editing/comparison

Good & Free Editor in Mac OS with highlighting and side-by-side editing/comparison. I need it for: XML, C++ and PHP. Thanks in advance. ...

Indicate programming language in a file without extension

When writing executable scripts, and declarative configuration files that use a common language (eg. Python), I often find it undesirable to add an extension to the file name. Many syntax-highlighting text editor (eg. Geany) are subsequently unable to automatically determine the filetype. Is there any standard method for indicating to e...

swing text editor that color and highlight.

hi, i am writing an application that the user need to writes a javascript script as an input, right now i have a simple JTextArea but i would like to change it with something that will do some highlights and code coloring to make the script more coherent. do you know any open source thing that does that? thanks ...

Programmers Editors on Windows for Indic language editing

Hi All, We're going to be building some J2ME apps and J2ee/Rails webapps which will have a Kannada(a south indian language, for those who don't know much about India) UI. The UI and the data will both be in Kannada for these apps. So, we will need to write code containing some of these language text in the source code. I find it irrita...

Free text editor with subversion/source control support on mac

Is there any? Right now i am using netbeans for this! Just to write some notes. ...

How was your "Text Editor Transition" according to your preferred languages (html, css c++, python, java , etc..)?

I thought it would be interesting to know how people's tool preferences evolve. Mine was like this (Web development): Dreamweaver (or Expression Web) -> I realized that WYSIWYG sucks -> Textmate (or E Text-Editor) -> I got sick of paid software becasue they are generally heavier and updates are harder to get -> Eclipse (Aptana) -> I go...

Ajax Control Toolkit HTML Editor Customization Problem ?

How to Change default setting for ACT HTML Editor? I want to load editor with for example Selected Bold Button or with rtl direction instead of ltr defaultly. How can I perform that? I overrided FillTopToolbar() method to add Custom buttons but I dont Know how to change default settings. as Default ltr is selected I want to change it to ...

Text editor and text-file-based hyperlinks

Background: It seems that some text editors and IDEs are starting to get more "browser-like" in their features. Specifically, one such feature is the ability to treat ordinary text in an open text buffer as a hyperlink to another file, resource, or even a runnable command. Programming this as an editor plugin or macro Since this seems...

How to get an outline view in sublime texteditor?

How do I get an outline view in sublime code editor for Windos? http://www.sublimetext.com/ The minimap is helpful but I miss a traditional outline (a klickable list of all the functions in my code in the order they appear for quick navigation and orientation) Maybe there is a plugin, addon or similar? It would also be nice if you can ...

Pygame integrated text editor

Hello, I am looking for an integrated pygame text editor, that is, something that can run in a pygame window without hijacking the event loop. I don't need anything fancy, just a basic editor. I have looked at pgu, and it is just barely ok, I am in the midst of modifying it to better suit my needs. Ocempgui is pretty cool, but seems a b...

Rationale of choosing difference new line representation by Unix, Mac, DOS/Windows?

Does anyone know the original rationale, or story, of the different platforms each choosing a different, yet similar to some degree, new line representation? There must be some design decisions made originally. (I don't believe this is all random choice ...) Unix/Mac OS X: LF (\n) Mac OS 9 and before: CR (\r) DOS/Windows: CRLF (\r\n) ...

What are some common character encodings that a text editor should support?

I have a text editor that can load ASCII and Unicode files. It automatically detects the encoding by looking for the BOM at the beginning of the file and/or searching the first 256 bytes for characters > 0x7f. What other encodings should be supported, and what characteristics would make that encoding easy to auto-detect? ...

Is there anyway to enable MultiSelect in the StyledTextCtrl

I've noticed that the StyledTextControl (Scintilla basically) in wxWidgets has a great feature that allows multi-selections of text, just like TextMate. However wxRuby doesn't seem to have the function calls to support that feature. I'm wonder if there is a way to enable it or if there might be a way I could rewrite that wrapper to inclu...

google blogspot using editor name

In Google BlogSpot, what type of editor they are using for type the message/comment/post, please find attachment, ...

Does anyone know of a syntax checker for classic ASP ?

As part of my my web development system I have written a text editor witch (among other formats like CSS and HTML) has got ASP syntax highlighting. Does anyone know of an ASP syntax checker program of (preferably) DLL that I could call from within this editor, so that I could present my users with a list of errors (like I already do wit...

How do I progrmatically (via JQuery) set the content of the YUI text editor?

Hey all, I expect this is a newbie question despite smashing my head against the YUI documentation. I have a page with a YUI Simple Editor (called 'myEditor'). It hooks to a text area called 'posttext'. New editing is fine, but the problem I am solving right now involves the user clicking on one or more existing elements, and putting...

text editing with macros

I run into situations where I have to repeat a single line of text with some minor editing. For example: 1. insert into table_name (col_one, col_two) values (val_1, val_2); 2. insert into table_name (col_one, col_two) values (val_3, val_4); 3. insert into table_name (col_one, col_two) values (val_5, val_6); and so on... (1000 records) ...

What unix text editor should I learn?

Maybe this should be a community wiki page... What unix text editor should I learn? My co-workers mostly use vi. I am thinking about vim because the syntax highlighting seems appealing. Is there any advantage to vi over vim? I know that there are a lot of emacs fans out there too? Is there any reason to learn a specific editor? ...

Good text/code editor for Linux

So, I think I'm going to do some coding on Linux soon, but so far the biggest turn-off for me was that I'm very reluctant to move away from my current text/code editor. I'm looking for a Linux text/code editor (either GUI or text-based) which is (or can be configured to be) as close as possible to my current setup of FAR Manager's built-...