
Getting Emacs to respect my default shell + options

I'm trying to get my Emacs shell to mimic that of my standard terminal sessions. Basically I would like it to respect the same PATH as well as the command prompt. So far I have a few issues: PATH isn't found, below is the fix I'm using for that. I'm getting ascii color codes all over the place with another fix I tried. I have the f...

Cleanly translate (x to y) and (y to x) using a find/replace/regex in TextMate.

I want to change this: _(with(new FuListNode )->isList())->shouldBe(true); _(with(new FuListNodes)->isList())->shouldBe(false); _(with(new FuTreeNode )->isList())->shouldBe(true); _(with(new FuTreeNodes)->isList())->shouldBe(false); } } to this (look at the booleans at the end): _(with(new FuListNode )->isList())->shouldBe(false); _(...

Compatibility between Browsers in ASPNET

I'm using HTML Editor in my website. It is not visible in IE8 and Google Chrome. Any other Free html editor link is there which will support all the browsers?. ( Moreover, after clicking the HTML Editor, ajax is not working for me in that page. ) I need any other HTML Editor which will support all kind of browser especially Google Chro...

Modifying a custom defun to not conflict with Magit

I use the following smart-tab defun in my .emacs for either completion on a word or just to do a standard tab: (global-set-key [(tab)] 'smart-tab) (defun smart-tab () "This smart tab is minibuffer compliant: it acts as usual in the minibuffer. Else, if mark is active, indents region. Else if point is at the end of a symbol, ex...

Eclipse-plugin how to get current text editor corsor position

I try to show popup dialog at text cursor position in editor. How can I get text cursor position of active editor (Point) and show popup dialog at this point? ...

How do I use Notepad++ (or other) with msysgit?

How do I use Notepad++ (or any other editor besides vim) with msysgit? I tried all of the following to no avail: git config --global core.editor C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe git config --global core.editor "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" git config --global core.editor C:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe ...

Who invented zen coding and is there a published specification somewhere ?

Background: "Zen coding" is apparently the name of a style of text-entry in an IDE or editor whereby the user can type small abbreviations that are expanded into HTML. This is not necessarily a new idea, just an elaboration on an old one that many editors support. The nice thing about it is that the manual entry takes on an aspect of ...

Mac Text Editor that Support SSH Keys

I have a workmate who only uses a Mac. Being unfamiliar with Mac text editors, I'm wondering if anyone can recommend one that will allow SFTP access using ssh keys (not just passwords). ...

Intelligent file search for windows that can ignore whitespace and search in code?

Does anybody know a Windows based searching tool that is easy to use and is programmer friendly. The functions I am looking for: Ignore white space in search = capable to find myTestFunction ( $parameter, $another_parameter, $yet_another_parameter ) { doThis(); using the query myTestFunction($parameter,$another_parameter,$yet_an...

Fullscreen editors?

Whilst fiddling recently with Ulysses 2.0 - "The definitive creative writing package", I was struck by how effective the fullscreen/console mode was at focusing my mind on actually getting words on the page. Are there any code editors that include a similar function? Or even a hack that allows code highlighting in Ulysees? Preferably, ...

What's my current cursor position?

This is not an Eclipse-programming question, but rather a question about the Eclipse user-interface in general. I am writing a verilog source-code in an Eclipse text-editor using the simplifIDE plug-in. I want to align my code so that variable names always start at offset 33 (32 spaces from the left margin) Does Eclipse have an option...

HTML text editor in ASP.NET 2.0

I am developing a web application where user has the option to send email to other users. I am looking for any in-built HTML text editor for ASP.NET 2.0. I know latest AJAX release for .NET 3.5 has provided this control. I am looking for a similar control but in ASP.NET 2.0. Is there any other UI control that is build using Javscript or...

Text editor with function calls references

In the DOS era I used a text editor (forgot the name) which had a outstanding feature. Whenever i was over a function call, hitting a key combination it took me to the function definition. Also, when I was in the function definition, I was able to see all calls to that function. Something like This function is called from: function1, ...

Working on PHP projects on a remote dev server via sFTP

Hello, I'm looking for an editor that can read and write remote PHP files via sFTP. I'm talking about not having a local copy of my PHP files. But here is the tricky part : I'd like that editor to be aware of all the files in my projet, and provide me with intellisense-like auto-completion, classes structures, etc...Just like Eclipse P...

Emacs session / projects / window management

Hello, I am working with Ruby on Rails projects most of the time so I need a way to save projects and the state of the buffers/windows I am working on, mostly because I often find myself switching to a different project for a few minutes and then going back to the project I was working on. Desktop.el seems to be very close except for th...

rich text editor in c sharp

hi. I want to use a rich text editor like TinyMCE in my windows aplication. Is there any solution for this? ...

A text editor that auto-folds parentheses?

I have some big messy SQL procedures that I'm debugging, and they tend to have a lot of heavily nested parentheses: SELECT * FROM (SELECT F1,F2 FROM TABLE1 AS X LEFT JOIN (SELECT F9,F8 FROM (SELECT F13,F14 FROM TABLE4) AS J INNER JOIN TABLE3 ON...) AS B ON X.F1=B.F9) AS X1 I'm looking for an editor that can automatically mark and op...

Text Editor for Ruby-on-Rails

guys which text editor is good for Rubyonrails? i m using Windows and i was using E-Texteditor but its not free n its expired now can anyone plese tell me any free texteditor? n which one is best an light among netbeans and aptana? ...

Specific programming text editor for simple open/close editing

I'm looking for very specific text editor: Closes on ESC, no project management or tabs Syntax highlighting - preferably with color themes (e.g. can apply different color themes without changing C# coloring definition) or, at least, can load/save themes; support for C/C#/XML/HTML/JavaScript/etc - common MS/.NET world - out of box Confi...

Spell Checking in Programmer's Notepad

Is there a way to add spell checking to Programmer's Notepad? This one feature is a major make or break for me, and otherwise PNotepad is my favorite to use on windows (KATE on linux). ...